FC publications

Françoise Combes
Astronome à l'Observatoire de Paris

(Refereed publications are bold-numbered)

NGC4438 simulation

NASA-ADS Citations

Google Scholar Citations


as of 10-Sep-2024
Ask: francoise.combes@obspm.fr

1048-: Zhang, L., Packham, C., Hicks, E.K.S., Davies, R.I., Shimizu, T.T., Alonso-Herrero, A., Munoz, L.H., Garcia-Bernete, I., Pereira-Santaella, M., Audibert, A., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Bellocch, E., Bunker, A.J., Combes, F., Diaz-Santos, T., Gandhi, P., Garcia-Burillo, S., Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Imanishi, M., Labiano, A., Leist, M.T., Levenson, N.A., Ramos Almeida, C., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Rosario, D.J., Stalevski, M., Ward, M.J., Esparza-Arredondo, D., Delaney, D., Fuller, L., Haidar, H., Hoenig, S., Izumi, T., Rouan,D.: 2024, The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). (IV): Exploring Ionized Gas Outflows in Central Kiloparsec Regions of GATOS Seyferts, ApJ, in press, arXiv:2409.09771

1047-: Zhang, L., Garcia-Bernete, I., Packham, C., Donnan, F.R., Rigopoulou, D., Hicks, E.K.S., Davies, R.I., Shimizu, T.T., Alonso-Herrero, A., Ramos Almeida, C., Pereira-Santaella, M., Ricci, C., Bunker, A.J., Leist, M.T., Rosario, D.J., Garcia-Burillo, S., Munoz, L.H., Combes, F., Imanishi, M., Labiano, A., Esparza-Arredondo, D., Bellocchi, E., Audibert, A., Fuller, L., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Hoenig, S., Izumi, T., Levenson, N.A., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Rouan, D., Stalevski, M., Ward, M.J.: 2024; The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). (VI): Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in the Central Regions of Three Seyferts, ApJL, in press, arXiv:2409.09772

1046-: Garcia-Bernete, I., Rigopoulou, D., Donnan, F.R., Alonso-Herrero, A., Pereira-Santella, M., Shimizu, T., Davies, R., Roche, P.F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Labiano, A., Hermosa Munoz, L., Zhang, L., Audibert, A., Bellocchi, E., Bunker, A., Combes, F., Delaney, D., Esparza-Arredondo, D., Gandhi, P., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Hoenig, S.F., Imanishi, M., Hicks, E.K.S., Fuller, L., Leist, M., Levenson, N.A., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Packham, C., Ramos Almeida, C., Ricci, C., Stalevski, M., Villar Martin, M., Ward, M.J.: 2024, The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). V: Unveiling PAH survival and resilience in the circumnuclear regions of AGN with JWST, A and A, in press, arXiv:2409.05686

1045-: Zakharova, D., Vulcani, B., De Lucia, G., Finn, R.A., Rudnick, G., Combes, F., Castignani, G., Fontanot, F., Jablonka, P., Xie, L., Hirschmann, M.: 2024, Virgo Filaments. III. The gas content of galaxies in filaments as predicted by the GAEA semi-analytic model, A and A, in press, arXiv:2408.17367

1044-: Wagenveld, J.D., Kloeckner, H-R., Gupta, N., Sekhar, S., Jagannathan, P., Deka, P.P., Jose, J., Balashev, S.A., Borgaonkar, D., Chatterjee, A., Combes, F., Emig, K.L., Gaunekar, A.N., Hilton, M., Jozsa, G.I.G., Klutse, D.Y., Knowles, K., Krogager, J.K., Momjian, E., Muller, S., Sikhosana, S.P.: 2024, The MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey Data Release 2: Wideband continuum catalogues and a measurement of the cosmic radio dipole, A and A, in press, arXiv:2408.16619

1043-: Hermosa Munoz, L., Alonso-Herrero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Garcia-Bernete, I., Garcia-Burillo, S., Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Davies, R., Shimizu, T., Esparza-Arredondo, D., Hicks, E.K.S., Haidar, H., Leist, M., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Ramos Almeida, C., Rosario, D., Zhang, L., Audibert, A., Bellocchi, E., Boorman, P., Bunker, A.J., Combes, F., Campbell, S., Diaz-Santos, T., Fuller, L., Gandhi, P., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Honig, S., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Labiano, A., Levenson, N.A., Packham, C., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Rouan, D., Stalevski, M., Villar-Martin, M., Ward, M.J., 2024, A biconical ionised gas outflow and evidence for positive feedback in NGC 7172 uncovered by MIRI/JWST, A and A, in press, arXiv:2407.15807

1042-: Bilek, M., Combes, F., Nagesh, S.F., Hilker, M.: 2024, Globular cluster orbital decay in dwarf galaxies with MOND and CDM: Impact of supernova feedback, A and A, in press, arXiv:2407.11139

1041-: Melchior, A-L., Combes, F.: 2024, Tracing any activity of M31's nucleus with mm/submm wavelength observations, eas conf.1600

1040-: Halle, A.,Mazzilli-Ciraulo, B., Combes, F., Maschmann, D., Melchior, A-L.: 2024, Disentangling a system of galaxies from optical and molecular IFU data compared with numerical modelling and simulations, eas conf.1729

1039-: Halle, A., El-Zant, A., Freundlich, J., Combes, F.: 2024, Bar pattern speed in galactic discs embedded in fuzzy dark matter haloes, eas conf.1791

1038-: Shaji, A., Melchior, A-L., Combes, F., Halle, A.: 2024, Unravelling the Mysteries of a Peculiar Galaxy Group Falling onto Abell 2142: Insights from Optical Ionized Gas, eas conf.2115

1037-: Boin, T., Di Matteo, P., Khoperskov, S., Fragkoudi, F., Ghosh, S., Combes, F., Haywood, M., Katz, D.: 2024, The disc origin of the Milky Way bulge: On the high velocity dispersion of metal-rich stars at low latitude, A and A, in press, arXiv:2407.09799

1036-: Melchior, A-L., Combes, F.: 2024, M31 nucleus: molecular and ionised gas content upper limits, A and A, in press, arXiv:2406.19295

1035-: Davies, R., Shimizu, T., Pereira-Santaella, M., Alonso-Herrero, A., Audibert, A., Bellocchi, E., Boorman, P., Campbell, S., Cao, Y., Combes, F. et al.: 2024, GATOS: missing molecular gas in the outflow of NGC5728 revealed by JWST, A and A, in press, arXiv:2406.17072

1034-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Hicks, E.K.S., Alonso-Herrero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Usero, A., Querejeta, M., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Delaney, D., Ramos Almeida, C., Combes, F., Angles-Alcazar, D., Audibert, A., Bellocchi, E., Davies, R.I., Davis, T.A., Elford, J.S., Garcia-Bernete, I., Hoenig, S., Labiano, A., Leist, M.T., Levenson, N.A., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Mercedes-Feliz, J., Packham, C., Ricci, C., Rosario, D.J., Shimizu, T., Stalevski, M., Zhang, L.: 2024, Deciphering the imprint of AGN feedback in Seyfert galaxies: Nuclear-scale molecular gas deficits, A and A, in press, arXiv:2406.11398

1033-: Lankhaar, B., Aalto, S., Wethers, C., Moldon, J., Beswick, R., Gorski, M., Koenig, S., Yang, C., Mangum, J., Gallagher, J., Combes, F., Rigopoulou, D., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Muller, S., Garcia-Bernete, I., Henkel, C., Nishimura, Y., Ricci, C.: 2024, The fountain of the luminous infrared galaxy Zw049.057 as traced by its OH megamaser, A and A, in press, arXiv:2406.07620

1032-: Dasyra, K.M., Paraschos, G.F., Combes, F., Patapis, P., Helou, G., Papachristou, M., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Bisbas, T.G., Spinoglio, L., Armus, L., Malkan, M., 2024, A case study of gas impacted by black-hole jets with the JWST: outflows, bow shocks, and high excitation of the gas in the galaxy IC5063 ApJ, in press, arXiv:2406.03218

1031-: Maccagni, F.M., de Blok, W.J.G., Mancera Pina, P.E., Ragusa, E., Iodice, E., Spavone, M., McGaugh, S., Oman, K.A., Oosterloo, T.A., Koribalski, B.S., Kim, M., Adams, E.A.K., Amram, P., Bosma, A., Bigiel, F., Brinks, E., Chemin, L., Combes, F., Gibson, B., Healy, J., Holwerda, B.W., Jozsa, G.I.G., Kamphuis, P., Kleiner, D., Kurapati, S., Marasco, A., Spekkens, K., Veronese, S., Walter, F., Zabel, N., Zijlstra, A.: 2024, MHONGOOSE discovery of a gas-rich low-surface brightness galaxy in the Dorado Group, A and A, in press, arXiv:2405.17000

1030-: Euclid Collaboration, Mellier, Y, et al.: Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission, A and A, in press, arXiv:2405.13491

1029-: Bagchi, J., Ray, S., Dhiwar, S., Dabhade, P., Barth, A., Ho, L.C., Mirakhor, M.S., Walker, S.A., Nesvadba, N., Combes, F., Fabian, F., Jacob, J: 2024, Unveiling the Bulge-Disc Structure, AGN Feedback, and Baryon Landscape in a Massive Spiral Galaxy with Mpc-Scale Radio Jets, MNRAS, in press, arXiv:2405.01910

1028-: Haidar, H., Rosario, D.J., Alonso-Herrero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Garcia-Bernete, I., Campbell, S., Honig, S.F., Ramos Almeida, C., Hicks, E., Delaney, D., Davies, R., Ricci, C., Harrison, C.M., Leist, M., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Garcia-Burillo, S., Zhang, L. Packham, C., Gandhi, P., Audibert, A., Bellocchi, E., Boorman, P., Bunker, A., Combes, F., Diaz Santos, T., Donnan, F.R., Gonzalez Martin, O., Hermosa Munoz, L., Charidis, M., Labiano, A., Levenson, N.A., May, D., Rigopoulou, D., Rodriguez Ardila, A., Shimizu, T.T., Stalevski, M., Ward, M.: 2024, Dust beyond the torus: Revealing the mid-infrared heart of local Seyfert ESO 428-G14 with JWST/MIRI, MNRAS, 532, 4645, arXiv:2404.16100

1027-: de Blok W.J.G., Healy, J., Maccagni, F.M., the MHONGOOSE survey team, 2024, MHONGOOSE - A MeerKAT Nearby Galaxy HI Survey, A and A, in press, arXiv:2404.01774

1026-: Gorski, M.D., Aalto, S., Koenig, S., Wethers, C.F., Yang, C., Muller, S., Onishi, K., Sato, M., Falstad, N., Mangum, J.G., Linden, S.T., Combes, F., Martin, S., Imanishi, M., Wada, K., Barcos-Munoz, L., Stanley, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., van der Werf, P.P., Evans, A.S., Henkel, C., Viti, S., Harada, N., Diaz-Santos, T., Gallagher, J.S., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E: 2024, A spectacular galactic scale magnetohydrodynamic powered wind in ESO 320-G030, A and A, 684, L11, arXiv:2403.16759

1025-: Rose, T., McNamara, B.R., Combes, F., Edge, A.C., McDonald, M., O'Sullivan, E., Russell, H., Fabian, A.C., Ferland, G., Salome, P., Tremblay, G.: 2024, Two distinct molecular cloud populations detected in massive galaxies, MNRAS, 533, 771, arXiv:2403.03974

1024-: Esposito, F., Alonso-Herrero, A., Garcia-Burillo, S., Casasola, ., Combes, F., Dallacasa, D., Davies, R., Garcia-Bernete, I., Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Hermosa Munoz, L., Peralta de Arriba, L., Pereira-Santaella, M., Pozzi, F., Ramos Almeida, C., Shimizu, T., Vallini, L., Bellocchi, E., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Hicks, E.K.S., Hoenig, S., Labiano, A., Levenson, N.A., Ricci, C., Rosario, D.J.: 2024, AGN feedback in the Local Universe: multiphase outflow of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5506, A and A, 686, A46, arXiv:2403.03981

1023-: Wethers, C.F., Aalto, S., Privon, G.C., Stanley, F., Gallagher, J., Gorski, M., Konig, S., Onishi, K., Sato, M., Yang, C., Beswick, R., Barcos-Munoz, L., Combes, F., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A.S., Garcia-Bernete, I., Henkel, C., Imanishi, M., Martin, S., Muller, S., Nishimura, Y., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Viti, S.: 2024, Double, double, toil, and trouble: The tails, bubbles, and knots of the local compact obscured nucleus galaxy NGC4418, A and A, 683, A27, arXiv:2402.17590

1022-: Nishimura, Y., Aalto, S., Gorski, M.D., Konig, S., Onishi, K., Wethers, C., Yang, C., Barcos-Munoz, L., Combes, F., Diaz-Santos, T., Gallagher, J.S., Garcia-Burillo, S., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Greve, T.R., Harada, N., Henkel, C., Imanishi, M., Kohno, K., Linden, S.T., Mangum, J.G., Martin, S., Muller, S., Privon, G.C., Ricci, C., Stanley, F., van der Werf, P.P., Viti, S.: 2024, CON-quest II. Spatially and spectrally-resolved HCN/HCO+ line ratios in local luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies, A and A, 686, A48, arXiv:2402.15436

1021-: Healy, J., de Blok, W.J.G., Maccagni, F.M., Amram, P., Chemin, L., Combes, F., Holwerda, B.W., Kamphuis, P., Pisano, D.J., Schinnerer, E., Spekkens, K., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Walter, F., Adams, E.A.K., Gibson, B.K., Kleiner, D., Veronese, S., Zabel, N., English, J., Carignan, C.: 2024, Possible origins of anomalous HI gas around MHONGOOSE galaxy, NGC 5068, A and A, 687,A254, arXiv:2402.13749

1020-: Cornu, D., Salome, P., Semelin, B., Marchal, A., Freundlich, J., Aicardi, S., Lu, X., Sainton, G., Mertens, F., Combes, F., Tasse, C.: 2024, YOLO-CIANNA: Galaxy detection with deep learning in radio data. I. A new YOLO-inspired source detection method applied to the SKAO SDC1, A and A, in press, arXiv:2402.05925

1019-: Muller, S., Le Gal, R., Roueff, E., Black, J., Faure, A., Guelin, M., Omont, A., Gerin, M., Combes, F., Aalto, S.: 2024, Protonated acetylene in the z=0.89 molecular absorber toward PKS1830-211, A and A, 683, A62, arXiv:2401.09975

1018-: Leist, M.T., Packham, C., Rosario, D.J.V., Hope, D.A., Alonso-Herrero, A., Hicks, E.K.S., Honig, S., Zhang, L., Davies, R., Diaz-Santos, T., Ganzalez-Martin, O., Bellocchi, E., Boorman, P.G., Combes, F., Garcia-Bernete, I., Garcia-Burillo, S., Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Haidar, H., Ichikawa, K., Imanishi, M., Jefferies, S.M., Labiano, A., Levenson, N.A., Nikutta, R., Pereira-Santaella, M., Ramos Almedia, C., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Schaefer, W., Stalevski, M., Ward, M.J., Fuller, L., Izumi, T., Rouan, D., Shimizu, T. : 2024, Deconvolution of JWST/MIRI Images: Applications to an AGN Model and GATOS Observations of NGC 5728, AJ. 167, 96, arXiv:2312.14307

1017-: Omoruyi, O., Tremblay, G.R., Combes, F., Davis, T.A., Gladders, M.D., Vikhlinin, A., Nulsen, P., Kharb, P., Baum, S.A., O'Dea, C.P., Sharon, K., Terrazas, B.A., Nevin, R., Schechter, A.L., Zuhone, J.A., McDonald, M., Dahle, H., Bayliss, M.B., Connor, T., Florian, M.,Rigby, J.R., Vaddi,S.: 2024, "Beads on a String" Star Formation Tied to one of the most Powerful AGN Outbursts Observed in a Cool Core Galaxy Cluster, Astrophys. J. 963, 1, arXiv:2312.06762

1016-: Deka, P.P., Gupta, N., Chen, H.W., Johnson, S.D., Noterdaeme, P., Combes, F., Boettcher, E., Balashev, S.A., Emig, K.L., Jozsa, G.I.G., Kloeckner, H-R., Krogager, J-K., Momjian, E., Petitjean, P., Rudie, G.C., Wagenveld, J., Zahedy, F.S.: 2024, MALS discovery of a rare HI 21-cm absorber at z=1.35: origin of the absorbing gas in powerful AGN, Astron. Astrophys., 687, A50, arXiv:2311.00336

1015-: Combes, F., Gupta, N.: 2024, Cold molecules in HI 21-cm absorbers across redshifts 0.1-4, Astron. Astrophys. 683, A20, arXiv:2310.17204

1014-: Rose, T., McNamara, B.R., Combes, F., Edge, A.C., Russell, H., Salome, P., Tamhane, P., Fabian, A.C., Tremblay, G.: 2024, A massive multiphase plume of gas in Abell 2390's brightest cluster galaxy, MNRAS 528, 34, arXiv:2310.16892

1013-: Garcia-Bernete, I., Alonso-Herrero, A., Rigopoulou, D., Pereira-Santaella, M., Shimizu, T., Davies, R., Donnan, F.R., Roche, P.F., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Ramos Almeida, C., Bellocchi, E., Combes, F., Efstathiou, A., Esparza-Arredondo, D., Garcia-Burillo, S., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Hicks, E.K.S., Hoenig, S., Labiano, A., Levenson, N.A., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Packham, C., Rouan, D., Stalevski, M., Ward, M.J., 2024, The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). III: Revealing the inner icy structure in local AGN, Astron. Astrophys., 681, L7, arXiv:2310.09093

1012-: Deka, P.P., Gupta, N., Jagannathan, P., Sekhar, S., Momjian, E., Bhatnagar, S., Wagenveld, J., Kloeckner, H-R., Jose, J., Balashev, S.A., Combes, F., Hilton, M., Borgaonkar, D., Chatterjee, A., Emig, K.L., Gaunekar, A.N., Jozsa, G.I.G., Klutse, D.Y., Knowles, K., Krogager, J.K., Mohapatra, A., Moodley, K., Muller, S., Noterdaeme, P., Petitjean, P., Salas, P., Sikhosana, S.: 2024, The MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey (MALS) data release I: Stokes I image catalogs at 1-1.4 GHz, Astrophys. J. Sup. 270, 33, arXiv:2308.12347

1011-: Combes, F.: 2023, Fueling processes on (sub-)kpc scales, Invited review in "AGN on the beach" conference in Tropea, Italy, ed. I. Prandoni and I. Ruffa, Galax 11, 120, arXiv:2311.03587

1010-: Su, Y., Combes, F., Olivares, V., Castignani, G., Torne, P., van Weeren, R.: 2023, The composition and thermal properties of a cool core lacking a brightest cluster galaxy, MNRAS, 526, 6052, arXiv:2310.04629

1009-: Papachristou, M., Dasyra, K., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J-A., Audibert, A., Ruffa, I., Combes, F., Polkas, M., Gkogkou, A.: 2023, A plausible link between dynamically unsettled molecular gas and the radio jet in NGC 6328, Astron. Astrophys., 679, A115, arXiv:2310.02033

1008-: Singha, M., Winkel, N., Vaddi, S., Perez-Torres, M., Gaspari, M., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., O'Dea, C.P., Combes, F., Omoruyi, D., Rose, T., McElroy, R., Husemann, B., Davis, T.A., Baum, S.A., Lawlor-Forsyth, C., Neumann, J., Tremblay, G.R., 2023, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): An interplay between radio jets and AGN radiation in the radio-quiet AGN HE 0040-1105, Astrophys. J., 959, 107, arXiv:2309.16926

1007-: Kovakkuni, N., Lelli, F., Duc, P-A., Boquien, M., Braine, J., Brinks, E., Charmandaris, V., Combes, F., Fensch, J., Lisenfeld, U., McGaugh, S., Mihos, J.C., Pawlowski, M., Revaz, Y., Weilbacher, P.: 2023, Molecular and Ionized Gas in Tidal Dwarf Galaxies: The Spatially Resolved Star-Formation Relation, MNRAS, 526, 1940, arXiv:2309.06478

1006-: Yadav, J., Das, M., Barway, S., Combes, F.: 2023, A FUV and optical study of star formation in closely interacting galaxies: star forming rings, tidal arms and nuclear outflows, MNRAS, 526, 198, arXiv:2308.16152

1005-: Drevet Mulard, M., Nesvadba, N.P.H., Meenakshi, M., Mukherjee, D., Wagner, A., Bicknell, G., Neumayer, N., Combes, F., Zovaro, H., Janssen, R.M.J., Bagchi, J., Dabhade, P., Prunet, S.: 2023, Star formation in a massive spiral galaxy with a radio-AGN, Astron. Astrophys., 676, A35

1004-: Brogan, R., Krumpe, M., Homan, D., Urrutia, T., Granzer, T., Husemann, B., Neumann, J., Gaspari, M., Vaughan, S.P., Croom, S.M., Combes, F., Perez Torres, M., Coil, A., McElroy, R., Winkel, N., Singha, M.: 2023, Still alive and kicking: A significant outburst in changing-look AGN Mrk 1018, Astron. Astrophys., 677, A116, arXiv:2307.14139

1003-: Bhattacharya, A., Nehal, C.P., Das, M., Paswan, A., Saha, S., Combes, F.: 2023, Automated Detection of Double Nuclei Galaxies using GOTHIC and the Discovery of a Large Sample of Dual AGN, MNRAS, 524, 4482

1002-: Nagy, D., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Messa, M., Richard, J., Sun, J., Combes, F., Eyholzer, Y.: 2023, Resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt law in two strongly lensed star-forming galaxies at redshift 1, Astron. Astrophys., 678, A183, arXiv:2307.07551

1001-: Schellenberger, G., O'Sullivan, E., Giacintucci, S., Vrtilek, J., David, L., Combes, F., Birzan, L., 2023, AGN feedback in two very different galaxy groups: NGC5044 and NGC6338, HEAD#20, BAAS 55, 4

1000-: Su, Y., Combes, F., Olivares, V., Castignani, G., Torne, P., 2023, The discovery of a multiphase orphan core in a nearby galaxy cluster, HEAD#20, BAAS 55, 4

999-: Bilek, M., Zhao, H., Famaey, B., Nagesh, S., Combes, F., Muller, O., Hilker, M., Kroupa, P., Ibata, R.: 2023, Do old globular clusters in low mass galaxies disprove modified gravity? IAU Symp 379: Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies, arXiv:2307.03202

998-: Boselli, A., Serra, P., de Gasperin, F., Vollmer, B., Amram, P., Edler, H.W., Fossati, M., Consolandi, G., Cote, P., Cuillandre, J.C., Ferrarese, L., Gwyn, S., Postma, J., Boquien, M., Braine, J., Combes, F., Gavazzi, G., Hensler, G., Miville-Deschenes, M.A., Murgia, M., Roediger, J., Roehlly, Y., Smith, R., Zhang, H.X., Zabel, N.: 2023, ViCTORIA project: MeerKAT HI observations of the ram pressure stripped galaxy NGC 4523, Astron. Astrophys., 676, A92, arXiv:2306.12751

997-: Olivares, V., Su, Y., Forman, W., Gaspari, M., Andrade-Santos, F., Salome, P., Nulsen, P., Edge, A., Combes, F., Jones, C.: 2023, X-ray Cavity Dynamics and their Role in the Gas Precipitation in Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) Selected Clusters, Astrophys. J., 954, 56, arXiv:2306.09829

996-: Adamczyk, P. Amram, P., Chemin, L., Epinat, B., Braine, J., Combes, F., de Blok, W. G. J.: 2023, Asymmetries in random motions of neutral Hydrogen gas in spiral galaxies, Astron. Astrophys., 678, A5, arXiv:2306.07374

995-: Teh, J.W., Grasha, K., Krumholz, M.R., Battisti, A., Calzetti, D., Rousseau-Nepton, L., Rhea, C., Adamo, A., Kennicutt, R.C., Grebel, E.K., Cook, D.O., Combes, F., Messa, M., Linden, S., Klessen, R.S., Vilchez, J.M., Fumagalli, M., McLeod, A.F., Smith, L.J., Chemin, L., Wang, J., Sabbi, E., Sacchi, E., Petric, A., Della Bruna, L., Boselli, A.: 2023, Constraining the LyC escape fraction from LEGUS star clusters with SIGNALS HII region observations: A pilot study of NGC 628, MNRAS 524, 1191, arXiv:2306.05457

994-: Alonso-Herrero, A., Garcia-Burillo, S., Pereira-Santaella, M., Shimizu, T., Combes, F., Hicks, E., Davies, R., Ramos Almeida, C., Garcia-Bernete, I., Hoenig, S., Levenson, N., Packham, C., Bellocchi, E., Hunt, L., Imanishi, M., Ricci, C., Roche, P.: 2023, AGN feedback in action in the molecular gas ring of the Seyfert galaxy NGC7172, Astron. Astrophys., 675, A88, arXiv:2305.15143

993-: Hunt, L. K., Belfiore, F., Lelli, F., Draine, B. T., Marasco, A., Garcia-Burillo, S., Venturi, G., Combes, F., Weiss, A., Henkel, C., Menten, K. M., Annibali, F., Casasola, V., Cignoni, M., McLeod, A., Tosi, M., Beltran, M., Concas, A., Cresci, G., Ginolfi, M., Kumari, N., Mannucci, F.: 2023, Gas, dust, and the CO-to-molecular gas conversion factor in low-metallicity starbursts, Astron. Astrophys., 675, A64, arXiv:2305.03443

992-: Ganguly, S., Li, Y., Olivares, V., Su, S., Combes, F., Prakash, S., Hamer, S., Guillard, P., Ha, T.: 2023; The Nature of the Motions of Multiphase Filaments in the Centers of Galaxy Clusters, Frontiers in Astron. and Sp. Sci., 1038613, arXiv:2304.09879

991-: Muller, S., Marti-Vidal, I., Combes, F., Gerin, M., Beelen, A., Horellou, C., Guelin, M., Aalto, S., Black, J., van Kampen, E., 2023, Cosmo-tomography toward PKS1830-211: Variability of the quasar and of its foreground molecular absorption monitored with ALMA, Astron. Astrophys., 674, A101, arXiv:2304.09002

990-: Schellenberger, G., O'Sullivan, E., Giacintucci, S., Vrtilek, J., David, L.P., Combes, F., Birzan, L., Pan, H-A., Lin, L., 2023, Feedback in the merging galaxy group NGC6338, Astrophys. J., 948, 101, arXiv:2303.08833

989-: Hartley, P., Bonaldi, A., Braun, R., et al.: 2023, SKA Science Data Challenge 2: analysis and results, MNRAS, 523, 1967, arXiv:2303.07943

988-: Audibert, A., Ramos Almeida, C., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Bischetti, M., Meenakshi, M., Mukherjee, D., Bicknell, G., Wagner, A.F.: 2023, Jet-induced molecular gas excitation and turbulence in the Teacup, Astron. Astrophys., 671, L12, arXiv:2302.13884

987-: Noterdaeme, P., Balashev, S., Cuellar, R., Krogager, J-K., Combes, F., De Cia, A., Gupta, N., Ledoux, C., Lopez, S., Srianand, R., 2023; Proximate molecular quasar absorbers: Chemical enrichment and kinematics of the neutral gas, Astron. Astrophys., 673, A89, arXiv:2302.13108

986-: Combes, F.: 2022, Galactic bulge-black hole co-evolution, feeding and feedback of AGNs, Chapter 5 in "Active Galactic Nuclei"; F. Combes ed.; ISTE/Wiley 2022; A graduate-student level book of 6 Chapters, arXiv:2302.12917

985-: Combes, F.: 2021, Spiral Galaxies, Chapter 4 in "Galaxies"; F. Combes ed.; ISTE/Wiley 2021; A graduate-student level book of 6 Chapters, arXiv:2302.12913

984-: Wagenveld, J.D., Kloeckner, H-R., Gupta, N., Deka, P.P., Jagannathan, P., Sekhar, S., Balashev, S.A., Boettcher, E., Combes, F., Emig, K.L., Hilton, M., Jozsa, G.I.G., Kamphuis, P., Klutse, D.Y., Knowles, K., Krogager, J-K., Mohapatra, A., Momjian, E., Moodley, K., Muller, S., Petitjean, P., Salas, P., Sikhosana, S., Srianand, R., 2023, The MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey: Homogeneous continuum catalogues towards a measurement of the cosmic radio dipole, Astron. Astrophys., 673, A113, arXiv:2302.10696

983-: Castignani, G., Radovich, M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Moscardini, L., Bardelli, S., Giocoli, C., Lesci, G., Marulli, F., Maturi, M., Puddu, E., Sereno, M., Tramonte, D.: 2023, Star forming brightest cluster galaxies at z=0.4 in KiDS. Further studies of cold gas and stellar properties, Astron. Astrophys., 672, A139, arXiv:2302.05360

982-: Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Richard, J., Combes, F., Messa, M., Nagy, D., Mayer, L., Schaerer, D., Egami, E., Adamo, A.: 2023, Molecular gas cloud properties at z=1 revealed by the superb angular resolution achieved with ALMA and gravitational lensing, MNRAS, 519, 6222, arXiv:2301.05715

981-: Poitevineau, R., Castignani, G., Combes, F.: 2023, Black hole and galaxy co-evolution in radio-loud AGN at z ~ 0.3-4, Astron. Astrophys., 672, A164, arXiv:2301.05186

980-: Emig, K.L., Gupta, N., Salas, P., Muller, S., Balashev, S.A., Combes, F., Momjian, E., Song, Y., Jagannathan, P., Deka, P.P., Jozsa, G.I.G., Klockner, H.R., Mohapatra, A., Noterdaeme, N., Petitjean, P., Srianand, R., Wagenveld, J.D.: 2023, Discovery of Hydrogen Radio Recombination Lines at z=0.89 towards PKS 1830-211, ApJ, 944, 93, arXiv:2301.03115

979-: Tamhane, P.D., McNamara, B.R., Russell, H.R., Combes, F., Qiu, Y., Edge, A.C., Maiolino, R., Fabian, A.C., Nulsen, P.E.J., Johnstone, R., Carniani, S.: 2023, Radio jet-ISM interaction and positive radio-mechanical feedback in Abell 1795, MNRAS, 519, 3338, arXiv:2212.11313

978-: Luo, R., Sun, M., Jachym, P., Waldron, W., Fossati, M., Fumagalli, M., Boselli, A., Combes, F., Kenney, J.D.P., Li, Y., Gronke, M.: 2023, Tracing the kinematics of the whole ram pressure stripped tails in ESO 137-001, MNRAS, 521, 6266, arXiv:2212.03891

977-: Maschmann, D., Halle, A., Melchior, A-L., Combes, F., Chilingarian, I.V.: 2023, The origin of double-peak emission-line galaxies: rotating discs, bars or galaxy mergers? Astron. Astrophys., 670, A46, arXiv:2212.02529

976-: Combes, F., Gupta, N., Muller, S., Balashev, S., Deka, P., Emig, K., Kloeckner, H-R., Klutse, D., Knowles, K., Mohapatra, A., Momjian, E., Noterdaeme, P., Petitjean, P., Salas, P., Srianand, R., Wagenveld, J.: 2023, PKS1413+135: OH and HI at z = 0.247 with MeerKAT, Astron. Astrophys., 671, A43, arXiv:2211.09355

975-: Winkel, N., Husemann, B., Singha, M., Bennert, V.N., Combes, F., Davis, T.A., Gaspari, M., Jahnke, K., McElroy, R., O'Dea, C.P., Perez-Torres, M.A.: 2023, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A parsec scale multi-phase outflow in the super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044, Astron. Astrophys., 670, A3, arXiv:2211.00657

974-: Rose, T., McNamara, B.R., Combes, F., Edge, A.C., Fabian, A.C., Gaspari, M., Russell, H., Salome, P., Tremblay, G., Ferland, G.: 2023, Does absorption against AGN reveal supermassive black hole accretion? , MNRAS, 518, 878, arXiv:2210.14922

973-: Pagnini, G., Di Matteo, P., Khoperskov, S., Mastrobuono-Battisti, A., Haywood, M., Renaud, F., Combes, F.: 2023, The distribution of globular clusters in kinematic spaces does not trace the accretion history of the host galaxy, Astron. Astrophys., 673, A86, arXiv:2210.04245

972-: Hashim, M., El-Zant, A., Freundlich, J., Read, J., Combes, F.: , 2023, Halo heating from fluctuating gas in a model dwarf, MNRAS, 521, 772, arXiv:2209.08631

971-: Dabhade, P., Shimwell, T.W., Bagchi, J., Saikia, D.J., Combes, F., Gaikwad, M., Rottgering, H., Mohapatra, A., Ishwara-Chandra, C.H., Intema, H.T., Raychaudhury, S. : 2022, Barbell shaped giant radio galaxy with ~100 kpc kink in the jet, Astron. Astrophys., 668, A64, arXiv:2209.13059

970-: Koda, J., Watson, L., Combes, F., Rubio, M., Boissier, S., Yagi, M., Thilker, D., Lee, A. M, Komiyama, Y., Morokuma-Matsui, K., Verdugo, C.: 2022, Abundant Molecular Clouds with CO-dark Envelopes in the Extended Ultraviolet (XUV) Disk of M83, Astrophys. J., 941, 3, arXiv:2208.11738

969-: Audibert, A., Dasyra, K. M., Papachristou, M., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J. A., Ruffa, I., Bisigello, L., Combes, F., Salome, P., Gruppioni, C., 2022, CO in the ALMA Radio-Source Catalogue (ARC): the molecular gas content of radio galaxies as a function of redshift, Astron. Astrophys. 668, A67, arXiv:2203.15486

968-: Lamperti, I., Pereira-Santaella, M., Perna, M., Colina, L., Arribas, S., Garcia-Burillo, S., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Aalto, S., Alonso-Herrero, A., Combes, F., Labiano, A., Piqueras-Lopez, J., Rigopoulou, D., van der Werf, P.: 2022, Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: PUMA IV. No tight relation between cold molecular outflow rates and AGN luminosities, Astron. Astrophys., 668, A45, arXiv:2209.03380

967-: McElroy, R., Singha, M., Husemann, B., Davis, T. A., Combes, F., Scharwaechter, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Perez Torres, M., Gaspari, M., Winkel, N., Bennert, V. N., Krumpe, M., Urrutia, T., Neumann, Ja: 2022, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Data Release 1 and Beyond, The Messenger, vol. 187, p. 3-7

966-: Messa, M., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Richard, J., Adamo, A., Nagy, D., Combes, F., Mayer, L., Ebeling, H.: 2022, Multiply lensed star forming clumps in the A521-sys1 galaxy at redshift 1, MNRAS, 516, 242, arXiv:2208.02863

965-: Castignani, G., Radovich, M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Maturi, M., Moscardini, L., Bardelli, S., Giocoli, C., Lesci, G., Marulli, F., Puddu, E., Sereno, M.: 2022, Star forming and gas rich brightest cluster galaxies at z=0.4 in the Kilo-Degree Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 667, A52, arXiv:2207.12073

964-: Borgohain, A., Saha, K., Elmegreen, B., Gogoi, R., Combes, F., Tandon, S. N.: 2022, Extended far-ultraviolet emission in distant dwarf galaxies, Nature, 607, 459, arXiv:2207.10708

963-: Srianand, R., Gupta, N., Petitjean, P., Momjian, E., Balashev, S.A., Combes, F., Chen, H-W., Krogager,J-K., Noterdaeme, P., Rahmani, H., Baker, A.J., Emig, K.L., Jozsa, G.I.G., Kloeckner, H-R., Moodley, K.: 2022, Emergence of a new HI 21-cm absorption component at z~1.1726 towards the gamma-ray blazar PKS~2355-106, MNRAS, 516, 1339, arXiv:2207.01807

962-: Maina, E.K., Mohapatra, A., Jozsa, G.I.G., Gupta, N., Combes, F., Deka, P., Wagenveld, J.D., Srianand, R., Balashev, S.A., Chen, H.-W., Krogager, J.-K., Momjian, E., Noterdaeme, P., Petitjean, P. : 2022, Mapping HI 21-cm in the Klemola 31 group at z = 0.029: emission and absorption towards PKS2020-370, MNRAS, 516, 205, arXiv:2206.09940

961-: Tristram, K.R.W., Impellizzeri, C.M.V., Zhang, Z.-Y., Villard, E., Henkel, C., Viti, S., Burtscher, L., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Martin, S., Meisenheimer, K., van der Werf, P.P., 2022, ALMA imaging of the cold molecular and dusty disk in the type 2 active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 664, A142, arXiv:2206.00782

960-: Rajwade, K.M., Bezuidenhout, M.C., Caleb, M., Driessen, L.N., Jankowski, F., Malenta, M., Morello, V., Sanidas, S., Stappers, B.W., Surnis, M.P., Barr, E.D., Chen, W., Kramer, M., Wu, J., Buchner, S., Serylak, M., Combes, F. et al.: 2022, First discoveries and localisations of Fast Radio Bursts with MeerTRAP: a real-time, commensal MeerKAT survey, MNRAS, 514, 1961, arXiv:2205.14600

959-: Winkel, N., Husemann, B., Davis, T.A., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Bennert, V.N., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Jahnke, K., Neumann, J., O'Dea, C.P., Perez-Torres, M., Singha, M., Tremblay, G.R., Rix, H.W.: 2022, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Tracing the circumnuclear star formation in the super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 663, A104, arXiv:2205.06271

958-: Combes, F.: 2022, Molecular gas dynamics around nuclei of galaxies, invited talk at "Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium", Nice, April 2022, to be published in The European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, arXiv:2205.06106

957-: Dasyra, K.M., Paraschos, G.F., Bisbas, T., Combes, F., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J. A.: 2022, Linking pressure gradients with the stability of molecular clouds in galactic outflows, Nature Astronomy 6, 1077, arXiv:2205.05642

956-: Kim, D-J., Krichbaum, T.P., Henkel, C., Impellizzeri, V., Combes, F., Bach, U., Mauersberger, R., Zensus, A.: 2022, The onset of jet-ISM interaction in the Seyfert galaxy NGC3079: VLBI study of OH absorption at sub-pc scale, in European VLBI Network, EVN2021, https://pos.sissa.it/399/038/pdf

955-: Sun, F., Egami, E., Fujimoto, S., Rawle, T., Bauer, F.E., Kohno, K., Smail, I., Perez-Gonzalez, P.G., Ao, Y., Chapman, S.C., Combes, F., et al.: 2022, ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: ALMA-Herschel Joint Study of Lensed Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies across z=0.5-6, Astrophys. J. 932, 77, arXiv:2204.07187

954-: Castignani, G., Meyer, E., Chiaberge, M., Combes, F., Morishita, T., Decarli, R., Capetti, A., Dotti, M., Tremblay, G., Norman, C.A.: 2022, NOEMA observations support a recoiling black hole in 3C186, Astron. Astrophys. 661, L2, arXiv:2204.05882

953-: Gupta, N., Srianand, R., Momjian, E., Shukla, G., Combes, F., Krogager, J. -K., Noterdaeme, P., Petitjean, P.: 2022, HI gas playing hide-and-seek around a powerful FRI-type quasar at z~ 2.1 , ApJ, 927, L24, arXiv:2202.11755

952-: Hogan, L., Rigopoulou, D.,.Garcia-Burillo, S., Alonso-Herrero, A., Barrufet, L., Combes, F., Garcia-Bernete, I., Magdis, G.E., Pereira-Santaella, M., Thatte, N., Weiss, A.: 2022, Unveiling the Main Sequence to Starburst Transition Region with a Sample of Intermediate Redshift Luminous Infrared Galaxies, MNRAS, 512, 2371, arXiv:2202.10576

951-: Boettcher, E., Gupta, N., Chen, H.-W., Chen, M. C., Jozsa, G. I. G., Rudie, G. C., Cantalupo, S., Johnson, S. D., Balashev, S. A., Combes, F., Cooksey, K. L., Faucher-Giguere, C.-A., Krogager, J.-K., Lopez, S., Momjian, E., Noterdaeme, P., Petitjean, P., Rafelski, M., Srianand, R., Walth, G. L., Zahedy, F.S., 2022, Discovery of a damped Ly-alpha absorber originating in a spectacular interacting dwarf galaxy pair at z=0.026, Astrophys. J., 926, L33, arXiv:2202.04669

950-: Jachym, P., Sun, M., Yagi, M., Ge, C., Luo, R., Combes, F., Kabatova, A., Kenney, J.D.P., Scott, T.C., Brinks, E., 2022, Non-star-forming molecular gas in the Abell 1367 intra-cluster multiphase orphan cloud, Astron. Astrophys. 658, L5, arXiv:2201.11141

949-: Olivares, V., Salome, P., Hamer, S.L., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Kolokythas, K., O'Sullivan, E., Beckmann, R.S., Babul, A., Polles, F.L., Lehnert, M., Loubser, S.I., Donahue, M., Gendron-Marsolais, M.-L., Lagos, P., Pineau des Forets, G., Godard, B., Rose, T., Tremblay, G., Ferland, G., Guillard, P.: 2022, Gas condensation in Brightest Group Galaxies unveiled with MUSE, Astron. Astrophys. 666, A94, arXiv:2201.07838

948-: Maschmann, D., Melchior, A.-L., Combes, F., Mazzilli Ciraulo, B., Freundlich, J., Halle, A., Drabent, A., 2022, Central star formation in double-peak gas rich radio galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 664, A125, arXiv:2112.12796

947-: Yadav, J., Das, M., Barway, S., Combes, F., 2022, Hidden in Plain Sight: UVIT and MUSE Discovery of a Large, Diffuse Star-Forming Galaxy, Astron. Astrophys. 657, L10, arXiv:2112.12720

946-: Mahato, M., Dabhade, P., Saikia, D.J., Combes, F., Bagchi, J., Ho, L.C., Raychaudhury, S., 2022, SAGAN -- III: New insights into giant radio quasars, Astron. Astrophys. 660, A59, arXiv:2111.11905

945-: Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Husemann, B., Davis, T. A., Smith, C. M. A., Singha, M., Tremblay, G. R., Klessen, R. S., Powell, M., Connor, T., Baum, S. A., Combes, F., Croom, S. M., Gaspari, M., Neumann, J., O'Dea, C. P., Perez-Torres, M., Rosario, D. J., Rose, T., Scharwachter, J., Winkel, N., 2022, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): No obvious signature of AGN feedback on star formation, but subtle trends, Astron. Astrophys. 659, A125, arXiv:2111.10419

944-: Singha, M., Husemann, B., Urrutia, T., O'Dea, C. P., Scharwachter, J., Gaspari, M., Combes, F., Nevin, R., Terrazas, B. A., Perez-Torres, M., Rose, T., Davis, T. A., Tremblay, G. R., Neumann, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Baum, S. A., 2022, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Locating the [O III] wing component in luminous local Type 1 AGN, Astron. Astrophys. 659, A123, arXiv:2111.10418

943-: Husemann, B., Singha, M., Scharwachter, J., McElroy, R., Neumann, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Urrutia, T., Baum, S.A., Bennert, V.N., Combes, F., Croom, S.M., Davis, T.A, Fournier, Y., Galkin, A., Gaspari, M., Henke, H., Krumpe, M., O'Dea, C.P., Perez-Torres, M., Rose, T., Tremblay, G.R., Walcher, C. J.: 2022, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): IFU survey data and the BH mass dependence of long-term AGN variability, Astron. Astrophys. 659, A124, arXiv:2111.10417

942-: Wootten, A., Bentley, R.O., Baldwin, J., Combes, F., Fabian, A.C., Ferland, G.J., Loh, E., Salome, P., Shingledecker, C.N., Castro-Carrizo, A., 2022, Dense Molecular Clouds in the Crab Supernova Remnant, Astrophys. J. 925, 59, arXiv:2111.06033

941-: Laudari, S., Jachym, P., Sun, M., Waldron, W., Chatzikos, M., Kenney, J., Luo, R., Nulsen, P., Sarazin, C., Combes, F., Edge, T., Voit, G.M., Donahue, M., Cortese, L.: 2022, ESO 137-002: a large spiral undergoing edge-on ram-pressure stripping with little star formation in the tail, MNRAS 509, 3938, arXiv:2111.01821

940-: Castignani, G., Vulcani, B., Finn, R.A., Combes, F., Jablonka, P., Rudnick, G., Zaritsky, D., Whalen, K., Conger, G., de Lucia, G., Desai, V., Koopmann, R.A., Moustakas, J., Norman, D.J., Townsend, M.: 2022, Virgo filaments II: Catalog and First Results on the Effect of Filaments on galaxy properties, Astrophys. J. Supp. 259, 43, arXiv:2110.13797

939-: Nagy, D., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Richard, J., Schaerer, D., Combes, F., Messa, M., Chisholm, J.: 2022, Radial profiles of lensed z=1 galaxies on sub-kiloparsec scales, Astron. Astrophys. 657, A25, arXiv:2109.06206

938-: Gupta, N., Shukla, G., Srianand, R., Krogager, J-.K., Noterdaeme, P., Baker, A.J., Combes, F., Fynbo, J.P.U., Momjian, E., Hilton, M., Hussain, T., Moodley, K., Petitjean, P., Chen, H. W., Deka, P., Dutta, R., Jose, J., Jozsa, G.I.G., Kaski, C., Klockner, H.-R., Knowles, K., Sikhosana, S., Wagenveld, J.: 2022, MALS SALT-NOT survey of MIR-selected powerful radio-bright AGN at z=0-3.5 Astrophys. J, 929, 108, arXiv:2107.09705

937-: Papachristou, M., Dasyra, K.M., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Audibert, A. Ruffa, I., Combes, F.: 2021, CO kinematics unveil outflows plausibly driven by a young jet in the Gigahertz Peaked Radio Core of NGC6328, Astron. Nachrichten. arXiv:2111.00453

936-: O'Sullivan, E., Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., Siemiginowska, A., Burke, D.J., Combes, F., Salome, P., Giacintucci, S.: 2021, 1321+045: a Compact Steep Spectrum radio source in a cool-core galaxy cluster, Astron. Nachrichten. arXiv:2110.08358

935-: O'Sullivan, E., Combes, F., Babul, A., Chapman, S. Phadke, K.A., Schellenberger, G., Salome, P.: 2021, Molecular gas along the old radio jets of the cluster-central type 2 quasar IRAS 09104+4109, MNRAS, 508, 3796, arXiv:2109.13756

934-: Mazzilli Ciraulo, B., Melchior, A.-L., Maschmann, D., Katkov, I.Y., Halle, A., Combes, F., Gelfand, J.D., Al Yazeedi, A., 2021, Interacting galaxies hiding into one, revealed by MaNGA, sf2a.conf, 401

933-: Sun, F., Egami, E., Perez-Gonzalez, P.G., Smail, I., Caputi, K.I., Bauer, F.E., Rawle, T.D., Fujimoto, S., Kohno, K., Dudzeviciute, U., Atek, H., Bianconi, M., Chapman, S.C., Combes, F., Jauzac, M., Jolly, J.-B., Koekemoer, A.M., Magdis, G.E., Rodighiero, G., Rujopakarn, W., Schaerer, D., Steinhardt, C.L., Van der Werf, P., Walth, G. L., Weaver, J.R.: 2021, Extensive Lensing Survey of Optical and Near-Infrared Dark Objects (El Sonido): HST H-Faint Galaxies behind 101 Lensing Clusters, Astrophys. J, 922, 114, arXiv:2109.01751

932-: Combes, F.: 2021, Science with SKA, SF2A-2021 Proceedings, arXiv:2107.03915

931-: Alonso-Herrero, A., Garcia-Burillo, S., Hoenig, S. F., Garcia-Bernete, I., Ramos Almeida, C., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Boorman, P. G., Bunker, A. J., Burtscher, L., Combes, F., Davies, R., Diaz-Santos, T., Gandhi, P., Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Hicks, E. K. S., Hunt, L. K., Ichikawa, K., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T. Labiano, A., Levenson, N. A., Packham, C., Pereira-Santaella, M., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Roche, P., Rosario, D.J., Rouan, D., Shimizu, T., Stakevski, M., Wada, K., Williamson, D. : 2021, The Galaxy Activity, Torus and Outflow Survey (GATOS): II. Torus and polar dust emission in nearby Seyfert galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 652, A99, arXiv:2107.00244

930-: Diaz-Garcia, S., Lisenfeld, U., Perez, I., Zurita, A., Verley, V., Combes, F., Espada, D., Leon, S., Martinez-Badenes, V., Sabater, J., Verdes-Montenegro, L.: 2021, Molecular gas and star formation within 12 strong galactic bars observed with IRAM-30m, Astron. Astrophys. 654, A135, arXiv:2106.13099

929-: Yadav, J., Das, M., Barway, S., Combes, F.: 2021, A Triple AGN in the NGC 7733-7734 Merging Group, Astron. Astrophys. 651, L9, arXiv:2106.12441

928-: Mazzilli Ciraulo, B., Melchior, A-L., Maschmann, D., Katkov, I.Y., Halle, A., Combes, F., Gelfand, J.G., Yazeedi, A.A.: 2021, Interacting galaxies hiding into one, revealed by MaNGA, Astron. Astrophys. 653, A47, arXiv:2106.07060

927-: Bewketu Belete, A., Andreani, P., Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Hatziminaoglou, E., Combes, F., Sirressi, M., Slater, R., Ricci, C., Dasyra, K., Cicone, C., Aalto, S., Spinoglio, L., Imanishi, M., De Medeiros, J.R.: 2021, Molecular gas kinematics in the nuclear region of nearby Seyfert galaxies with ALMA, Astron. Astrophys. 654, A24, arXiv:2105.06867

926-: Ghosh, S., Saha, K., Jog, C.J., Combes, F., Di Matteo, P.: 2021, Genesis of morpho-kinematic lopsidedness in minor merger of galaxies, MNRAS, 511, 5878, arXiv:2105.05270

925-: Sperone-Longin, D., Jablonka, P., Combes, F., Castignani, G., Krips, M., Rudnick, G., Desjardins, T., Zaritsky, D., Finn, R. A., De Lucia, G., Desai, V.i: 2021, SEEDisCS II. Molecular gas in galaxy clusters and their large scale structure: the case of CL1301.7-1139, Astron. Astrophys. 654, A69, arXiv:2105.02663

924-: Polles, F.L., Salome, P., Guillard, P., Godard, B., Pineau des Forets, G., Olivares, V., Beckmann, R. S., Canning, R. E. A., Combes, F., Dubois, Y., Edge, A. C., Fabian, A. C., Ferland, G. J., Hamer, S. L., Lehnert, M. D.: 2021, Excitation mechanisms in the intracluster filaments surrounding Brightest Cluster Galaxies, GALSPEC2021, essp.confE, 26

923-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Alonso-Herrero, A., Ramos Almeida, C., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Combes, F., Usero, A., Hoenig, S., Querejeta, M., Hicks, E. K. S., Hunt, L. K., Rosario, D., Davies, R., Boorman, P. G., Bunker, A. J., Burstcher, L., Colina, L., Diaz-Santos, T., Gandhi, P., Garcia-Bernete, I., Garcia-Lorenzo, B. Ichikawa, K., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Labiano, A., Levenson, N., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Packham, C., Pereira-Santaella, M., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Rouan, D., Stalevsk, M., Wada, K., Williamson, D.: 2021, The Galaxy Activity, Torus and Outflows Survey (GATOS) I. ALMA images of dusty molecular tori in Seyfert galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 652, A98, arXiv:2104.10227

922-: Pereira-Santaella, M., Colina, L., Garcia-Burillo, S., Lamperti, I., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Perna, M., Arribas, S., Alonso-Herrero, A., Aalto, S., Combes, F., Labiano, A., Piqueras-Lopez, J., Rigopoulou, D., van der Werf, P.: 2021, The PUMA project: Are local ULIRGs powered by AGN? The sub-kpc view of the 220 GHz continuum, Astron. Astrophys. 651, A42, arXiv:2104.08238

921-: O'Sullivan, E., Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., Siemiginowska, A., Burke, D.J., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Giacintucci, S.: 2021, The cluster-central compact steep-spectrum radio galaxy 1321+045, Astrophys. J., 913, 105, arXiv:2104.04548

920-: Polles, F.L., Salome, P., Guillard, P., Godard, B., Pineau des Forets, G., Olivares, V., Beckmann, R.S., Canning, R.E.A., Combes, F., Dubois, Y., Edge, A.C., Fabian, A.C., Ferland, G.J., Hamer, S.L., Lehnert, M.D.: 2021, Excitation mechanisms in the intracluster filaments surrounding Brightest Cluster Galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 651, A13, arXiv:2103.09842

919-: Noterdaeme, P., Balashev, S., Combes, F., Gupta, N., Srianand, R., Krogager, J-K., Laursen, P., Omont, A.: 2021, Remarkably high mass and high velocity dispersion of molecular gas associated with a regular, absorption-selected type-I quasar, Astron. Astrophys. 651, A17, arXiv:2103.09542

918-: Gupta, N., Srianand, R., Shukla, G., Krogager, J-K., Noterdaeme, P., Combes, F., Dutta, R., Fynbo, J.P.U., Hilton, M., Momjian, E., Moodley, K., Petitjean, P.: 2021, Evolution of cold gas between z=2 and 5: a blind search for HI and OH absorption lines towards mid-infrared color selected radio-loud AGNs, Astrophys. J.S, 255, 28, arXiv:2103.09437

917-: Falstad, N., Aalto, S., Koenig, S., Onishi, K., Muller, S., Gorski, M., Sato, M., Stanley, F., Combes, F., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Mangum, J.G., Evans, A.S., Barcos-Munoz, L., Privon, G.C., Linden, S.T., Diaz-Santos, T., Martin, S., Sakamoto, K., Harada, N., Fuller, G.A., Gallagher, J.S., van der Werf, P.P., Viti, S., Greve, T.R., Garcia-Burillo, S., Henkel, C., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Nishimura, Y., Ricci, C., Muehle, S., 2021, CON-quest: Searching for the most obscured galaxy nuclei, Astron. Astrophys. 649, A105, arXiv:2102.13563

916-: Belli, S., Contursi, A., Genzel, R., Tacconi, L.J., Foerster-Schreiber, N.M., Lutz, D., Combes, F., Neri, N., Garcia-Burillo, S., Schuster, K.F., Herrera-Camus, R., Tadaki, K., Davies, R.L., Davies, R.I., Johnson, B.D., Lee, M.M., Leja, J., Nelson, E.J., Price, S.H., Shangguan, J., Shimizu, T.T., Tacchella, S., Ubler, H.: 2021, The Diverse Molecular Gas Content of Massive Galaxies Undergoing Quenching at z=1, Astrophys. J., 909, L11, arXiv:2102.07881

915-: Vantyghem, A.N., McNamara, B.R., O'Dea, C.P., Baum, S.A., Combes, F., Edge, A.C., Fabian, A.C., McDonald, M., Nulsen, P.E.J., Russell, H.R., Salome, P.: 2021, A Massive, Clumpy Molecular Gas Distribution and Displaced AGN in Zw 3146, Astrophys. J., 910, 53, arXiv:2102.02300

914-: Castignani, G., Combes, F., Jablonka, P., Finn, R.A., Rudnick, G., Vulcani, B., Desai, V., Zaritsky, D., Salomé, P.: 2022, Processing of gas in cosmological filaments around Virgo cluster, Astron. Astrophys. 657, A9, arXiv:2101.04389

913-: Sun, F., Egami, E., Rawle, T.D., Walth, G.L., Smail, I., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.,Perez-Gonzalez, P.G., Richard, J., Combes, F., Ebeling, H., Pello, R., van der Werf, P.P., Altieri, B., Boone, F., Cava, A., Chapman, S.C., Clement, B., Finoguenov, A., Nakajima, K., Rujopakarn, W., Schaerer, D., Valtchanov, I., 2021, ALMA 1.3 mm Survey of Lensed Submillimeter Galaxies (SMGs) Selected by Herschel: Discovery of Spatially Extended SMGs and Implications, Astrophys. J. 908, 192, arXiv:2101.03677

912-: Combes, F., Gupta, N., Muller, S., Balashev, S., Jozsa, G.I.G., Srianand, R., Momjian, E., Noterdaeme, P., Kloeckner, H.R., Baker, A.J., Boettcher, E., Bosma, A., Chen, H.W., Dutta, R., Jagannathan, P., Jose, J., Knowles, K., Krogager, J.K., Kulkarni, V.P., Moodley, K., Pandey, S., Petitjean, P., Sekhar, S.: 2021, PKS1830-211: OH and HI at z=0.89 and the first MeerKAT UHF spectrum, Astron. Astrophys. 648, A116, arXiv:2101.00188

911-: Sperone-Longin, D., Jablonka, P., Combes, F., Castignani, G., Krips, M., Rudnick, G., Zaritsky, D., Finn, R.A., De Lucia, G., Desai, V.: 2021, SEEDisCS I. Molecular gas in galaxy clusters and their large scale structure: the case of CL1411.1-1148 at z=0.5, Astron. Astrophys. 647, A156, arXiv:2012.09592

910-: Audibert, A., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Hunt, L., Eckart, A., Aalto, S., Casasola, V., Boone, F., Krips, M., Viti, S., Muller, S., Dasyra, K., van der Werf, P., Martin, S.: 2021, Smoking-gun evidence of black hole feeding in NGC1808, Astron. Astrophys. 656, A60, arXiv:2011.09133

909-: Mirakhor, M.S., Walker, S.A., Bagchi, J., Fabian, A.C., Barth, A.J., Combes, F., Dabhade, P., Ho, L.C., Pandge, M.B.: 2021, Exploring the hot gaseous halo around an extremely massive and relativistic jet launching spiral galaxy with XMM-Newton, MNRAS 500, 2503, arXiv:2010.15131

908-: Ciambur, B.C., Fragkoudi, F., Khoperskov, S., Di Matteo, P., Combes, F.: 2021, Double X/Peanut Structures in Barred Galaxies -- Insights from an N--body Simulation, MNRAS 503, 2203, arXiv:2003.00015

907-: Ghosh, S., Saha, K., di Matteo, P., Combes, F.: 2021, Fate of stellar bars in minor merger of galaxies, MNRAS. 502, 3085, arXiv:2008.04942

906-: Gupta, N., Jagannathan, P., Srianand, R., Bhatnagar, S., Noterdaeme, P., Combes, F., Petitjean, P., Jose, J., Pandey, S., Kaski, C. et al.: 2021, Blind HI and OH absorption line search: first results with MALS and uGMRT processed using ARTIP, ApJ. 907, 11, arXiv:2007.04347

905-: Longobardi, A. , Boselli, A., Fossati, M., Villa-Velez, J-A., Bianchi, S., Casasola, V., Sarpa, E., Combes, F., Hensler, G., Burgarella, D., Schimd, C., Nanni, A., Coté, P., Buat, V., Amram, P., Ferrarese, L., Braine, J., Trinchieri, G., Boissier, S., Boquien, M., Andreani, P., Gwyn, S., Cuillandre, J-C.: 2020, A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission. VESTIGE VIII. Bridging the cluster-ICM-galaxy evolution at small scales, Astron. Astrophys. 644, A161, arXiv:2010.02202

904-: Markov, V., Mei, S., Salome, P., Combes, F., Stern, D., Galametz, A., De Breuck, C., Wylezalek, D., Amodeo, S., Cooke, E.A., Gonzalez, A.H., Hatch, N.A., Noirot, N., Rettura, R., Seymour, N., Stanford, S.A., Vernet, J., 2020, Massive molecular gas reservoir around the central AGN in the CARLA J1103+3449 cluster at z=1.44, Astron. Astrophys. 641, A22, arXiv:2007.03706

903-: Audibert, A., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Dasyra, K.: 2020, Feeding and feedback in nuclei of galaxies, IAU359, 'Galaxy evolution and feedback across different environments', arXiv:2010.01974

902-: de Blok, W.G.J., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Combes, F., English, J. et al.: 2020, MeerKAT HI commissioning observations of MHONGOOSE galaxy ESO 302-G014, Astron. Astrophys. 643, A147, arXiv:2009.09766

901-: Saha, K., Tandon, S.N., Simmonds, C., Verhamme, A., Paswan, A., Schaerer, D., Rutkowski, M., Borgohain, A., Elmegreen, B., Inoue, A.K., Combes, F., Elmegreen, D., Paalvast, M., 2020, AstroSat detection of Lyman continuum emission from a z=1.42 galaxy, Nature Astron. 4, 1185, arXiv:2008.11394

900-: Dabhade, P., Combes, F., Salome, P., Bagchi, J., Mahato, M.: 2020, SAGAN-II : Molecular gas content of Giant Radio Galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 643, A111, arXiv:2006.09388

899-: Aalto, S., Falstad, N., Muller, S., Wada, K., Gallagher, J.S., Koenig, S., Sakamoto, K., Vlemmings, W., Ceccobello, C., Dasyra, K., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Oya, Y., Martin, S., van der Werf, P., Evans, A.S., Kotilainen, J., 2020, ALMA resolves the remarkable molecular jet and rotating wind in the extremely radio-quiet galaxy NGC 1377, Astron. Astrophys. 640, A104, arXiv:2007.07824

898-: Scourfield, M., Viti, S., Garcia-Burillo, S., Saintonge, A., Combes, F., Fuente, A., Henkel, C., Alonso-Herrero, A., Harada, N., Takano, S., Nakajima, T., Martin, S., Krips, M., van der Werf, P.P., Aalto, S., Usero, A., Kohno, K.: 2020, ALMA observations of CS in NGC 1068: chemistry and excitation, MNRAS 496, 5308, arXiv:2006.15041

897-: Fazeli, N., Eckart, A., Busch, G., Yttergren, M., Combes, F., Misquitta, P., Straubmeier, C.: 2020, Near-infrared observations of the gas structure and kinematics in the circumnuclear region of NGC 1672, Astron. Astrophys. 638, A36

896-: Chemin, L., Braine, J., Combes, F., Kam, Z.S., Carignan, C.: 2020, Anisotropy of random motions of gas in Messier 33, Astron. Astrophys. 639, A145, arXiv:2006.07274

895-: Alonso-Herrero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Rigopoulou, D., Garcia-Bernete, I., Garcia-Burillo, S., Dominguez-Fernandez, A.J., Combes, F., Davies, R.I., Diaz-Santos, T., Esparza-Arredondo, D., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Hernan-Caballero, A., Hicks, E.K.S., Hoenig, S.F., Levenson, N.A., Ramos Almeida, C., Roche, P.F., Rosario, D., 2020, Cold molecular gas and PAH emission in Seyfert galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 639, A43, arXiv:2005.11959

894-: Rose, T., Edge, A.C., Combes, F., Hamer, S., McNamara, B.R., Russell, H., Gaspari, M., Salome, P., Sarazin, C., Tremblay, G.R., Baum, S.A., Bremer, M.N., Donahue, M., Fabian, A.C., Ferland, G., Nesvadba, N., O'Dea, C., Oonk, J.B.R., Peck, A.B.: 2020, A molecular absorption line survey toward the AGN of Hydra-A, MNRAS 496, 364, arXiv:2005.10252

893-: Dabhade, P., Mahato, M., Bagchi, J., Saikia, D.J., Combes, F., Sankhyayan, S., Roettgering, H.J.A., Ho, L.C., Gaikwad, M., Raychaudhury, S., Vaidya, B., Guiderdoni, B.: 2020, Search and Analysis of Giant radio galaxies with Associated Nuclei (SAGAN) -- I : New sample and multi-wavelength studies, Astron. Astrophys. 642, A153, arXiv:2005.03708

892-: Kramer, C., Nikola, T., Anderl, S., Bertoldi, F., Boquien, M., Braine, J., Buchbender, C., Combes, F., Henkel, C., Hermelo, I., Israel, F., Relano, M., Roellig, M., Schuster, K., Tabatabaei, F., van der Tak, F., Verley, S., van der Werf, P., Wiedner, M., Xilouris, E: 2020, Gas and dust cooling along the major axis of M33 (HerM33es) -- Herschel/PACS [CII] and [OI] observations, Astron. Astrophys. 639, A61, arXiv:2005.03683

891-: Chen, H., Sun, M., Yagi, M., Bravo-Alfaro, H., Brinks, E., Kenney, J., Combes, F., Sivanandam, S., Jachym, P., Fossati, M., Gavazzi, P., Boselli, A., Nulsen, P., Sarazin, C., Ge, C., Yoshida, M., Roediger, E.: 2020, The ram pressure stripped radio tails of galaxies in the Coma cluster, MNRAS. 496, 4654, arXiv:2004.06743

890-: Castignani, G., Pandey-Pommier, M., Hamer, S.L., Combes, F., Salome, P., Freundlich, J., Jablonka, P.: 2020, Molecular gas in CLASH brightest cluster galaxies at z~0.2-0.9, Astron. Astrophys. 640, A65, arXiv:2004.01786

889-: Schellenberger, G., David, L.P., Vrtilek, J., O'Sullivan, E., Lim, J., Forman, W., Sun, M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Jones, C., Giacintucci, S., Edge, E., Gastaldello, F., Temi, P., Brighenti, F., Bardelli, S: 2020, Atacama Compact Array Measurements of the Molecular Mass in the NGC 5044 Cooling Flow Group, Astrophys. J. 894, 72, arXiv:2004.01717

888-: Muller, S., Roueff, E., Black, J.H., Gerin, M., Guelin, M., Menten, K.M., Henkel, C., Aalto, S., Combes, F., Martin, S., Marti-Vidal, I.: 2020, Detection of deuterated molecules, but not of lithium hydride, in the z=0.89 absorber toward PKS1830-211, Astron. Astrophys. 637, A7, arXiv:2003.13436

887-: Combes, F.: 2020, Circum-nuclear molecular disks: role in AGN fueling and feedback, IAUS 359, arXiv:2003.13280

886-: Fazeli, N., Busch, G., Eckart, A., Combes, F., Misquitta, P., Straubmeier, C.: 2020, Central kiloparsec of NGC 1326 observed with SINFONI. A nuclear molecular disc inside the starburst ring, Astron. Astrophys. 638, A53

885-: Castignani, G., Jablonka, P., Combes, F., Haines, C.P., Rawle, T., Jauzac, M., Egami, E., Krips, M., Spérone-Longin, D., Arnaud, M., Garcia-Burillo, S., Schinnerer, E., Bigiel, F., 2019, Molecular gas and star formation activity in LIRGs in intermediate redshift clusters, Astron. Astrophys. 640, A64, arXiv:2002.03818

884-: Castignani, G., Combes, F., Salomé, P.: 2020, Environmental processing in cluster core galaxies at z=1.7, Astron. Astrophys. 635, L10, arXiv:2001.05776

883-: Castignani, G., Combes, F., Salomé, P.,Freundlich, J.: 2020, Molecular gas in distant brightest cluster galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 635, A32, arXiv:1912.10716

882-: Combes, F., AGN fueling and feedback, from pc to kpc scale, 2020, Proceedings of IAU Symp 356 "Nuclear Activity in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time", ed. M. Povic et al, arXiv:1911.00707

881-: Fernandez-Ontiveros, J.A., Dasyra, K.M., Hatziminaoglou, E., Malkan, M.A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Papachristou, M., Spinoglio, L., Combes, F., Aalto, S., Nagar, N., Imanishi, M., Andreani, P., Ricci, C., Slater, R., 2020, A CO molecular gas wind 340 pc away from the Seyfert 2 nucleus in ESO 420-G13 probes an elusive radio jet, Astron. Astrophys. 633, A127, arXiv:1911.00015

880-: Lenkic, L., Bolatto, A.D., Foerster Schreiber, N.M., Tacconi, L.J., Neri, R., Combes, F., Walter, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Genzel, R., Lutz, D.: 2020, Plateau de Bure High-z Blue-Sequence Survey 2 (PHIBSS2): Search for Secondary Sources, CO Luminosity Functions in the Field, and the Evolution of Molecular Gas Density through Cosmic Time, Astrophys. J. 159, 190, arXiv:1908.01791

879-: El-Zant, A., Freundlich, J., Combes, F., Halle, A.: 2020, The effect of fluctuating fuzzy axion haloes on stellar dynamics: a stochastic model, MNRAS, 492, 877, arXiv:1908.09061

878-: Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Richard, J., Combes, F., Schaerer, D., Rujopakarn, W., Mayer, L., Cava, A., Boone, F., Egami, E., Kneib, J-P., Perez-Gonzalez, P.G., Pfenniger, D., Rawle, T.D., Teyssier, R., van der Werf, P.: 2019, Molecular clouds in the Cosmic Snake normal star-forming galaxy 8 billion years ago, Nature Astronomy 3, 1115, arXiv:1909.08010

877-: Mancillas, B., Duc, P.-A., Combes, F. Bournaud, F., Emsellem, E., Martig, M., Michel-Dansac, L.: 2019, Probing the merger history of red early-type galaxies with their faint stellar substructures, Astron. Astrophys. 632, A122, arXiv:1909.07500

876-: Girard, M., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Combes, F., Chisholm, J., Patricio, V., Richard, J., D. Schaerer, D.: 2019, Towards sub-kpc scale kinematics of molecular and ionized gas of star-forming galaxies at z=1, Astron. Astrophys. 631, A91, arXiv:1909.07400

875-: Beckmann, R.S., Dubois, Y., Guillard, P., Salome, P., Olivares, V., Polles, F., Cadiou, C., Combes, F., Hamer, S., Lehnert, M.D., Pineau des Forets, G.: 2019, Dense gas formation and destruction in a simulated Perseus-like galaxy cluster with spin-driven black hole feedback, Astron. Astrophys. 631, A60, arXiv:1909.01329

874-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Ramos Almeida, C., Usero, A., Alonso-Herrero, A., Hunt, L.K., Rouan, D., Aalto, S., Querejeta, M., Viti, S., van der Werf, P.P., Fuente, A., Colina, L., Martin-Pintado, J., Henkel, C., Martin, S., Gratadour, D., Neri, R., Tacconi, L.J.: 2019, ALMA images the many faces of the NGC1068 torus and its surroundings, Astron. Astrophys. 632, A61, arXiv:1909.00675

873-: Rousseau-Nepton, L., Martin, R.P., Robert, C. et al.: 2019 SIGNALS: I. Survey Description, MNRAS, 489, 5530, arXiv:1908.09017

872-: Combes, F.: 2019, Secular evolution and pseudo-bulges, IAUS 353, ed J. Shen and M. Valluri, arXiv:1908.03149

871-: Fotopoulou, C.M., Dasyra, K.M., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Papachristou, M.: 2019, Complex molecular gas kinematics in the inner 5 kpc of 4C12.50 as seen by ALMA, Astron. Astrophys. 629, A30, arXiv:1908.01011

870-: Rose, T., Edge, A.C., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Hamer, S., Nesvadba, N., Peck, A.B., Sarazin, C., Tremblay, G.R., Baum, S.A., Bremer, M.N., McNamara, B.R., O'Dea, C., Oonk, J.B.R., Russell, H., Salome, P., Donahue, M., Fabian, A.C., Ferland, G., Mittal, R., Vantyghem, A.: 2019, Constraining cold accretion onto supermassive black holes: molecular gas in the cores of eight brightest cluster galaxies revealed by joint CO and CN absorption, MNRAS 489, 349, arXiv:1907.13526

869-: Alonso-Herrero, A., Garcia-Burillo, S., Pereira-Santaella, M., Davies, R. I., Combes, F., Vestergaard, M., Raimundo, S. I., Bunker, A., Diaz-Santos, T., Gandhi, P., Garcia-Bernete, I., Hicks, E. K. S., Hoenig, S. F., Hunt, L. K., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Levenson, N. A., Maciejewski, W., Packham, C., Ramos Almeida, C., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Roche, P. F., Rosario, D., Schartmann, M., Usero, A., Ward, M. J.: 2019, Nuclear molecular outflow in the Seyfert galaxy NGC3227, Astron. Astrophys. 628, A65, arXiv:1906.06889

868-: Combes, F.: 2019, Star Formation Efficiency in Low Surface Brightness Regions, SF2A Proc, arXiv:1906.02708

867-: Jachym, P., Kenney, J.D.P., Sun, M., Combes, F., Cortese, L. Scott, T.C., Sivanandam, S., Brinks, E., Roediger, E., Palous, J., Fumagalli, M.: 2019, ALMA unveils widespread molecular gas clumps in the ram pressure stripped tail of the Norma jellyfish galaxy, Astrophys. J., 883, 145, arXiv:1905.13249

866-: Mancillas, B., Combes, F., Duc, P-A.: 2019, The molecular gas content of shell galaxies, Astron. Astrophys. 630, A112, arXiv:1905.11356

865-: Husemann, B., Scharwaechter, J., Davis, T.A., Perez-Torres, M., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Tremblay, G.R., Krumpe, M., Combes, F., Baum, S.A., Busch, G., Connor, T., Croom, S.M., Gaspari, M., Kraft, R.P., O'Dea, C.P., Powell, M., Singha, M., Urrutia, T., 2019, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A massive multi-phase outflow impacting the edge-on galaxy HE1353-1917, Astron. Astrophys. 627, A53, arXiv:1905.10385

864-: Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Husemann, B., Busch, G., Appleton, P., Bethermin, M., Combes, F., Croom, S., Davis, T.A., Fischer, C., Gaspari, M., Groves, B., Klein, R., O'Dea, C.P., Perez-Torres, M., Scharwaechter, J., Singha, M., Tremblay, G.R., Urrutia, T., 2019, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). Discovery of a global [CII] 158 μm line excess in AGN HE1353-1917, Astron. Astrophys. 626, L3, arXiv:1905.10383

863-: Aalto, S., Muller, S., Koenig, S., Falstad, N., Mangum, J., Sakamoto, K., Privon, G. C., Gallagher, J., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Martin, S., Viti, S., van der Werf, P., Evans, A. S., Black, J. H., Varenius, E., Beswick, R., Fuller, G., Henkel, C., Kohno, K., Alatalo, K., Muehle, S., 2019, The hidden heart of the luminous infrared galaxy IC 860 I. A molecular inflow feeding opaque, extreme nuclear activity, Astron. Astrophys. 627, A147, arXiv:1905.07275

862-: Neumann, J., Gadotti, D. A., Wisotzki, L., Husemann, B., Busch, G., Combes, F., Croom, S. M., Davis, T. A., Gaspari, M., Krumpe, M., Perez-Torres, M. A., Scharwaechter, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Tremblay, G. R., Urrutia, T.: 2019, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Comparative analysis of the structural properties of star-forming and non-star-forming galaxy bars, Astron. Astrophys. 627, A26, arXiv:1905.05214

861-: Audibert, A., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Hunt, L., Eckart, A., Aalto, S., Casasola, V., Boone, F., Krips, M., Viti, S., Muller, S., Dasyra, K., van der Werf, P., Martin, S., 2019, ALMA captures feeding and feedback from the active galactic nucleus in NGC613, Astron. Astrophys. 632, A33, arXiv:1905.01979

860-: Vrtilek, J. M., O'Sullivan, E., Kolokythas, K., David, L., Schellenberger, G., Combes, F., Salome, P.: 2019, The Complete Local-Volume Groups Sample (CLoGS): progress in X-ray, radio continuum, and CO line observations, HEAD 17, 107.21

859-: Calzadilla, M., Russell, H., McDonald, M., Fabian, A., Baum, S., Combes, F., Donahue, M., Edge, A., McNamara, B., Nulsen, P. E. J., O'Dea, C., Oonk, R., Tremblay, G., Vantyghem, A.: 2019, Revealing a highly dynamic cluster core in Abell 1664 with Chandra, HEAD 17, 107.01

858-: Geach, J.E., et al.: 2019, The case for a 'sub-millimeter SDSS': a 3D map of galaxy evolution to z~10, Astro2020 Decadal Survey, arXiv:1903.04779

857-: Russell, H.R., McNamara, B.R., Fabian, A.C., Nulsen, P.E.J., Combes, F., Edge, A.C., Madar, M., Olivares, V., Salome, P., Vantyghem, A.N., 2019, Driving massive molecular gas flows in central cluster galaxies with AGN feedback, MNRAS 490, 3025, arXiv:1902.09227

856-: Olivares, V., Salome, P., Combes, F., Hamer, S., Guillard, P., Lehnert, M. D., Polles, F., Beckmann, R. S., Dubois, Y., Donahue, M., Edge, A., Fabian, A. C., McNamara, B., Rose, T., Russell, H., Tremblay, G., Vantyghem, A., Canning, R. E. A., Ferland, G., Godard, B., Hogan, M., Peirani, S., Pineau des Forets, G., 2019, Ubiquitous cold and massive filaments in cool core clusters, Astron. Astrophys. 631, A22, arXiv:1902.09164

855-: Dassa-Terrier, J., Melchior, A-L., Combes, F, 2019, M31 circum-nuclear region: a molecular survey with the IRAM-interferometer, Astron. Astrophys. 625, A148, arXiv:1902.05822

854-: Rose, T, Edge, A.C., Combes, F., Gaspari, M., Hamer, S., Nesvadba, N., Russell, H., Tremblay, G.R., Baum, S.A., O'Dea, C., Peck, A.B., Sarazin, C., Vantyghem, A., Bremer, M., Donahue, M., Fabian, A.C., Ferland, G., McNamara, B.R., Mittal, R., Oonk, J.B.R., Salome, P., Swinbank, A.M., Voit, M.: 2019, Deep and narrow CO absorption revealing molecular clouds in the Hydra-A brightest cluster galaxy, MNRAS. 485, 229, arXiv:1902.01863

853-: Salomé, Q., Salomé, P., Gusdorf, A., Combes, F., 2019, Physical conditions in Centaurus A's northern filaments I: APEX mid-J CO observations of CO-bright regions, Astron. Astrophys. 627, A6, arXiv:1901.11148

852-: Falstad, N., Hallqvist, F., Aalto, S., Koenig, S., Muller, S., Aladro, R., Combes, F., Evans, A. S., Fuller, G. A., Gallagher, J. S., Garcia-Burillo, S., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Greve, T. R., Henkel, C., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Mangum, J. G., Martin, S., Privon, G. C., Sakamoto, K., Veilleux, S., van der Werf, P. P., 2019, Hidden or missing outflows in highly obscured galaxy nuclei?, Astron. Astrophys. 623, A29, arXiv:1901.06723

851-: Davis, B.L., Graham, A.W., Combes, F., 2019, A Consistent Set of Empirical Scaling Relations for Spiral Galaxies: the (vmax,MDM)-(sigma0,MBH,phi) Relations, Astrophys. J, 877, 64, arXiv:1901.06509

850-: Fazeli, N., Busch, G., Valencia-S., M., Eckart, A., Zajacek, M., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S.: 2019, Near-infrared observations of star formation and gas flows in the NUGA galaxy NGC 1365, Astron. Astrophys. 622, A128, arXiv:1901.06241

849-: Combes, F., Gupta, N., Jozsa, G.I.G., Momjian, E.: 2019, Discovery of CO absorption at z=0.05 in G0248+430, Astron. Astrophys. 623, A133, arXiv:1901.04683

848-: Di Matteo, P., Fragkoudi, F., Khoperskov, S., Ciambur, B., Haywood, M., Combes, F., Gomez, A.: 2019, Disk origin of the Milky Way bulge: On the necessity of the thick disc, Astron. Astrophys. 628, A11, arXiv:1901.00777

847-: Castignani, G., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Benoist, C., Chiaberge, M., Freundlich, J., De Zotti G.: 2019, Molecular gas in radio galaxies in dense Mpc-scale environments at z=0.4-2.6, Astron. Astrophys. 623, A48, arXiv:1812.09997

846-: Freundlich, J., Combes, F., Tacconi, L. J., Genzel, R., Garcia-Burillo, S., Neri, R., Contini, T., Bolatto, A., Lilly, S., Salomé, P., Bicalho, I. C., Boissier, J., Boone, F., Bouché, N., Bournaud, F., Burkert, A., Carollo, M., Cooper, M. C., Cox, P., Feruglio, C., Foerster Schreiber, N. M., Juneau, S., Lippa, M., Lutz, D., Naab, T., Renzini, A., Saintonge, A., Sternberg, A., Walter, F., Weiner, B., Weiss, A., Wuyts, S.: 2019, PHIBSS2: survey design and z=0.5-0.8 results. Molecular gas reservoirs during the winding-down of star formation, Astron. Astrophys. 622, A105, arXiv:1812.08180

845-: Vantyghem, A.N., McNamara, B.R., Russell, H.R., Edge, A.C., Nulsen, P.E.J., Combes, F., Fabian, A.C., McDonald, M., Salome, P.: 2019, An enormous molecular gas flow in the RXJ0821+0752 galaxy cluster, Astrophys. J., 870, 57, arXiv:1811.09653

844-: Khoperskov, S., Di Matteo, P., Gerhard, O., Katz, D., Haywood, M., Combes, F., Berczik, P., Gomez , A.: 2019, The echo of the bar buckling: phase-space spirals in Gaia DR2, Astron. Astrophys. Letters, 622, L6, arXiv:1811.09205

843-: Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Audibert, A., Hunt, L., Eckart, A., Aalto, S., Casasola, V., Boone, F., Krips, M., Viti, S., Sakamoto, K., Muller, S., Dasyra, K., van der Werf, P., Martin, S.: 2019, ALMA observations of molecular tori around massive black holes, Astron. Astrophys., 623, A79, arXiv:1811.00984

842-: Boselli, A., Fossati, M., Longobardi, A., Consolandi, G., Amram, P., Sun, M., Andreani, P., Boquien, M., Braine, J., Combes, F., Cote, P., Cuillandre, J. C., Duc, P. A., Emsellem, E., Ferrarese, L., Gavazzi, G., Gwyn, S., Hensler, G., Peng, E. W., Plana, H., Roediger, J., Sanchez-Janssen, R., Sarzi, M., Serra, P., Trinchieri, G.: 2019, A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE).V. Properties of the ionised gas filament of M87, Astron. Astrophys., 623, A52, arXiv:1810.09804

841-: Cortzen, I., Garrett, J., Magdis, G., Rigopoulou, D., Valentino, F., Pereira-Santaella, M., Combes, F., Alonso-Herrero, A., Toft, S., Daddi, E., Elbaz, D., Gomez-Guijarro, C., Stockmann, M., Huang, J., Kramer, C., 2019 PAHs as tracers of the molecular gas in star-forming galaxies, MNRAS, 482, 1618, arXiv:1810.05178

840-: Calzadilla, M.S.,Russell, H.R., McDonald, M., Fabian, A.C., Baum, S.A., Combes, F., Donahue, M., Edge, A.C., McNamara, B.R., Nulsen, P.E.J., O'Dea, C.P., Oonk, J.B.R., Tremblay, G.R., Vantyghem, A.N.: 2019, Revealing a Highly-Dynamic Cluster Core in Abell 1664 with Chandra, Astrophys. J., 875, 65, arXiv:1810.00881

839-: Bicalho, I. C., Combes, F., Rubio, M., Verdugo, C., Salome, P., 2019, ALMA CO(2-1) observations in the XUV disk of M83, Astron. and Astrophys., 623, A66, arXiv:1807.01373

838-: Herrera-Camus, R., Tacconi, L. J., Genzel, R., Foerster Schreiber, N. M., Lutz, D., Bolatto, A. D., Wuyts, S., Renzini, A., Lilly, S. J., Belli, S., Uebler, H., Shimizu, T., Davies, R., Sturm, E., Combes, F., Freundlich, J., Garcia-Burillo, S., Cox, P., Burkert, A., Naab, T., Colina, L., Saintonge, A., Cooper, M., Feruglio, C., Weiss, A, 2019, Molecular and Ionized Gas Phases of an AGN-driven Outflow in a Typical Massive Galaxy at z=2, Astrophys. J., 871, 37, arXiv:1807.07074

837-: Hamer, S. L., Fabian, A. C., Russell, H. R., Salome, P., Combes, F., Olivares, V., Polles, F. L., Edge, A. C., Beckmann, R. S., 2019, Discovery of a diffuse optical line emitting halo in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies: Line emission outside the protection of the filaments, MNRAS, 483, 4984, arXiv:1803.09765

836-: Combes, F.: 2018, IAU-FM6-- Angular momentum -- Conference summary, Proceedings FM6, IAU-GA, Vienna, August 2018, arXiv:1810.00796

835-: Castignani, G., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Benoist, C., Chiaberge, M., Freundlich, J., De Zotti, G.: 2018, Molecular gas in radio galaxies at z=0.4-2.6 in (proto-)cluster environment, Proceedings FM3, IAU-GA, Vienna, August 2018, arXiv:1809.09568

834-: Busch, G., Husemann, B., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Eckart, A., Baum, S. A., Combes, F., Croom, S. M., Davis, T. A., Fazeli, N., Fischer, C., Gaspari, M., Klein, R., Krumpe, M., McElroy, R., O'Dea, C. P., Perez-Torres, M. A., Powell, M. C., Sanchez-Monge, Á., Scharwaechter, J., Tremblay, G. R., Urrutia, T.: 2018, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): SOFIA detects spatially-resolved [CII] emission in the luminous AGN HE0433-1028, Astrophys. J., 866, L9, arXiv:1809.06808

833-: Tremblay, G. R., Combes, F., Oonk, J. B. R., Russell, H. R., McDonald, M. A., Gaspari, M., Husemann, B., Nulsen, P. E. J., McNamara, B. R., Hamer, S. L., O'Dea, C. P., Baum, S. A., Davis, T. A., Donahue, M., Voit, G. M., Edge, A. C., Blanton, E. L., Bremer, M., N., Bulbul, E., Clarke, T. E., David, L. P., Edwards, L. O. V., Eggerman, D. A., Fabian, A. C., Forman, W. R., Jones, C., Kerman, N., Kraft, R. P., Li, Y., Powell, M. C., Randall, S. W., Salome, P., Simionescu, A., Su, Y., Sun, M., Urry, C. M., Vantyghem, A. N., Wilkes, B. J., ZuHone, J. A., 2018, A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole, Astrophys. J., 865, 13, arXiv:1808.00473

832-: O'Sullivan, E., Combes, F., Salome, P., David, L.P., Babul, A., Vrtilek, J.M., Lim, J., Olivares, V., Raychaudhury, S., Schellenberger, G., 2018, Cold gas in a complete sample of group-dominant early-type galaxies, Astron. and Astrophys., 618, A126, arXiv:1807.09110

831-: Combes, F., 2018, Molecular gas filamentary structures in galaxy clusters, in IAU-S342 -- Perseus in Sicily: from black hole to cluster outskirts -- K. Asada, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, H. Nagai, R. Nemmen, M. Giroletti, eds, arXiv:1807.07027

830-: Vantyghem, A. N., McNamara, B. R., Russell, H. R., Edge, A. C., Nulsen, P. E. J., Combes, F., Fabian, A. C., McDonald, M., Salome, P., 2018, Molecular gas filaments and star-forming knots beneath an X-ray cavity in RXC J1504-0248, Astrophys. J., 863, 193, arXiv:1807.04331

829-: Powell, M. C., Husemann, B., Tremblay, G. R., Krumpe, M., Urrutia, T., Baum, S. A., Busch, G., Combes, F., Croom, S. M., Davis, T. A., Eckart, A., O'Dea, C. P., Perez-Torres, M., Scharwaechter, J., Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., Urry, C. M, 2018, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): No evidence of galaxy-scale hot outflows in two nearby AGN, Astron. and Astrophys., 618, A27, arXiv:1807.00839

828-: Casasola, V., Magrini, L., Combes, F., Sani, E., Fritz, J., Rodighiero, G., Poggianti, B., Bianchi, S., Liuzzo, E., 2018, Spectroscopic characterization of the proto-cluster of galaxies around 7C 1756+6520 at z=1.4, Astron. and Astrophys. 618, A128, arXiv:1806.09493

827-: Combes, F. , 2018, Molecular gas in distant galaxies from ALMA studies, Astron. and Astrophys. Rev., 26, 5, arXiv:1806.06712

826-: Castignani, G., Combes, F., Salomé, P., Andreon, S., Pannella, M., Heywood, I., Trinchieri, G., Cicone, C., Davies, L. J. M., Owen, F. N., Raichoor, A., 2018, Molecular gas in two companion cluster galaxies at z=1.2, Astron. and Astrophys., 617, A103, arXiv:1806.01826

825-: Pereira-Santaella, M., Colina, L., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Emonts, B., Aalto, S., Alonso-Herrero, A., Arribas, S., Henkel, C., Labiano, A., Muller, S., Piqueras Lopez, J., Rigopoulou, D., van der Werf, P., 2018, Spatially resolved cold molecular outflows in ULIRGs, Astron. and Astrophys., 616, A171, arXiv:1805.03667

824-: Wiklind, T., Combes, F., Kanekar, N.: 2018, ALMA Observations of Molecular Absorption in the Gravitational Lens PMN 0134-0931, ApJ, 864, 73, arXiv:1804.05377

823-: Alonso-Herrero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Garcia-Burillo, S., Davies, R. I., Combes, F., Asmus, D., Bunker, A., Diaz-Santos, T., Gandhi, P., Gonzalez-Martin, O., Hernan-Caballero, A., Hicks, E., Hoenig, S., Labiano, A., Levenson, N. A., Packham, C., Ramos Almeida, C., Ricci, C., Rigopoulou, D., Rosario, D., Sani, E., Ward, M. J.: 2018, Resolving the nuclear obscuring disk in the Compton-thick Seyfert galaxy NGC5643 with ALMA, ApJ, 859, 144, arXiv:1804.04842

822-: Gomez, A., Di Matteo, P., Schultheis, M., Fragkoudi, F., Haywood, M., Combes, F.: 2018, Searching for a kinematic signature of the moderately metal-poor stars in the Milky Way bulge using N-body simulations, Astron. and Astrophys., 615, A100, arXiv:1803.09626

821-: Henkel, C., Muehle, S., Bendo, G., Jozsa, G. I. G., Gong, Y., Viti, S., Aalto, S., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Hunt, L. K., Mangum, J., Martin, S., Muller, S., Ott, J., van der Werf, P., Malawi, A. A., Ismail, H., Alkhuja, F., Asiri, H. M., Aladro, R., Alves, F., Ao, Y., Baan, W. A., Costagliola, F., Fuller, G., Greene, J., Impellizzeri, C. M. V., Kamali, F., Klessen, R. S., Mauersberger, R., Tang, X. D., Tristram, K., Wang, M., Zhang, J. S., 2018, Molecular line emission in NGC 4945, imaged with ALMA, Astron. and Astrophys., 615, A155, arXiv:1802.09852

820-: Boselli, A. et al.: 2018, A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE).I. Introduction to the Survey , Astron. and Astrophys., 614, A56, arXiv:1802.02829

819-: Krogager, J.-K., Gupta, N., Noterdaeme, P., Ranjan, A., Fynbo, J.P.U., Srianand, R., Petitjean, P., Combes, F., Mahabal, A.: 2018, MALS-NOT: Identifying Radio-Bright Quasars for the MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey, Astrophys. J. Sup., 235, 10, arXiv:1802.00482

818-: Fragkoudi, F., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Schultheis, M., Khoperskov, S., Gomez, A., Combes, F.:, 2018, The disc origin of the Milky Way bulge: II. Dissecting the chemo-morphological relations using N-body simulations and APOGEE, Astron. and Astrophys., 616, A180, arXiv:1802.00453

817-: Khoperskov, S., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Combes , F., 2018, Stellar metallicity variations across spiral arms in disk galaxies with multiple populations, Astron. and Astrophys., 611, L2, arXiv:1801.08711

816-: Halle, A., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Combes, F, 2018, Radial migration in a stellar galactic disc with thick components, Astron. and Astrophys., 616, A86, arXiv:1801.02403

815-: Tacconi, L. J., Genzel, R., Saintonge, A., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Neri, R., Bolatto, A., Contini, T., Foerster Schreiber, N. M., Lilly, S., Lutz, D., Wuyts, S., Accurso, G., Boissier, J., Boone, F., Bouché, N., Bournaud, F., Burkert, A., Carollo, M., Cooper, M., Cox, P., Feruglio, C., Freundlich, J., Herrera-Camus, R., Juneau, S., Lippa, M., Naab, T., Renzini, A., Salome, P., Sternberg, A., Tadaki, K., Ubler, H., Walter, F., Weiner, B., Weiss, A., 2018, PHIBSS: Unified Scaling Relations of Gas Depletion Time and Molecular Gas Fractions, ApJ 853, 179

814-: Khoperskov, S., Haywood, M., Di Matteo, P., Lehnert, M.D., Combes, F., 2018, Bar quenching in gas-rich galaxies, Astron. and Astrophys., 609, A60, arXiv:1709.03604

813-: Acero et al.: 2017, French SKA White Book - The French Community towards the Square Kilometre Array, arXiv:1712.06950

812-: Salomé, Q., Salomé, P.,, Miville-Deschênes, M.-A., Combes, F., Hamer, S: 2017, Inefficient jet-induced star formation in Centaurus A: High resolution ALMA observations of the northern filaments, Astron. Astrophys., 608, A98, arXiv:1710.09851

811-: Krumpe, M., Husemann, B., Tremblay, G.R., Urrutia, T., Powell, M., Davis, T.A., Scharwaechter, J., Dexter, J., Busch, G., Combes, F., Croom, S.M., Eckart, A., McElroy, R.E., Perez-Torres, M., Leung G., 2017, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Mrk 1018 halts dimming and experiences strong short-term variability, Astron. Astrophys. Letters, 607, L9, arXiv:1710.09382

810-: Fragkoudi, F., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Khoperskov, S., Gomez, A., Schultheis, M., Combes, F., Semelin, B.: 2017, What the Milky Way bulge reveals about the initial metallicity gradients in the disc, Astron. Astrophys. Letters, 607, L4, arXiv:1710.06864

809-: Melchior, A-L., Combes, F.,: 2017, Exhaustion of the gas next to M31's supermassive black hole, Astron. Astrophys. 607, L7, arXiv:1710.057i10

808-: Oosterloo, T., Oonk, J.B.R., Morganti, R., Combes, F., Dasyra, K., Salome, P., Vlahakis, N., Tadhunter, C., 2017, Properties of the molecular gas in the fast outflow in the Seyfert galaxy IC 5063, Astron. Astrophys. 608, A38, arXiv:1710.01570

807-: Vantyghem, A.N., McNamara, B.R., Edge, A.C., Combes, F., Russell, H.R., Fabian, A.C., Hogan, M.T., McDonald, M., Nulsen, P.E.J., Salomé, P., 2017, A 13CO Detection in a Brightest Cluster Galaxy, Astrophys. J., 848, 101 arXiv:1709.09679

806-: de Blok, W.J.G. et al.: 2017, An Overview of the MHONGOOSE Survey: Observing Nearby Galaxies with MeerKAT, in "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA". Stellenbosch, South Africa arXiv:1709.05895

805-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Viti, S., Combes, F., Fuente, A., Usero, A., Hunt, L. K., Martin, S., Krips, M., Aalto, S., Aladro, R., Ramos Almeida, C., Alonso-Herrero, A., Casasola, V., Henkel, C., Querejeta, M., Neri, R., Costagliola, F., Tacconi, L. J., van der Werf, P. P., 2017, ALMA imaging of C2H emission in the disk of NGC1068, Astron. and Astrophys., 608, A56 arXiv:1709.05895

804-: Russell, H. R., McNamara, B. R., Fabian, A. C., Nulsen, P. E. J., Combes, F., Edge, A. C., Hogan, M. T., McDonald, M., Salome, P., Tremblay, G., Vantyghem, A. N., 2017, Close entrainment of massive molecular gas flows by radio bubbles in the central galaxy of Abell 1795, MNRAS, 472, 4024 arXiv:1708.08935

803-: Gupta, N., Srianand, R., Baan, W. et al.: 2017, The MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey (MALS), in "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA", held in Stellenbosch 25-27 May, 2016, arXiv:1708.07371

802-: Combes, F., , 2017, AGN feedback and its quenching efficiency, in "Quasars at all cosmic epochs", Padova April 2017, M. d'Onofrio, D. Dultzin, A. del Olmo, P. Marziani, eds, arXiv:1707.09621

801-: Combes, F., , 2017, Secular evolution of Milky Way-type galaxies, SF2A 2017, C. Reyle, P. Di Matteo, F. Herpin, E. Lagadec, A. Lancon F. Royer (eds), arXiv:1707.08733

800-: Combes, F., , 2017, Closing remarks and Outlook, in "Rediscovering our Galaxy", Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 334, 2017, C. Chiappini, I. Minchev, E. Starkenburg, M. Valentini., eds , arXiv:1707.07602

799-: Combes, F., , with the PHIBSS collaboration, 2017, Star Formation Efficiency, in Galaxy Evolution Across Time, Proceedings of a conference held 12-16 June, 2017 in Paris, http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017geat.confE..65C

798-: Muller, S., Muller, H. S. P., Black, J. H., Gerin, M., Combes, F., Curran, S., Falgarone, E., Guelin, M., Henkel, C., Martin, S., Menten, K. M., Roueff, E., Aalto, S., Beelen, A., Wiklind, T., Zwaan, M. A., 2017, Detection of CH+, SH+, and their 13C- and 34S- isotopologues toward PKS1830-211, A and A, 606, A109, arXiv:1707.07446

797-: Miglio, A., Chiappini, C., Mosser B., et al.: 2017, PLATO as it is: a legacy mission for Galactic archaeology, Astronomical Notes, arXiv:1706.03778

796-: Padovani, P., Combes, F., Diaz Trigo, M., Ettori, S., Hatziminaoglou, E., Jonker, P., Salvato, M., Viti, S., Adami, C., Aird, J., Alexander, D., Casella, P., Ceccarelli, C., Churazov, E., Cirasuolo, M., Daddi, E., Edge, A., Feruglio, C., Mainieri, V., Markoff, S., Merloni, A., Nicastro, F., O'Brien, P., Oskinova, L., Panessa, F., Pointecouteau, E., Rau, A., Robrade, J., Schaye, J., Stoehr, F., Testi, L., Tombesi, F., 2017, ESO-Athena Synergy White Paper, arXiv:1705.06064

795-: Hunt, L.K., Weiss, A., Henkel, C., Combes, F.,, Garcia-Burillo, S., Casasola, V., Caselli, P., Lundgren, A., Maiolino, R., Menten, K.M., Testi, L.: 2017, Physical conditions of the molecular gas in metal-poor galaxies, A and A, 606, A99, arXiv:1704.05252

794-: Webb, N.A., Guerou, A., Ciambur, B., Detoeuf, A., Coriat, M., Godet, O., Barret, D., Combes, F., Contini, T., Graham, A.W., Maccarone, T.J., Mrkalj, M., Servillat, M., Schroetter, I., Wiersema , K., 2017, Understanding the environment around the intermediate mass black hole candidate ESO 243-49 HLX-1, A and A, 602, A103, arXiv:1704.04434

793-: Fragkoudi, F., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Gomez, A., Combes, F., Katz, D., Semelin, B., 2017, Bars & boxy/peanut bulges in thin & thick discs: I. Morphology and los velocities of a fiducial model, A and A, 606, A47, arXiv:1704.00734

792-: Jachym, P., Sun, M., Kenney, J.D.P., Cortese, L., Combes, F., Yagi, M., Yoshida, M., Palous, J., Roediger, E.: 2017, Molecular Gas Dominated 50 kpc Ram Pressure Stripped Tail of the Coma Galaxy D100, ApJ, 839, 114, arXiv:1704.00824

791-: Corbelli, E., Braine, J., Bandiera, R., Brouillet, N., Combes, F., Druard, C., Gratier, P., Mata, J., Schuster, K., Xilouris, M., Palla , F., 2017, From molecules to Young Stellar Clusters: the star formation cycle across the M33 disk, A and A, 601, A146, arXiv:1703.09183

790-: Aalto, S., Muller, S., Costagliola, F., Sakamoto, K., Gallagher, J. S., Falstad, N., Koenig, S., Dasyra, K., Wada, K., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Kristensen, L. E., Martin, S., van der Werf, P., Evans, A. S., Kotilainen, J., 2017, Luminous, pc-scale CO 6-5 emission in the obscured nucleus of NGC1377, A and A, 608, A22, arXiv:1702.05458

789-: Malhotra, S., Rhoads, J. E., Finkelstein, K., Yang, H., Carilli, C., Combes, F., Dassas, K., Finkelstein, S., Frye, B., Gerin, M., Guillard, P., Nesvadba, N., Rigby, J., Shin, M.-S., Spaans, M., Strauss, M. A., Papovich, C.: 2017, Herschel Extreme Lensing Line Observations: [CII] Variations in Galaxies at Redshifts z=1-3, ApJ 835, 110

788-: Fensch, J., Renaud, F., Bournaud, F., Duc, P.-A., Agertz, O., Amram, P., Combes, F., Di Matteo, P., Elmegreen, B., Emsellem, E., Jog, C. J., Perret, V., Struck, C., Teyssier, R., 2017, High-redshift major mergers weakly enhance star formation, MNRAS 465, 1934, arXiv:1610.03877

787-: Busch, G., Eckart, A., Valencia-S., M., Fazeli, N., Scharwachter, J., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S.: 2017, Star formation and gas flows in the centre of the NUGA galaxy NGC 1808 observed with SINFONI, Astron and Astrophys. 598, A55, arXiv:1611.07868

786-: Jean-Baptiste, I., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Gomez, A., Montuori, M., Combes, F., Semelin , B.: 2017, On the kinematic detection of accreted streams in the Gaia era: a cautionary tale, Astron and Astrophys. 604, A106, arXiv:1611.07193

785-: Carleton, T., Cooper, M. C., Bolatto, A. D., Bournaud, F., Combes, F., Freundlich, J., Garcia-Burillo, S., Genzel, R., Neri, R., Tacconi, L. J., Sandstrom, K. M., Weiner, B. J., Weiss, A.: 2017, PHIBSS: Exploring the Dependence of the CO-H2 Conversion Factor on Total Mass Surface Density at z lower than 1.5, MNRAS 467, 4886, arXiv:1611.04587

784-: Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Zamojski, M., Rujopakarn, W., Richard, J., Sklias, P., Schaerer, D., Combes, F., Ebeling, H., Rawle, T. D., Egami, E., Boone, F., Clement, B., Kneib, J.-P., Nyland, K., Walth, G., 2017, Molecular gas properties of a lensed star-forming galaxy at z~3.6: a case study, Astron. Astrophys. 605, A81, arXiv:1610.08065

783-: Gratier, P., Braine, J., Schuster, K., Rosolowsky, E., Boquien, M., Calzetti, D., Combes, F., Kramer, C., Henkel, C., Herpin, F., Israel., F., Koribalski, B. S., Mookerjea, B., Tabatabaei, F. S., Roellig, M., van der Tak, F. F. S., van der Werf, P., Wiedner, M., 2017, The molecular gas mass of M33, A and A 600, A27, arXiv:1609.03791

782-: Pandey-Pommier, M., Richard, J., Combes, F., Edge, A., Guiderdoni, B., Narasimha, D., Bagchi, J., Jacob, J.: 2016, Non-thermal emission and dynamical state of massive galaxy clusters from CLASH sample, SF2A Proceedings, arXiv:1612.00225

781-: Pandey-Pommier, M., Sirothia, S., Chadwick, P., Martin, J.-M., Colom, P., van Driel, W., Combes, F., Kharb, P., Crespeau, P-J., Richard, J., Guiderdoni, B., 2016, The low-frequency radio emission in blazar PKS2155-304, SF2A Proceedings, arXiv:1610.05650

780-: Vantyghem, A. N., McNamara, B. R., Russell, H. R., Hogan, M. T., Edge, A. C., Nulsen, P. E. J., Fabian, A. C., Combes, F., Salome, P., Baum, S. A., Donahue, M., Main, R. A., Murray, N. W., O'Connell, R. W., O'Dea, C. P., Oonk, J. B. R., Parrish, I. J, Sanders, J. S., Tremblay, G., 2016, Molecular Gas Along a Bright H-alpha Filament in 2A 0335+096 Revealed by ALMA, ApJ 832, 148, arXiv:1610.00716

779-: Husemann, B., Urrutia, T., Tremblay, G. R., Krumpe, M., Dexter, J., Busch, G., Combes, F., Croom, S. M., Davis, T. A., Eckart, A., McElroy, R. E., Perez-Torres, M., Powell, M., Scharwaechter, J., 2016, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS) - What is causing Mrk1018's return to the shadows after 30 years?, A and A 593, L9, arXiv:1609.04425

778-: McElroy, R. E., Husemann, B., Croom, S. M., Davis, T. A., Bennert, V. N., Busch, G., Combes, F., Eckart, A., Perez-Torres, M., Powell, M., Scharwaechter, J., Tremblay, G. R., Urrutia, T., 2016, The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS) - Mrk 1018 returns to the shadows after 30 years as a Seyfert 1, A and A 593, L8, arXiv:1609.04423

777-: Dasyra, K. M., Combes, F., Oosterloo, T., Oonk, J. B. R., Morganti, R., Salome, P., Vlahakis, N., 2016, ALMA reveals optically thin, highly excited CO gas in the jet-driven winds of the galaxy IC5063, A and A, 595, L7, arXiv:1609.03421

776-: Muller, S., Mueller, H. S. P., Black, J. H., Beelen, A., Combes, F., Curran, S., Gerin, M., Guelin, M., Henkel, C., Martin, S., Aalto, S., Falgarone, E., Menten, K. M., Schilke, P., Wiklind, T., Zwaan, M. A., 2016, OH+ and H2O+ absorption toward PKS1830-211, A and A 595, A128, arXiv:1609.01060

775-: Labiano , A., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Usero, A., Soria-Ruiz, R., Piqueras Lopez, J., Tremblay, G., Hunt, L., Fuente, A., Neri, R., Oosterloo, T.:2016, AGN feedback and star formation in young and old radio galaxies, Astronomische Nachrichten, 337, 188

774-: Rampazzo, R., D'Onofrio, M., Zaggia, S., Djorgovski, S. G., Elmegreen, D. M., Poggianti B. M., Calzetti, D., Combes, F., Longair, M. S., Bromm, V.: 2016, In Pursuit of High Redshift Galaxies, From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 435, 479

773-: Combes, F.: 2016, The Galactic Center compared with nuclei of nearby galaxies, IAU-Symp 322, The Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre, Steve Longmore, Geoff Bicknell and Roland Crocker, eds, arXiv:1608.04009

772-: Randriamampandry, T.H., Deg, N., Carignan, C., Combes, F., Spekkens K.: 2016, Exploring the GalMer database: bar properties and non-circular motions, A and A 594, A86, arXiv:1608.00690

771-: Fabian, A. C., Walker, S. A., Russell, H. R., Pinto, C., Canning, R. E. A., Salome, P., Sanders, J. S., Taylor, G. B., Zweibel, E. G., Conselice, C. J., Combes, F., Crawford, C. S., Ferland, G. J., Gallagher, J. S., III, Hatch, N. A., Johnstone, R. M., Reynolds, C. S.: 2016, HST imaging of the dusty filaments and nucleus swirl in NGC4696 at the centre of the Centaurus Cluster, MNRAS 461, 922, arXiv:1606.02436

770-: Tremblay, G.R., Oonk, J.B.R., Combes, F., Salome, P., O'Dea, C.P., Baum, S.A., Voit G.M., Donahue, M., McNamara, B.R., Davis, T.M., McDonald M.A., Edge, A.C., Clarke, T.E., Galvan-Madrid R., Bremer, M.N., Edwards, L.O.V., Fabian, A.C., Hamer, S.L., Li Y., Maury A., Russell H.R., Quillen A.C., Urry C.M., Sanders J.S., Wise M.: 2016, Cold, clumpy accretion onto an active supermassive black hole, Nature 534, 218, arXiv:1606.02304

769-: Salomé Q., Salomé P., Combes F., Hamer S.: 2016, Atomic-to-molecular gas phase transition triggered by the radio jet in Centaurus A, A and A 595, A65, arXiv:1605.05986

768-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Ramos Almeida, C., Usero, A., Krips, M., Alonso-Herrero, A., Aalto, S., Casasola, V., Hunt, L. K., Martin, S., Viti, S., Colina, L., Costagliola, F., Eckart, A., Fuente, A., Henkel, C., Marquez, I., Neri, R., Schinnerer, E., Tacconi, L. J., van der Werf, P. P.: 2016, ALMA resolves the torus of NGC 1068: continuum and molecular line emission, ApJL 823, L12, arXiv:1604.00205

767-: Hamer, S. L., Edge, A. C., Swinbank, A. M., Wilman, R. J., Combes, F., Salome, P., Fabian, A. C., Crawford, C. S., Russell, H. R., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., McNamara, B., Bremer, M. N., 2016, Optical Emission Line Nebulae in Galaxy Cluster Cores 1: The Morphological, Kinematic and Spectral Properties of the Sample, MNRAS 460, 1758, arXiv:1603.03047 with Appendices

766-: El-Zant, A., Freundlich, J., Combes, F.: 2016, From cusps to cores: a stochastic model, MNRAS 461, 1745, arXiv:1603.00526

765-: Gomez, A., Di Matteo, P., Stefanovitch, N., Haywood, M., Combes, F., Katz, D., Babusiaux, C., 2016, A new look at the kinematics of the bulge from an N-body model, A and A 589, A122, arXiv:1602.06587

764-: Russell, H. R., McNamara, B. R., Fabian, A. C., Nulsen, P. E. J., Edge, A. C., Combes, F., Murray, N. W., Parrish, I. J., Salome, P., Sanders, J. S., Baum, S. A., Donahue, M., Main, R. A., O'Connell, R. W., O'Dea, C. P., Oonk, J. B. R., Tremblay, G., Vantyghem, A. N., Voit, G. M., 2016, ALMA observations of cold molecular gas filaments trailing rising radio bubbles in PKS0745-191, MNRAS 458, 3134, arXiv:1602.05962

763-: Curran, S. J., Allison, J. R., Whiting, M. T., Sadler, E. M., Combes, F., Pracy, M. B., Bignell, C., Athreya, R., 2016, A search for HI and OH absorption in z > 3 CO emitters, MNRAS 457, 3666, arXiv:1601.01971

762-: Salomé, Q., Salomé, P., Combes, F., Hamer, S., Heywood , I.: 2016, Star formation efficiency along the radio jet in Centaurus A, A and A 586, A45, arXiv:1511.04310

761-: Aalto, S., Costagliola, F., Muller, S., Sakamoto, K., Gallagher, J. S., Dasyra, K., Wada, K., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Kristenssen, L., Martin, S., van der Werf, P., Evans, A. S., Kotilainen, J., 2016, A precessing molecular jet signaling an obscured, growing supermassive black hole in NGC1377?, A and A 590, A73, arXiv:1510.08827

760-: Scharwaechter, J., Combes, F., Salome, P., Sun, M., Krips, M.: 2016, The over-massive black hole in NGC 1277: New constraints from molecular gas kinematics, MNRAS, 457, 4272, arXiv:1507.02292

759-: Melchior, A.-L.,Combes , F., 2016, Dense gas tracing the collisional past of Andromeda. An atypical inner region?, A and A, 585, A44, arXiv:1504.00863

758-: Combes, F., and the PHIBSS coll.: 2015, The Evolution of Gas and Star Formation from z=3 to z=0, IAU-S315, From interstellar clouds to star-forming galaxies: universal processes?, P. Jablonka, P. Andre and F. van der Tak, eds. (CUP), arXiv:1510.03977

757-: Salomé, Q., Salomé, P., Combes, F., Hamer, S., Heywood, I.; 2015, Star formation efficiency in the outer filaments of Centaurus A, 2015sf2a.conf, 445

756-: Salomé, Q., Salomé, P., Combes, F., Hamer, S.: 2015, AGN feedback and jet-induced star formation, 2015sf2a.conf, 441

755-: Pandey-Pommier, M., van Weeren, R. J., Ogrean, G. A., Combes, F., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Richard, J., Bagchi, J., Guiderdoni, B., Jacob, J., Dwarakanath, K. S., Narasimha, D., Edge, A., Ebeling, H., Clarke, T. E., Mroczkowski, T.: 2015, A Steep spectrum radio halo in merging galaxy cluster- MACSJ0416.1-2403, 2015sf2a.conf, 247

754-: Renaud F., Bournaud F., Emsellem E., Agertz O., Athanassoula E., Combes F., Elmegreen B., Kraljic K., Motte F., Teyssier R.: 2015, Environmental regulation of cloud and star formation in galactic bars, MNRAS, 454, 3299, arXiv:1509.06567

753-: Randriamampandry T., Combes F., Carignan C., Deg N.: 2015, Estimating non-circular motions in barred galaxies using numerical N-body simulations, MNRAS, 454, 3743, arXiv:1509.04881

752-: Hunt, L. K., Garcia-Burillo, S., Casasola, V., Caselli, P., Combes, F., Henkel, C., Lundgren, A., Maiolino, R., Menten, K. M., Testi, L., Weiss, A., 2015, Molecular depletion times and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor in metal-poor galaxies, A and A, 583, A114, arXiv:1509.04870

751-: Iodice, E., Coccato, L., Combes, F., de Zeeuw, T., Arnaboldi, M., Weilbacher, P. M., Bacon, R., Kuntschner, H., Spavone, M., 2015, Mapping the inner regions of the polar disk galaxy NGC4650A with MUSE, A and A, 583, A48, arXiv:1509.01112

750-: Smajic, S., Moser, L., Eckart, A., Busch, G., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Valencia-S., M., Horrobin, M.: 2015, The nuclear gas disk of NGC 1566 dissected by SINFONI and ALMA, A and A, 583, A104, arXiv:1508.02664

749-: Hogan, M., Edge, A., Salome, P., Combes, F., Russell, H., McNamara, B., Grainge, K., Lim, J.: 2015, Direct Observations of an Extragalactic Advection Dominated Accretion Flow, Proceedings of The Extremes of Black Hole Accretion, Conference held 8-10 June, 2015 in Madrid, Spain

748-: Bolatto, A. D., Warren, S. R., Leroy, A. K., Tacconi, L. J., Bouché, N., Foerster Schreiber, N. M., Genzel, R., Cooper, M. C., Fisher, D. B., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Burkert, A., Bournaud, F., Weiss, A., Saintonge, A., Wuyts, S., Sternberg, A., 2015, High Resolution Imaging of PHIBSS z~2 Main Sequence Galaxies in CO J=1-0, ApJ, 809, 175, arXiv:1507.05652

747: Verdugo C., Combes F., Dasyra K., Salome P., Braine J.: 2015, Ram Pressure Stripping in the Virgo Cluster, A and A, 582, A6, arXiv:1507.04388

746-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Usero, A., Aalto, S., Colina, L., Alonso-Herrero, A., Hunt, L.K., Arribas, S., Costagliola, F., Labiano, A., Neri, R., Pereira-Santaella, M., Tacconi, L.J., van der Werf, P.P.: 2015, High-resolution imaging of the molecular outflows in two mergers: IRAS17208-0014 and NGC1614, A and A, 580, A35, arXiv:1505.04705

745-: Tremblay, G.R., O'Dea, C.P., Baum, S.A., Mittal, R., McDonald, M., Combes, F., Li, Y., McNamara, B., Bremer, M.N., Clarke, T.E., Donahue, M., Edge, A.C., Fabian, A.C., Hamer, S.L., Hogan, M.T., Oonk, R., Quillen, A.C., Sanders, J.S., Salome, P., Voit, G.M.: 2015, Far Ultraviolet Morphology of Star Forming Filaments in Cool Core Brightest Cluster Galaxies, MNRAS, 451, 3768, arXiv:1505.03533

744-: Aalto, S., Costagliola, S. Martin F., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Muller, S., Sakamoto, K., Fuller, G. A., Garcia-Burillo, S., van der Werf, P., Neri, R., Spaans, M., Combes, F., Viti, S., Muehle, S., Armus, L., Evans, A., Sturm, E., Cernicharo, J., Henkel, C., Greve, T. R., 2015, Probing highly-obscured galaxy nuclei with vibrationally excited HCN - Extreme luminosity densities inside self-absorbed v=0 HCN and HCO+, A and A, 584, A42, arXiv:1504.06824

743-: Mittal, R., Whelan, J. T., Combes F., 2015, Constraining star formation rates in cool-core brightest cluster galaxies, MNRAS, 450, 2564, arXiv:1504.00921

742-: Combes, F.: 2015, The Square Kilometer Array: cosmology, pulsars and other physics with the SKA, Proceedings of INFIERI-2014, Summer School on "Intelligent Signal Processing for Frontier Research and Industry", JINST, arXiv:1504.00493

741-: Dasyra, K.M., Bostrom, A.C., Combes, F.,Vlahakis, N.: 2015, A radio jet drives a molecular & atomic gas outflow in multiple regions within one square kiloparsec of the nucleus of the nearby galaxy IC5063, ApJ, 815, 34, arXiv:1503.05484

740-: Casasola, V., Hunt, L., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo; S., 2015, The resolved star-formation relation in nearby active galactic nuclei, A and A, 577, A135, arXiv:1503.00280

739-: Sakamoto, K., Aalto, S., Combes, F., Evans, A., Peck, A., 2015, An Infrared Luminous Merger with Two Bipolar Molecular Outflows : ALMA View of NGC 3256, Proceedings of IAU Symp-309, ed. B.L. Ziegler, F. Combes, H. Dannerbauer, M. Verdugo

738-: Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Zamojski, M., Schaerer, D., Combes, F., Egami, E., Swinbank, A.M., Richard, J., Sklias, P., Rawle, T.D., Kneib, J.-P., Boone, F., Blain, A., 2015, Molecular gas content in typical L* galaxies at z~1.5-3, Proceedings of IAU Symp-309, ed. B.L. Ziegler, F. Combes, H. Dannerbauer, M. Verdugo

737-: Jachym, P., Sun, M., Combes, F., Cortese, L., Kenney, J. D. P., 2015, Abundant molecular gas and inefficient SF in intra-cluster regions of a ram pressure stripped tail, Proceedings of IAU Symp-309, ed. B.L. Ziegler, F. Combes, H. Dannerbauer, M. Verdugo

736-: Schaerer, D., Boone, F., Jones, T., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Sklias, P., Zamojski, M., Cava, A., Richard, J., Ellis, R., Rawle, T. D., Egami, E., Combes, F., 2015, ALMA detection of [CII] 158 micron emission from a strongly lensed z=2 star-forming galaxy, A and A, 576, L2, arXiv:1502.03842

735-: Boquien, M., Calzetti, D., Aalto, S., Boselli, A., Braine, J., Buat, V., Combes, F., Israel, F., Kramer, C., Lord, S., Relano, M., Rosolowsky, E., Stacey, G., Tabatabaei, F., van der Tak, F., van der Werf, P., Verley, S., Xilouris, M., 2015, Measuring star formation with resolved observations: the test case of M33, A and A, 578, A8, arXiv:1502.01347

734-: Evans C. et al: 2015, The Science Case for Multi-Object Spectroscopy on the European ELT , ELT-MOS white paper: Instrumentation and methods, arXiv:1501.04726

733-: Combes, F.: 2015, Explaining the formation of bulges with MOND, in "Galactic Bulges", E. Laurikainen, D. Gadotti, R. Peletier (eds.), Springer, arXiv:1501.03603

732-: Halle, A., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Combes, F.: 2015, Quantifying stellar radial migration in a N-body simulation: blurring, churning, and the outer regions of galaxy discs, A and A, 578, A58, arXiv:1501.00664

731-: Musaeva, A., Koribalski, B.S., Farrell, S.A., Sadler, E.M., Servillat, M., Jurek, R., Lenc, E., Starling, R.L.C., Webb, N.A., Godet, O., Combes, F., Barret D.: 2015, HI study of the environment around ESO 243-49, the host galaxy of an intermediate mass black hole MNRAS, 447, 1951, arXiv:1412.2439

730-: Reshetnikov, V., Combes, F., 2015, Polar-ring galaxies: the SDSS view on the symbiotic galaxies, MNRAS, 447, 2287, arXiv:1412.2016

729-: Emsellem E., Renaud F., Bournaud F., Elmegreen B., Combes F., Gabor J., 2015, The interplay between a galactic bar and a supermassive black hole: nuclear fueling in a sub-parsec resolution galaxy simulation, MNRAS, 446, 2468, arXiv:1410.6479

728-: Di Matteo, P., Gomez, A., Haywood, M., Combes, F., Lehnert, M.D., Ness, M., Snaith, O.N., Katz, D., Semelin B.: 2015, Why the Milky Way's bulge is not only a bar formed from a cold thin disk, A and A, 577, A1, arXiv:1411.1416

727-: Salomé Q., Salomé P., Combes F.: 2015, Jet-induced star formation in 3C 285 and Minkowski Object, A and A, 574, A34, arXiv:1410.8367

726-: Guillard, P., Boulanger, F., Lehnert, M.D., Pineau des Forets, G., Combes, F., Falgarone, E., Bernard-Salas J.: 2015, Exceptional AGN-driven turbulence inhibits star formation in the 3C 326N radio-galaxy, A and A, 574, A32, arXiv:1410.6155

725-: Snaith, O., Haywood, M., Di Matteo, P., Lehnert, M.D., Combes, F., Katz, D., Gomez, A.: 2015, Reconstructing the star formation history of the Milky Way disc(s) from chemical abundances, A and A, 578, A87, arXiv:1410.3829

724-: Hamer S., Salomé P., Combes F., Salomé Q.: 2015, MUSE discovers perpendicular arcs in Cen A inner filament, A and A, 575, L3, arXiv:1409.7700

723-: Genzel, R., Tacconi, L. J., Lutz, D., Saintonge, A., Berta, S., Magnelli, B., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Neri, R., Bolatto, A., Contini, T., Lilly, S., Boissier, J., Boone, F., Bouché, N., Bournaud, F., Burkert, A., Carollo, M., Colina, L., Cooper, M. C., Cox, P., Feruglio, C., Foerster Schreiber, N. M., Freundlich, J., Gracia-Carpio, J., Juneau, S., Kovac, K., Lippa, M., Naab, T., Salomé, P., Renzini, A., Sternberg, A., Walter, F., Weiner, B., Weiss, A., Wuyts, S., 2015, Combined CO & Dust Scaling Relations of Depletion Time and Molecular Gas Fractions with Cosmic Time, Specific Star Formation Rate and Stellar Mass, ApJ, 800, 20, arXiv:1409.1171

722-: O'Sullivan, E., Combes, F., Hamer, S., Salomé, P., Babul, A., Raychaudhury, S.: 2015, Cold gas in group-dominant elliptical galaxies, A and A, 573, A111, arXiv:1408.7106

721-: Combes, F. 2015, Models of AGN feedback, Proceedings of IAU Symp-309, ed. B.L. Ziegler, F. Combes, H. Dannerbauer, M. Verdugo, arXiv:1408.1591

720-: Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Zamojski, M., Schaerer, D., Combes, F., Egami, E., Swinbank, A. M., Richard, J., Sklias, P., Rawle, T. D., Rex, M., Kneib, J.-P., Boone, F., Blain, A., 2015, Molecular gas content in strongly-lensed z~1.5-3 star-forming galaxies with low IR luminosities, A and A, 577, A50, arXiv:1408.0816

719-: Schaerer, D., Boone, F., Zamojski, M., Staguhn, J., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Finkelstein, S., Combes, F., Richard, J., 2015, New constraints on dust emission and UV attenuation of z=6.5-7.5 galaxies from IRAM and ALMA observations, A and A, 574, A19, arXiv:1407.5793

718-: Freundlich, J., Salomé, P., Combes, F., Tacconi, L., Neri, R., Garcia-Burillo, S., Genzel, R., Contini, T., Lilly, S.: 2014, High-redshift star formation efficiency as uncovered by the IRAM PHIBSS programs, 2014sf2a.conf, 387

717-: Boone, F., Combes, F., Krips, M., Richard, J., Rawle, T., Egami, E., Kneib, J.-P., Schaerer, D., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Pello, R., Clement, B.: 2014, PdBI high-resolution high-sensitivity imaging of a strongly lensed submillimeter source at z=5.24, 2014sf2a.conf, 381

716-: Salomé, Q., Salomé, P., Combes, F.: 2014, 3C 285: a nearby galaxy with jet-induced star formation, 2014sf2a.conf, 371

715-: Melchior, A.-L., Combes, F. : 2014, Understanding the state of the gas surrounding Andromeda's black hole, 2014sf2a.conf, 351

714-: Halle, A., Combes, F., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M.: 2014, Disc galaxies: Molecular hydrogen, star formation and radial migration, 2014sf2a.conf, 329

713-: Freundlich, J., Jog, C. J., Combes, F., Anathpindika, S.: 2014, On the stability of self-gravitating filaments, 2014sf2a.conf, 325

712-: Combes, F., 2014, Bulge formation in disk galaxies with MOND, A and A, 571, A82, arXiv:1409.4218

711-: Viti, S., Garcia-Burillo, S., Fuente, A., Hunt, L. K., Usero, A., Henkel, C., Eckart, A., Martin, S., Spaans, M., Muller, S., Combes, F., Krips, M., Schinnerer, E., Casasola, V., Costagliola, F., Marquez, I., Planesas, P., van der Werf, P. P., Aalto, S., Baker, A. J., Boone, F., Tacconi, L. J., 2014, Molecular line emission in NGC1068 imaged with ALMA: II. The chemistry of the dense molecular gas, A and A, 570, A28, arXiv:1407.4940

710-: David, L.P., Lim, J., Forman, W., Vrtilek, J., Combes, F., Salome, P., Edge, A., Jones, C., Sun, M., O'Sullivan, E., Gastaldello, F., Temi, P., Schmitt, H., Ohyama, Y., Hamer, S., Mathews, W., Brighenti, F., Giacintucci, S., Bardelli, S., Trung D.-V., 2014, Molecular Gas in the X-ray Bright Group NGC 5044 as Revealed by ALMA, ApJ, 792, 94, arXiv:1407.3235

709-: Evans C.J. et al.: 2014, Science Case and Requirements for the MOSAIC Concept for a Multi-Object Spectrograph for the European Extremely Large Telescope, Proc SPIE 9147: Ground-based & Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, arXiv:1406.6369

708-: Tilanus R. et al.: 2014, Future mmVLBI Research with ALMA: A European vision, arXiv:1406.4650

707-: Dessauges-Zavadsky M., Verdugo C., Combes F., Pfenniger D.: 2014, CO map and steep Kennicutt-Schmidt relation in the extended UV disk of M63, A and A, 566, A147, arXiv:1406.0310

706-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Usero, A., Aalto, S., Krips, M., Viti, S., Alonso-Herrero, A., Hunt, L. K., Schinnerer, E., Baker, A. J., Casasola, F. Boone V., Colina, L., Costagliola, F., Eckart, A., Fuente, A., Henkel, C., Labiano, A., Martin, S., Marquez, I., Muller, S., Planesas, P., Ramos Almeida, C., Spaans, M., Tacconi, L. J., van der Werf, P. P., 2014, Molecular line emission in NGC1068 imaged with ALMA. I An AGN-driven outflow in the dense molecular gas, A and A, 567, A125, arXiv:1405.7706

705-: David, L. P., Lim, J., Forman, W. R., Vrtilek, J. M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Edge, A., Sun, M., Gastaldello, F., Temi, P., Schmitt, H. R., Ohyama, Y., Hamer, S., Mathews, W. G., Brighenti, F., Giacintucci, S., Bardelli, S., Trung, Dinh-V: 2014, Molecular Gas in the Cooling Flow Group NGC 5044 as Revealed by ALMA, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #224, #417.08

704-: Combes F.: 2014, Cosmic evolution of gas content and accretion, to be published in Seychelles conference on galaxy evolution, "Lessons from the Local Group", ed. K. C. Freeman, B. G. Elmegreen, D. L. Block, and M. Woolway (Dordrecht: Springer)

703-: Druard C., Braine J., Schuster K. F., Schneider N., Gratier P., Bontemps S., Boquien M., Combes F., Corbelli E., Henkel C., Herpin F., Kramer C., van der Tak F., van der Werf P.: 2014, The IRAM M33 CO(2-1) Survey - A complete census of the molecular gas out to 7 kpc, A and A, 567, A118, arXiv:1405.5884

702-: Muller, S., Combes, F., Guelin, M., Gerin, M., Aalto, S., Beelen, A., Black, J. H., Curran, S. J., Darling, J., Dinh-V-Trung, Garcia-Burillo, S., Henkel, C., Horellou, C., Martin, S., Marti-Vidal, I., Menten, K. M., Murphy, M. T., Ott, J., Wiklind, T., Zwaan, M. A.: 2014, An ALMA Early Science survey of molecular absorption lines toward PKS1830-211 -- Analysis of the absorption profiles, A and A, 566, A112, arXiv:1404.7667

701-: Muller, S., Black, J. H., Guelin, M., Henkel, C., Combes, F., Gerin, M., Aalto, S., Beelen, A., Darling, J., Horellou, C., Martin, S., Menten, K. M., Dinh-V-Trung, Zwaan, M. A.: 2014, Detection of chloronium and measurement of the 35Cl/37Cl isotopic ratio at z=0.89 toward PKS1830-211, A and A Letter, 566, L6, arXiv:1404.7668

700-: Rhoads, J. E., Malhotra, S., Allam, S., Carilli, C., Combes, F., Finkelstein, K., Finkelstein, S., Frye, B., Gerin, M., Guillard, P., Nesvadba, N., Rigby, J., Spaans, M., Strauss, M. A.: 2014, Herschel Extreme Lensing Line Observations: Dynamics of two strongly lensed star forming galaxies near redshift z = 2, ApJ, 787, 8, arXiv:1404.7143

699-: Smajic S., Moser L., Eckart A., Valencia-S. M., Combes F., Horrobin M., Garcia-Burillo S., Garcia-Marin M., Fischer S., Zuther J.: 2014, ALMA backed NIR high resolution integral field spectroscopy of the NUGA galaxy NGC 1433, A and A, 567, A119, arXiv:1404.6562

698-: Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Gomez, A., van Damme, L., Combes, F., Halle, A., Semelin, B., Lehnert, M. D., Katz, D.: 2014, Mapping a stellar disk into a boxy bulge: The outside-in part of the Milky Way bulge formation, A and A, 567, A122, arXiv:1404.0304

697-: Sakamoto, K., Aalto, S., Combes, F., Evans, A., Peck, A.: 2014, A Luminous Infrared Merger with Two Bipolar Molecular Outflows: ALMA and SMA Observations of NGC 3256, ApJ 797,90, arXiv:1403.7117

696-: Jachym, P., Combes, F., Cortese, L., Sun, M., Kenney J.D.P., 2014, Abundant molecular gas and inefficient star formation in intracluster regions: Ram pressure stripped tail of the Norma galaxy ESO137-001, ApJ 792, 11, arXiv:1403.2328

695-: Labiano, A., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Usero, A., Soria-Ruiz, R., Piqueras Lopez, J., Fuente, A., Hunt, L., Neri, R.: 2014, Fueling the central engine of radio galaxies. III. Molecular gas and star formation efficiency of 3C 293, A and A, 564, A128, arXiv:1402.7208

694-: Dasyra, K.M., Combes, F., Novak, G.S., Bremer, M., Spinoglio, L., Pereira Santaella, M., Salome, P., Falgarone, E., 2014, Heating of the molecular gas in the massive outflow of the local ultraluminous-infrared and radio-loud galaxy 4C12.50, A and A, 565, A46, arXiv:1402.3187

693-: Kraljic, K., Renaud, F., Bournaud, F., Combes, F., Elmegreen, B., Emsellem, E., Teyssier R., 2014, The role of turbulence in star formation laws and thresholds, ApJ, 784, 112, arXiv:1402.1680

692-: Freundlich, J., Jog, C.J., Combes , F., 2014, Local stability of a gravitating filament: a dispersion relation, A and A, 564, A7, arXiv:1402.0977

691-: Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Casasola V., Hunt L., Krips M., Baker A.J., Boone F., Eckart A., Marquez I., Neri R., Schinnerer E., Tacconi L.J., 2014, ALMA reveals the feeding of the Seyfert 1 nucleus in NGC 1566, A and A, 565, A97, arXiv:1401.4120

690-: Babusiaux, C., Katz, D., Hill, V., Royer, F., Gomez, A., Arenou, F., Combes, F., Di Matteo, P., Gilmore, G., Haywood, M., Robin, A. C., Rodriguez-Fernandez, N., Sartoretti, P., Schultheis, M., 2014, Metallicity and kinematics of the bar in-situ, A and A 563, A15, arXiv:1401.1925

689-: Snaith, O.N., Haywood, M., Di Matteo, P., Lehnert, M.D., Combes, F., Katz, D., Gomez A., 2014, The dominant epoch of star formation in the Milky Way formed the thick disc, ApJL 781, L31, arXiv:1401.1835

688-: Combes, F., 2014, Polar rings and the 3D-shape of dark matter, Proceedings of "Multi-spin galaxies", Napoli October 2013, E. Iodice, Ed, ASP-conf, arXiv:1312.6475

687-: Hunt, L. K., Testi, L., Casasola, V., García-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Nikutta, R., Caselli, P., Henkel, C., Maiolino, R., Menten, K. M., Sauvage, M., Weiss, A. , 2014, ALMA observations of cool dust in a low-metallicity starburst, SBS0335-052, A and A, 561, A49, arXiv:1312.0944

686-: Freundlich, J., Combes, F., Tacconi, L.J., Cooper, M.C., Genzel, R., Neri, R.: 2014, Star formation efficiency at high z and subgalactic scales, 2013sf2a.conf, 343

685-: Pommier, M., Richard, J., Combes, F., Dwarakanath, K., Guiderdoni, B., Ferrari, C., Narasimha, D.: 2014, Low frequency emission in galaxy clusters- MACS J0717.5+3745, 2013sf2a.conf, 433

684-: Hamer, S. L., Edge, A. C., Swinbank, A. M., Oonk, J. B. R., Mittal, R., McNamara, B. R., Russell, H. R., Bremer, M. N., Combes, F., Fabian, A. C., Nesvadba, N. P. H., O'Dea, C. P., Baum, S. A., Salomé, P., Tremblay, G., Donahue, M., Ferland, G. J., Sarazin, C. L., 2014, Cold gas dynamics in Hydra-A: evidence for a rotating disk, MNRAS, 437, 862, arXiv:1310.4501

683-: Tabatabaei, F. S., Braine, J., Xilouris, E. M., Kramer, C., Boquien, M., Combes, F., Henkel, C., Relano, M., Verley, S., Gratier, P., Israel, F., Wiedner, M. C., Roellig, M., Schuster, K. F., van der Werf, P., 2014, Variation in the dust emissivity index across M33 with Herschel and Spitzer (HerM33es), A and A, 561, A95, arXiv:1310.4155

682-: Rawle, T. D., Egami, E., Bussmann, R. S., Gurwell, M., Ivison, R. J., Boone, F., Combes, F., Danielson, A. L. R., Rex, M., Richard, J., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Altieri, B., Blain, A. W., Clement, B., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Edge, A. C., Fazio, G. G., Jones, T., Kneib, J.-P., Omont, A., Perez-Gonzalez, P. G., Schaerer, D., Valtchanov, I., van der Werf, P. P., Walth, G., Zamojski, M., Zemcov, M., 2014, [CII] and 12CO(1-0) Emission Maps in HLSJ091828.6+514223: A Strongly Lensed Interacting System at z=5.24, ApJ, 783, 59, arXiv:1310.4090

681-: Stringer M.J., Shankar F., Novak G.S., Huertas-Company M., Combes F., Moster B.P., 2014, Galaxy size trends as a consequence of cosmology, MNRAS, 441, 1570, arXiv:1310.3823

680-: Combes, F., 2014, Gas accretion in disk galaxies, Proceedings of Arkansas Conference, Structure and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies, M. Seigar and P.Treuthardt, eds, arXiv:1309.1603

679-: Russell, H. R., McNamara, B. R., Edge, A. C., Nulsen, P. E. J., Main, R. A., Vantyghem, A. N., Combes, F., Fabian, A. C., Murray, N., Salome, P., Wilman, R. J., Baum, S. A., Donahue, M., O'Dea, C. P., Oonk, J. B. R., Tremblay, G. R., Voit, G. M., 2014, Massive molecular gas flows in the Abell 1664 brightest cluster galaxy, ApJ, 784, 78, arXiv:1309.0014

678-: McNamara, B. R., Russell, H. R., Nulsen, P. E. J., Edge, A. C., Murray, N. W., Main, R. A., Vantyghem, A. N., Combes, F., Fabian, A. C., Salome, P., Kirkpatrick, C. C., Baum, S. A., Bregman, J. N., Donahue, M., Egami, E., Hamer, S., O'Dea, C. P., Oonk, J. B. R., Tremblay, G., Voit, G. M., 2014, A Ten Billion Solar Mass Outflow of Molecular Gas Launched by Radio Bubbles in the Abell 1835 Brightest Cluster Galaxy, ApJ, 785, 44, arXiv:1309.0013 and arXiv:1403.4249

677-: Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Casasola V., Hunt L., Krips M., Baker A.J., Boone F., Eckart A., Marquez I., Neri R., Schinnerer E., Tacconi L.J., 2013, ALMA observations of feeding and feedback in nearby Seyfert galaxies: an AGN-driven outflow in NGC 1433, A and A, 558, A124, arXiv:1309.7486

676-: Marti-Vidal, I., Muller, S., Combes, F., Aalto, S., Beelen, A., Darling, J., Guelin, M., Henkel, C., Horellou, C., Marcaide, J. M., Martin, S., Menten, K. M., V-Trung, Dinh, Zwaan, M., 2013, Probing the jet base of the blazar PKS1830-211 from the chromatic variability of its lensed images. Serendipitous ALMA observations of a strong gamma-ray flare, A and A, 558, A123, arXiv:1309.0638

675-: Boone, F., Clement, B., Richard, J., Schaerer, D., Lutz, D., Weiss, A., Zemcov, M., Egami, E., Rawle, T. D., Walth, G. L., Kneib, J.-P., Combes, F., Smail, I., Swinbank, A. M., Altieri, B., Blain, A. W., Chapman, S., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Ivison, R. J., Knudsen, K. K., Omont, A., Pello, R., Perez-Gonzalez, P. G., Valtchanov, I., van der Werf, P., Zamojski, M., 2013 An extended Herschel drop-out source in the center of AS1063: a normal dusty galaxy at z = 6.1 or SZ substructures? A and A, 559, L1, arXiv:1308.6707

674-: Bremer, M., Scharwaechter, J., Eckart, A., Valencia-S., M., Zuther, J., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Fischer, S., 2013, What produces the extended LINER-type emission in the NUGA galaxy NGC 5850?", A and A, 558, A34, arXiv:1308.3492

673-: Renaud, F., Bournaud, F., Emsellem, E., Elmegreen, B., Teyssier, R., Alves, J., Chapon, D., Combes, F., Dekel, A., Gabor, J., Hennebelle, P., Kraljic, K.: 2013, A sub-parsec resolution simulation of the Milky Way: Global structure of the ISM and properties of molecular clouds, MNRAS, 436, 1836, arXiv:1307.5639

672-: Casasola V., Magrini L., Combes F., Mignano A., Sani E., Paladino R., Fontani F.: 2013, A gas-rich AGN near the centre of a galaxy cluster at z= 1.4, A and A 558, A60, arXiv:1307.4576

671-: Pandey-Pommier, M., Richard, J., Combes, F., Dwarakanath, K.S., Guiderdoni, B., Ferrari C., Sirothia, S., Narasimha, D.: 2013, Low frequency radio emission in the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5 + 3745, A and A 557, A117

670-: Jachym, P., Kenney, J.D.P., Ruzicka, A., Sun, M., Combes, F., Palous J., 2013, Search for cold and hot gas in the ram pressure stripped Virgo dwarf galaxy IC3418, A and A 556, A99, arXiv:1305.7113

669-: Bremer, M., Scharwaechter, J., Eckart, A., Zuther, J., Fischer, S., Valencias-S., M., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo S., 2013, The Central 3 kpc of NGC 5850, Proceedings "Nuclei of Seyfert galaxies and QSOs - Central engine & conditions of star formation", Bonn, November 2012, ed J. Zuther et al, PoS, Trieste, Italy, arXiv:1305.1802

668-: Tabatabaei, F.S., Weiss, A., Combes, F., Henkel, C., Menten, K.M., Beck, R., Kovacs, A., Guesten R.: 2013, Cold dust in giant barred galaxy NGC1365, A and A 555, A128, arXiv:1305.1919

667-: Lughausen, F., Famaey, B., Kroupa, P., Angus, G., Combes, F., Gentile, G., Tiret, O., Zhao H., 2013, Polar ring galaxies as tests of gravity, MNRAS 432, 2846, arXiv:1304.4931

666-: Peng, T-C., Despois, D., Brouillet, N., Baudry, A., Favre, C., Remijan, A., Wootten, A., Wilson, T.L., Combes, F., Wlodarczak G., 2013, Acetone in Orion BN/KL - High-resolution maps of a special oxygen-bearing molecule, A and A 554, A78, arXiv:1304.4793

665-: R. Genzel, L. J. Tacconi, J. Kurk, S. Wuyts, F. Combes, J. Freundlich, A. Bolatto, M. C. Cooper, R. Neri, R. Nordon, F. Bournaud, A. Burkert, J. Comerford, P. Cox, M. Davis, N. M. Forster Schreiber, S. Garcia-Burillo, J. Gracia-Carpio, D. Lutz, T. Naab, S. Newman, A. Saintonge, K. Shapiro Griffin, A. Shapley, A. Sternberg, B. Weiner, 2013, PHIBSS: molecular gas, extinction, star formation and kinematics in the z=1.5 star forming galaxy EGS13011166, ApJ 773, 68, arXiv:1304.0668

664-: Jablonka P., Combes F., Rines K., Finn R., Welch T.: 2013, Cold gas in the inner regions of intermediate redshift clusters, A and A 557, A103, arXiv:1303.6396

663-: Combes F., Moiseev A., Reshetnikov V., 2013, Molecular content of polar ring galaxies, A and A 554, A11, arXiv:1302.7273

662-: Combes F., 2013, Molecular gas in high redshift galaxies, Proceedings "New Trends in Radio Astronomy in the ALMA Era", Hakone, December 2012, ed R. Kawabe, N. Kuno, S. Yamamoto, ASP Conf Series, arXiv:1302.4184

661-: M. Relano, S. Verley, I. Perez, C. Kramer, D. Calzetti, E. M. Xilouris, M. Boquien, J. Abreu-Vicente, F. Combes, F. Israel, F. S. Tabatabaei, J. Braine, C. Buchbender, M. Gonzalez, P. Gratier, S. Lord, B. Mookerjea, G. Quintana-Lacaci, P. van der Werf, 2013, Spectral Energy Distributions of HII regions in M33 (HerM33es), A and A 552, A140, arXiv:1301.5917

660-: Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Combes, F., Semelin, B., Snaith O.N., 2013, Signatures of radial migration in barred galaxies: Azimuthal variations in the metallicity distribution of old stars, A and A 553, A102, arXiv:1301.2545

659-: J. Freundlich, F. Combes, L. J. Tacconi, M. C. Cooper, R. Genzel, R. Neri, A. Bolatto, F. Bournaud, A. Burkert, P. Cox, M. Davis, N. M. Forster Schreiber, S. Garcia-Burillo, J. Gracia-Carpio, D. Lutz, T. Naab, S. Newman, A. Sternberg, B. Weiner, 2013, Towards a resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt law at high redshift, A and A 553, A130, arXiv:1301.0628

658-: Muller S., Beelen A., Black J.H., Curran S.J., Horellou C., Aalto S., Combes F., Guelin M., Henkel C.: 2013, A precise and accurate determination of the cosmic microwave background temperature at z=0.89, A and A 551, A109, arXiv:1212.5456

657-: Brouillet, N., Despois, D., Baudry, A., Peng, T.-C., Favre, C., Wootten, A., Remijan, A.J., Wilson, T.L., Combes, F., Wlodarczak G., 2013, CH3OCH3 in Orion-KL: a striking similarity with HCOOCH3, A and A 550, A46, arXiv:1212.4531

656-: Halle, A., Combes, F., : 2013, Influence of baryonic physics in galaxy simulations: the molecular component , A and A 559, A55, arXiv:1212.4433

655-: Fisher, D.B., Bolatto, A., Drory, N., Combes, F., Blitz, L., Wong T.: 2013, The Molecular Gas Density in Galaxy Centers and How It Connects to Bulges, ApJ, 764, 174, arXiv:1211.6118

654-: L.J.Tacconi, R.Neri, R.Genzel, F.Combes, A.Bolatto, M.C.Cooper, S.Wuyts, F.Bournaud, A.Burkert, J.Comerford, P.Cox, M.Davis, N.M. Forster Schreiber, S.Garcia-Burillo, J.Gracia-Carpio, D.Lutz, T.Naab, S.Newman, A.Omont, A. Saintonge, K. Shapiro Griffin, A.Shapley, A.Sternberg, B.Weiner, 2013, PHIBSS: molecular gas content and scaling relations in z~1-3 normal star forming galaxies, ApJ, 768, 74, arXiv:1211.5743

653-: Labiano A., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Usero A., Soria-Ruiz R., Tremblay G., Neri R., Fuente A., Morganti R., Oosterloo T., 2013, Fueling the central engine of radio galaxies. II. The footprints of AGN feedback on the ISM of 3C 236, A and A, 549, A58, arXiv:1210.8039

652-: Combes F., 2013, Dark matter distribution and its impact on the evolution of galaxy disks, EWASS-SPS4, Roma, P. Di Matteo and C. Jog, eds (arXiv:1210.5124)

651-: Melchior A-L., Combes F., 2013, A cold gas reservoir to fuel M31 nuclear black hole and stellar cluster , A and A, 549, A27, arXiv:1210.4316

650-: Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Braine J., Schinnerer E., Walter F., Colina L., 2013, Star Formation Efficiency at Intermediate Redshift IAU Symp 292, T. Wong and J. Ott eds, arXiv:1209.5523

649-: Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Braine J., Schinnerer E., Walter F., Colina L., 2013, Gas Fraction and Star Formation Efficiency at z < 1.0, A and A, 550, A41, arXiv:1209.3665

648-: Walmsley, C.M., Bertout C., Combes, F., Forveille T., Shore S., Gusten R.: 2012, GREAT special feature, A and A 542, E1

647-: Rawle, T., Egami, E., Rex, M., Combes, F., Boone, F., Smail, I., Lensing Survey, Herschel, 2012, The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS): A Bright Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy in the Field of Abell 773, BAAS...22042105

646-: R. Mittal, J. B. R. Oonk, G. J. Ferland, A. C. Edge, C. P. O'Dea, S. A. Baum, J. T. Whelan, R. M. Johnstone, F. Combes, P. Salome, A. C. Fabian, G. R. Tremblay, M. Donahue, H. Russell, 2012, Herschel observations of extended atomic gas in the core of the Perseus cluster, MNRAS, 426, 2957, arXiv:1208.1730

645-: Laporte N., Pello R., Hayes M., Schaerer D., Boone F., Richard J., Le Borgne J.F., Kneib J.P., Combes F., 2012, The bright-end of the luminosity function at z~9, A and A Letters, 542, L31, arXiv:1205.4187

644-: G. R. Tremblay, C. P. O'Dea, S. A. Baum, T. E. Clarke, C. L. Sarazin, J. N. Bregman, F. Combes, M. Donahue, A. C. Edge, A. C. Fabian, G. J. Ferland, B. R. McNamara, R. Mittal, J. B. R. Oonk, A. C. Quillen, H. R. Russell, J. S. Sanders, P. Salome, G. M. Voit, R. J. Wilman, M. W. Wise, 2012, Multiphase Signatures of AGN Feedback in Abell 2597, MNRAS, 424, 1026, arXiv:1205.2374

643-: G. R. Tremblay, C. P. O'Dea, S. A. Baum, T. E. Clarke, C. L. Sarazin, J. N. Bregman, F. Combes, M. Donahue, A. C. Edge, A. C. Fabian, G. J. Ferland, B. R. McNamara, R. Mittal, J. B. R. Oonk, A. C. Quillen, H. R. Russell, J. S. Sanders, P. Salome, G. M. Voit, R. J. Wilman, M. W. Wise , 2012, Residual Cooling and Persistent Star Formation amid AGN Feedback in Abell 2597, MNRAS, 424, 1042, arXiv:1205.2373

642-: E. M. Xilouris, F. S. Tabatabaei, M. Boquien, C. Kramer, C. Buchbender, F. Bertoldi, S. Anderl, J. Braine, S. Verley, M. Relano, G. Quintana-Lacaci, S. Akras, R. Beck, D. Calzetti, F. Combes, M. Gonzalez, P. Gratier, C. Henkel, F. Israel, B. Koribalski, S. Lord, B. Mookerjea, E. Rosolowsky, G. Stacey, R. P. J. Tilanus, F. van der Tak, P. van der Werf, 2012, Cool and warm dust emission from M33 (HerM33es), A and A, 543, A74, arXiv:1205.1351

641-: Levshakov S.A., Combes F. Boone F., Agafonova I.I., Reimers D., Kozlov M.G., 2012, An upper limit to the variation in the fundamental constants at redshift z = 5.2, A and A Letters, 540, L9, arXiv:1203.3649

640-: Dasyra K.M., Combes F., 2012, Cold and warm molecular gas in the outflow of 4C12.50, A and A 541, L7, arXiv:1203.3452

639-: Minchev I., Famaey B., Quillen A.C., Di Matteo P., Combes F., Vlajic M., Erwin P., Bland-Hawthorn J., 2012, Evolution of Galactic Disks: Multiple Patterns, Radial Migration and Disk Outskirts, A and A 548, A126, arXiv:1203.2621

638-: Dasyra, K.M., Combes, F., Salome, P., Braine J.: 2012, Survival of molecular gas in Virgo's hot intracluster medium: CO near M86, A and A 540, A112, arXiv:1202.1763

637-: Combes F., Rex M., Rawle T.D., Egami E., Boone F., Smail I., Richard J., Ivison R.J., Gurwell M., Casey C.M., Omont A., Berciano Alba A., Dessauges-Zavadsky M., Edge A.C., Fazio G.G., Kneib J.P., Okabe N., Pello R., Perez-Gonzalez P.G., Schaerer D., Smith G.P., Swinbank A.M., van der Werf P., 2012, A bright z=5.2 lensed submillimeter galaxy in the field of Abell 773: HLSJ091828.6+514223, A and A, 538, L4 arXiv:1201.2908

636-: Combes F., Boquien M., Kramer C., Xilouris E.M., Bertoldi F., Braine J., Buchbender C., Calzetti D., Gratier P., Israel F., Koribalski B., Lord S., Quintana-Lacaci G., Relano M., Roellig M., Stacey G., Tabatabaei F.S., Tilanus R.P.J., van der Tak F., van der Werf P., Verley S.: 2012, Dust and gas power-spectrum in M33 (HERM33ES), A and A, 539, A67 arXiv:1201.2558

635-: Tabatabaei, F.S., Braine, J., Kramer, C., Xilouris, M., Boquien, M., Verley, S., Schinnerer, E., Calzetti, D., Combes, F., Israel, F., Henkel, C., The HerM33es Team, 2012, Variation in the dust spectral index across M33, in The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 284, R.J. Tuffs and C.C.Popescu, eds,p. 125, arXiv:1111.6740

634-: L'Huillier B., Combes, F., Semelin B.: 2012, Mass assembly of galaxies: smooth accretion versus mergers, A and A, 544, A68, arXiv:1108.4247

633-: Gratier, P., Braine, J., Rodriguez-Fernandez, N.J., Schuster, K.F., Kramer, C., Corbelli, E., Combes, F., Brouillet, N., van der Werf, P.P., Roellig M.: 2012, Giant Molecular Clouds in the Local Group Galaxy M33, A & A, 542, A108, arXiv:1111.4320

632-: R. Genzel, L. J. Tacconi, F. Combes, A. Bolatto, R. Neri, A. Sternberg, M. C. Cooper, N. Bouche, F. Bournaud, A. Burkert, J. Comerford, P. Cox, M. Davis, N. M. Foerster Schreiber, S. Garcia-Burillo, J. Gracia-Carpio, D. Lutz, T. Naab, S. Newman, A. Saintonge, K. Shapiro, A. Shapley, B. Weiner , 2012, The metallicity dependence of the CO- H_2 conversion factor in z>1 star forming galaxies, ApJ, 746, 69, arXiv:1106.2098

631-: Garcia-Burillo S., Combes, F.,: 2011, The feeding of activity in galaxies: a molecular line perspective, Proceedings of "The Central Kiloparsec in Galactic Nuclei-Astronomy at High Angular Resolution 2011", to appear in Journal of Physics, Conf Series, IOP Publishing, arXiv:1205.0758

630-: Combes, F.,: 2011, Molecular gas and star formation in the Milky Way, to appear in the proceedings of "Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way", Le Grand Bornand (Apr. 17-22, 2011), C. Reyle, A. Robin, M. Schultheis (eds.), arXiv:1110.3424

629-: Combes, F.,: 2011, Dynamical processes in galaxy centers, in "The Central Kiloparsec in Galactic Nuclei: Astronomy at High Angular Resolution 2011", arXiv:1111.4770

628-: R. Mittal, C. P. O'Dea, G. Ferland, R. Oonk, A. C. Edge, R. E. A. Canning, H. Russell, S. A. Baum, H. Boehringer, F. Combes, M. Donahue, A. C. Fabian, N. A. Hatch, A.Hoffer, R. Johnstone, B.R. McNamara, P. Salome, G. Tremblay: 2011, Herschel observations of the Centaurus cluster - the dynamics of cold gas in a cool core, MNRAS, 418, 2386, arXiv:1108.2757

627-: Dasyra, K.M., Combes, F: 2011, Turbulent and fast motions of H2 gas in active galactic nuclei, A&A letters, 533, L10 , arXiv:1108.2888

626-: Favre, C., Despois, D., Brouillet, N., Baudry, A., Combes, F., Guelin, M., Wootten, A., Wlodarczak, G.: 2011, HCOOCH_3 as a probe of temperature and structure of Orion-KL, IAU S280, 156, arXiv:1103.2548

625-: Muller, S., Beelen, A., Guelin, M., Aalto, S., Black, J. H., Combes, F., Curran, S., Longmore, S., Theule, P.: 2011, Absorption line surveys at intermediate redshift, IAU S280, 50

624-: F. Boone, D. Schaerer, R. Pello, D. Lutz, A. Weiss, E. Egami, I. Smail, M. Rex, T. Rawle, R. Ivison, N. Laporte, A. Beelen, F. Combes, A. W. Blain, J. Richard, J.-P. Kneib, M. Zamojski, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, B. Altieri, P. van der Werf, M. Swinbank, P. G. Perez-Gonzalez, B. Clement, R. Nordon, B. Magnelli, K. M. Menten, 2011, Far infrared constraints on the contamination by dust obscured galaxies of high-z dropout searches, A and A, 534, A124, arXiv:1108.2406

623-: K. M. Dasyra, L. C. Ho, H. Netzer, F. Combes, B. Traktenbrot, E. Sturm, L. Armus, D. Elbaz, 2011, A view of the narrow-line region in the infrared: active galactic nuclei with resolved fine-structure lines in the Spitzer archive, ApJ, 740, 94, arXiv:1107.3397

622-: M. Boquien, D. Calzetti, F. Combes, C. Henkel, F. Israel, C. Kramer, M. Relano, S. Verley, P. van der Werf, E. M. Xilouris, 2011, Dust heating sources in galaxies: the case of M33 (HERM33ES), AJ, 142, 111, arXiv:1107.2396

621-: B. Mookerjea, C. Kramer, C. Buchbender, M. Boquien, S. Verley, M. Relano, G. Quintana-Lacaci, S. Aalto, J. Braine, D. Calzetti, F. Combes, S. Garcia-Burillo, P. Gratier, C. Henkel, F. Israel, S. Lord, T. Nikola, M. Roellig, G. Stacey, F. S. Tabatabaei, F. van der Tak, P. van der Werf, 2011, The Herschel M33 extended survey (HerM33es): PACS spectroscopy of the star forming region BCLMP 302, A and A, 532, A152, arXiv:1106.5464

620-: Braun, R., Popping, A., Brooks, K., Combes, F., 2011, Molecular Gas in Intermediate Redshift ULIRGs MNRAS, 416, 2600, arXiv:1106.1676

619-: Curran, S.J., Whiting, M.T., Combes, F., Kuno, N., Francis, P., Nakai, N., Webb, J.K., Murphy, M.T., Wiklind T.: 2011, On the absence of molecular absorption in high redshift millimetre-band searches, MNRAS, 416, 2143, arXiv:1106.0578

618-: Krips, M., Martin, S., Eckart, A., Neri, R., Garcia-Burillo, S., Matsushita, S., Peck, A., Stoklasova, I., Petitpas, G., Usero, A., Combes, F., Schinnerer, E., Humphreys, L., Baker A.J.: 2011, SMA/PdBI multiple line observations of the nearby Seyfert2 galaxy NGC 1068: Shock related gas kinematics and heating in the central 100pc? ApJ, 736, 37, arXiv:1105.6089

617-: Salome, P., Combes, F., Revaz, Y., Downes, D., Edge, A.C., Fabian A.C.: 2011, A very extended molecular web around NGC 1275, A and A, 531, A85, arXiv:1105.3108

616-: Muller, S., Beelen, A., Guelin, M., Aalto, S., Black, J. H., Combes, F., Curran, S., Theule, P., Longmore, S. : 2011, Molecules at z=0.89: A 4-mm-rest-frame absorption line survey toward PKS 1830-211, A and A, 532, A103, arXiv:1104.3361

615-: Favre, C., Despois, D., Brouillet, N., Baudry, A., Combes, F., Guelin, M., Wootten, A., Wlodarczak, G.: 2011, HCOOCH3 as a probe of temperature and structure of Orion-KL, A and A, 532, A32, arXiv:1103.2548

614-: Melchior A.-L., Combes F.,: 2011, Molecular gas in the inner 0.7kpc-radius ring of M31, A and A, 536, A52, arXiv:1103.3392

613-: van der Laan T.P.R., Schinnerer E., Boone F., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Haan S., Leon S., Hunt L., Baker A.J.: 2011, Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XV. Molecular gas kinematics in the inner 3kpc of NGC6951, A and A, 529, A45, arXiv:1102.5104

612-: Young L.M., Bureau M., Davis T.A., Combes F., McDermid R.M., Alatalo K., Blitz L., Bois M., Bournaud F., Cappellari M., Davies R.L., de Zeeuw P.T., Emsellem E., Khockfar S., Krajnovic D., Kuntschner H., Lablanche P-Y., Morganti R., Naab T., Oosterloo T., Sarzi M., Scott N., Serra P., Weijmans A-M.: 2011, The Atlas3D project -- IV: the molecular gas content of early-type galaxies, MNRAS, 414, 940, arXiv:1102.4633

611-: Di Matteo P., Montuori M., Lehnert M.D., Combes F., Semelin B.: 2011, Gas inflows, star formation and metallicity evolution in galaxy pairs, in proceedings of the IAU 277th Symposium, Editors: C. Carignan, F. Combes, K. Freeman, arXiv:1102.2234

610-: Bureau M., Davis T.A., Alatalo K., Crocker A.F., Blitz L., Young L., Combes F., Bois M., Bournaud F., Cappellari M., Davies R.L., de Zeeuw P.T., Duc P-A., Emsellem E., Khochfar S., Krajnovic D., Kuntschner H., Lablanche P-Y., McDermid R.M., Morganti R., Naab T., Oosterloo T., Sarzi M., Scott N., Serra P., Weijmans A.: 2011, Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Local Early-Type Galaxies, in proceedings of the IAU 277th Symposium, Editors: C. Carignan, F. Combes, K. Freeman, arXiv:1102.1922

609-: Combes F.: 2011, Molecular gas in galaxies at all redshifts, in proceedings of the IAU 277th Symposium, Editors: C. Carignan, F. Combes, K. Freeman, arXiv:1101.3077

608-: Casasola V., Hunt L.K., Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Neri R.: 2011, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XIV. The barred LINER/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3627, A and A 527, A92, arXiv:1101.2626

607-: Boone, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes F., Lim J., Ho P., Baker A.J., Matsushita S., Krips M., Dinh-van-Trung, Schinnerer E.: 2011, High-resolution mapping of the physical conditions in two nearby active galaxies based on 12CO(1-0), (2-1) and (3-2) lines, A and A 525, A18, arXiv:1010.2270

606-: Combes F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Braine J., Schinnerer E., Walter F., Colina L.: 2011, Galaxy Evolution and Star Formation Efficiency at 0.2 < z < 0.6, A and A 528, A124, arXiv:1009.2040

605-: Crocker, A.F., Bureau, M., Young, L.M., Combes F.: 2011, Molecular gas and star formation in early-type galaxies, MNRAS 410, 1197, arXiv:1007.4147

604-: Graham, A.W., Onken, C.A., Athanassoula, E., Combes F.: 2011, An expanded M_bh-sigma diagram, and a new calibration of active galactic nuclei masses, MNRAS 412, 221, arXiv:1007.3834

603-: Minchev, I., Famaey, B., Combes, F., Di Matteo, P., Mouhcine, M., Wozniak H.: 2011, Radial migration in galactic disks caused by resonance overlap of multiple patterns: Self-consistent simulations, A and A 527, A147, arXiv:1006.0484

602-: Lestrade J-F. Combes F., Salome P., Omont A., Bertoldi F., Andre P., Schneider N., 2010, Discovery of an Extremely Bright Sub-Millimeter Galaxy at z=3.93 A and A 522, L4, arXiv:1009.0449

601-: Stacey G.J., Charmandaris V., Boulanger F., Wu Yanling, Combes F., Higdon S.J.U., Smith J.D.T., Nikola T., 2010, The Energetics of Molecular Gas in NGC 891 from H2 and FIR Spectroscopy, ApJ, 721, 59, arXiv:1007.4701

600-: Verley, S., Relano, M., Kramer, C., Xilouris, E. M., Boquien, M., Calzetti, D., Combes, F., Buchbender, C., Braine, J., Quintana-Lacaci, G., Tabatabaei, F. S., Lord, S., Israel, F., Stacey, G., van der Werf, P. 2010, The Herschel view of HII regions in M 33 (HERM33ES), Proceedings SF2A, p. 57

599-: L'Huillier B., Combes F., Semelin B.: 2010, Galaxy Formation: Merger vs Gas Accretion Proceedings SF2A, arXiv:1012.5802

598-: Combes F.: 2010, Galaxy Dynamics: Secular Evolution and Accretion, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 271, Astrophysical Dynamics: from Stars to Galaxies, ed. N. Brummell & A.S. Brun, Cambrige Univ Press, p. 119, arXiv:1007.2979

597-: Krips, M., Crocker, A.F., Bureau, M., Combes, F., Young L.M.: 2010, Molecular Gas in SAURON Early-Type Galaxies: Detection of 13CO and HCN Emission, MNRAS, 407, 2261, arXiv:1005.5642

596-: Walmsley, C.M., Bertout C., Combes, F., Ferrara, A., Forveille T., Guillot T., Jones A., Shore S.: 2010, Herschel special feature, A and A 518, E1

595-: M. Zemcov, M. Rex, T. D. Rawle, J. J.Bock, E. Egami, B. Altieri, A. W. Blain, F. Boone, C. R. Bridge, B. Clement, F. Combes, C. D. Dowell, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, D. Fadda, O. Ilbert, R. J. Ivison, M. Jauzac, J.-P. Kneib, D. Lutz, R. Pello, M. J. Pereira, P. G. Perez-Gonzalez, J. Richard, G. H. Rieke, G. Rodighiero, D. Schaerer, G. P. Smith, I. Valtchanov, G. L. Walth, P. van der Werf, M. W. Werner, 2010, First detection of the Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect increment at lambda < 650 um, A and A 518, L16 (arXiv:1005.3824)

594-: P. G. Perez-Gonzalez, E. Egami, M. Rex, T. D. Rawle, J.-P. Kneib, J. Richard, D. Johansson, B. Altieri, A. W. Blain, J. J.Bock, F. Boone, C. R. Bridge, S. M. Chung, B. Clement, D. Clowe, F. Combes, J.-G. Cuby, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, C. D. Dowell, N. Espino-Briones, D. Fadda, A. K. Fiedler, A. Gonzalez, C. Horellou, O. Ilbert, R. J. Ivison, M. Jauzac, D. Lutz, R. Pello, M. J. Pereira, G. H. Rieke, G. Rodighiero, D. Schaerer, G. P. Smith, I. Valtchanov, G. L. Walth, P. van der Werf, M. W. Werner, M. Zemcov, 2010, Improving the identification of high-z Herschel sources with position priors and optical/NIR and FIR/mm photometric redshifts, A and A 518, L15 (arXiv:1005.3823)

593-: T.D. Rawle, S.M. Chung, D. Fadda, M. Rex, E. Egami, P.G. Perez-Gonzalez, B. Altieri, A.W. Blain, C.R. Bridge, A.K. Fiedler, A.H. Gonzalez, M.J. Pereira, J. Richard, I. Smail, I. Valtchanov, M. Zemcov, P.N. Appleton, J.J. Bock, F. Boone, B. Clement, F. Combes, C.D. Dowell, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, O. Ilbert, R.J. Ivison, M. Jauzac, J.-P. Kneib, D. Lutz, R. Pello, G.H. Rieke, G. Rodighiero, D. Schaerer, G.P. Smith, G.L. Walth, P. van der Werf, M.W. Werner, 2010, Deep Herschel view of obscured star formation in the Bullet cluster, A and A 518, L14 (arXiv:1005.3822)

592-: M. Rex, T. D. Rawle, E. Egami, P.G. Perez-Gonzalez, M. Zemcov, I. Aretxaga, S. M. Chung, D. Fadda, A. H. Gonzalez, D. H. Hughes, C. Horellou, D. Johansson, J.-P. Kneib, J. Richard, B. Altieri, A. K. Fiedler, M. J. Pereira, G. H. Rieke, I. Smail, I. Valtchanov, A. W. Blain, J. J. Bock, F. Boone, C. R. Bridge, B. Clement, F. Combes, C. D. Dowell, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, O. Ilbert, R. J. Ivison, M. Jauzac, D. Lutz, A. Omont, R. Pello, G. Rodighiero, D. Schaerer, G. P. Smith, G. L. Walth, P. van der Werf, M. W. Werner, J. E. Austermann, H. Ezawa, R. Kawabe, K. Kohno, T. A. Perera, K. S. Scott, G. W. Wilson, M. S. Yun, 2010, The far-infrared/submillimeter properties of galaxies located behind the Bullet cluster, A and A 518, L13 (arXiv:1005.3821)

591-: E. Egami, M. Rex, T. D. Rawle, P. G. Perez-Gonzalez, J. Richard, J.-P. Kneib, D. Schaerer, B. Altieri, I. Valtchanov, A. W. Blain, D. Fadda, M. Zemcov, J. J.Bock, F. Boone, C. R. Bridge, B. Clement, F. Combes, C. D. Dowell, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, O. Ilbert, R. J. Ivison, M. Jauzac, D. Lutz, L. Metcalfe, A. Omont, R. Pello, M. J. Pereira, G. H. Rieke, G. Rodighiero, I. Smail, G. P. Smith, G. Tramoy, G. L. Walth, P. van der Werf, M. W. Werner , 2010, The Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS): overview, A and A 518, L12 (arXiv:1005.3820)

590-: J. Braine, P. Gratier, C. Kramer, E.M. Xilouris, E. Rosolowsky, C. Buchbender, M. Boquien, D. Calzetti, G. Quintana-Lacaci, F. Tabatabaei, S. Verley, F. Israel, F. van der Tak, S. Aalto, F. Combes, S. Garcia-Burillo, M. Gonzalez, C. Henkel, B. Koribalski, B. Mookerjea, M. Roellig, K.F. Schuster, M. Relano, F. Bertoldi, P. van der Werf, M. Wiedner, 2010, Cool gas and dust in M33: Results from the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES), A and A 518, L69 (arXiv:1005.3422)

589-: C.Kramer, C.Buchbender, E.M.Xilouris, M.Boquien, J.Braine, D.Calzetti, S.Lord, B.Mookerjea, G.Quintana-Lacaci, M.Relano, G.Stacey, F.S.Tabatabaei, S.Verley, S.Aalto, S.Akras, M.Albrecht, S.Anderl, R.Beck, F.Bertoldi, F.Combes, M.Dumke, S.Garcia-Burillo, M.Gonzalez, P.Gratier, R.Gueusten, C.Henkel, F.P.Israel, B.Koribalski, A. Lundgren, J.Martin-Pintado, M.Roellig, E.Rosolowsky, K.F.Schuster, K.Sheth, A.Sievers, J.Stutzki, R.P.J.Tilanus, F.van der Tak, P.van der Werf, M.C.Wiedner, 2010, PACS and SPIRE photometer maps of M33: First results of the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES), A and A 518, L67 (arXiv:1005.2563)

588-: S. Verley, M. Relano, C. Kramer, E. M. Xilouris, M. Boquien, D. Calzetti, F. Combes, C. Buchbender, J. Braine, G. Quintana-Lacaci, F. S. Tabatabaei, S. Lord, F. Israel, G. Stacey, P. van der Werf, 2010, Properties of compact 250micron emission and HII regions in M33 (HERM33ES), A and A 518, L68 (arXiv:1005.2297)

587-: M. Boquien, D. Calzetti, C. Kramer, E. M. Xilouris, F. Bertoldi, J. Braine, C. Buchbender, F. Combes, F. Israel, B. Koribalski, S. Lord, G. Quintana-Lacaci, M. Relano, M. Roellig, G. Stacey, F. S. Tabatabaei, R. P. J. Tilanus, F. van der Tak, P. van der Werf, S. Verley, 2010, 100 mum and 160 mum emission as resolved star-formation rate estimators in M33 (HERM33ES) A and A 518, L70 (arXiv:1005.2182)

586-: A. C. Edge, J. B. R. Oonk, R. Mittal, S. W. Allen, S. A. Baum, H. Boehringer, J. N. Bregman, M. N. Bremer, F. Combes, C. S. Crawford, M. Donahue, E. Egami, A. C. Fabian, S. L. Hamer, N. A. Hatch, W. Jaffe, R. M. Johnstone, B. R. McNamara, C. P. O'Dea, P. Popesso, A. C. Quillen, P. Salome, C. L. Sarazin, G. M. Voit, R. J. Wilman, M. W. Wise, 2010, Herschel photometry of brightest cluster galaxies in cooling flow clusters, A and A 518, L47 (arXiv:1005.1211)

585-: A. C. Edge, J. B. R. Oonk, R. Mittal, S. W. Allen, S. A. Baum, H. Boehringer, J. N. Bregman, M. N. Bremer, F. Combes, C. S. Crawford, M. Donahue, E. Egami, A. C. Fabian, S. L. Hamer, N. A. Hatch, W. Jaffe, R. M. Johnstone, B. R. McNamara, C. P. O'Dea, P. Popesso, A. C. Quillen, P. Salome, C. L. Sarazin, G. M. Voit, R. J. Wilman, M. W. Wise, 2010, Herschel observations of FIR emission lines in brightest cluster galaxies, A and A 518, L46 (arXiv:1005.1207)

584-: Combes F., 2010, ALMA and the First Galaxies, Proceedings of Austin, Texas Conference, 2010, "The First Stars and Galaxies: Challenges for the Next Decade", ed. V. Bromm, N. Yoshida, D. Whalen, AIP , arXiv:1004.4364

583-: Genzel R., Tacconi L.J., Gracia-Carpio J., Sternberg A., Cooper M.C., Shapiro K., Bolatto A., Bouche N., Bournaud F., Burkert A., Combes F., Comerford J., Cox P., Davis M., Foerster Schreiber N.M., Garcia-Burillo S., Lutz D., Naab T., Neri R., Omont A., Shapley A., Weiner B., 2010, A Study of the Gas-Star Formation Relation over Cosmic Time, MNRAS, 407, 2091, arXiv:1003.5180

582-: Chilingarian I., Di Matteo P., Combes F., Melchior A-L., Semelin B.: 2010, The GalMer database: Galaxy Mergers in the Virtual Observatory, A and A, 518, A61, arXiv:1003.3243

581-: Gratier P., Braine J., Rodriguez-Fernandez N.J., Schuster K.F., Kramer C., Xilouris E.M., Tabatabaei F.S., Henkel C., Corbelli E., Israel F., van der Werf P.P., Calzetti D., Garcia-Burillo S., Sievers A., Combes F., Wiklind T., Brouillet N., Herpin F., Bontemps S., Aalto S., Koribalski B., van der Tak F., Wiedner M.C., Roellig M., Mookerjea B., 2010, Molecular and Atomic Gas in the Local Group Galaxy M33, A and A, 522, A3, arXiv:1003.3222

580-: Montuori M., Di Matteo P., Lehnert M.D., Combes F., Semelin B., 2010, The "Dilution Peak", Metallicity Evolution, and "Dating" Galaxy Interactions and Mergers, A and A, 518, A56, arXiv:1003.1374

579-: Baek S., Semelin B., Di Matteo P., Revaz Y., Combes F., 2010, Reionization by UV or X-ray sources, A and A, 523, A4, arXiv:1003.0834

578-: Tacconi L.J., Genzel R., Neri R., Cox P., Cooper M.C., Shapiro K.L., Bolatto A., Bouche N., Bournaud F., Burkert A., Combes F., Comerford J., Davis M., Foerster Schreiber N.M., Garcia-Burillo S., Gracia-Carpio J., Lutz D., Naab T., Omont A., Shapley A., Sternberg A., Weiner B., 2010, High molecular gas fractions in normal massive star forming galaxies in the young Universe, Nature, 463, 781 (arXiv:1002.2149)

577-: Ocana Flaquer, B., Leon, S., Combes, F., Lim J., 2010, TANGO I: ISM in nearby radio galaxies. Molecular gas: A and A, 518, A9, (arXiv:1001.5009)

576-: Casasola V., Hunt L.K., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo S., Boone F., Eckart A., Neri R., Schinnerer E.: 2010, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XIII. The interacting Seyfert 2/LINER galaxy NGC 5953, A and A 510, A52 (arXiv:0911.3772)

575-: Combes F., Tiret O.: 2009, Dark Matter tested with satellites, in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", eds. V.P. Debattista & C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Ser. (arXiv:0912.0332)

574-: Blanchet, L., Combes, F.,: 2009, MOND with or without dark matter, LaRecherche, (arXiv:0910.5204)

573-: Krips, M., Martin, S., Neri, R., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Petitpas, G., Fuente, A., Usero, A.: 2009, Feedback of AGN and SB Activity: Gas Chemistry and Excitation Conditions in the Centers of Nearby Active Galaxies, ASPC 408, 142

572-: Ocana Flaquer, B., Leon, S., Lim, L., Dinh-v-Trung, Combes, F., 2009, Molecular Gas in Nearby Elliptical Radio Galaxies, ASPC 408, 29

571-: Combes, F., 2009, Radio measurements of constant variation, and perspectives with ALMA, in "Are the fundamental constants varying with spacetime", JD9, IAU-2009, to be published in Mem SAIt, (arXiv:0910.0800)

570-: Di Matteo, P., Bournaud, F., Martig, M., Combes, F., Melchior, A-L., Semelin B., 2009: How ubiquitous are massive starbursts in interacting galaxies?, in "Galaxies in isolation: exploring Nature vs Nurture" (May 2009, Granada, Spain) (arXiv:0909.5192)

569-: Combes, F., 2009, Molecular lines studies at redshift greater than 1, in IAU highlights, JD14 "FIR2009, The ISM of galaxies in the Far-infrared and Sub-millimeter" (arXiv:0909.2756)

568-: Combes, F., 2009, Theoretical problems and perspectives, Concluding remarks in "Galaxies in isolation: exploring Nature vs Nurture", (May 2009, Granada, Spain) (arXiv:0909.2752)

567-: Verley, S., Leon, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Combes, F., Sabater, J., Sulentic, J., Bergond, G., Espada, D., Lisenfeld, U., Odewahn S.C., 2009, "AMIGA project: Quantification of the isolation of 950 CIG galaxies", in "Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture" Granada, May 12-15, 2009 (arXiv:0909.1511)

566-: Combes, F., 2009, Molecular lines studies at redshift greater than 1, in JD14 "FIR2009: the ISM of Galaxies in the Far-Infrared and Sub-Millimetre", of IAU Highlights, ed. M. Cunningham

565-: Combes, F., 2009, Gas flows within the Galaxy, in JD5 "Modelling the Milky Way in the Era of Gaia", of IAU Highlights, ed. J. Binney

564-: Combes, F., Tiret O., 2009, MOND and the Galaxies, Invited paper to "The Invisible Universe International Conference", ed J-M. Alimi, A. Fuzfa, P-S. Corasaniti, AIP pub, (arXiv:0908.3289)

563-: Combes, F., 2009 From distances to galaxy evolution and the dark matter problem. Commentary on: Tully R. B. and Fisher J. R., 1977, A&A, 500, 119

562-:Haan S., Schinnerer E., Emsellem E., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Mundell C.G., Rix H-W.: 2009, Gas inflow rates in nearby active spiral galaxies, BAAS, 21431106

561-: Combes, F., Baker A.J., Schinnerer E., Garcia-Burillo S., Hunt L.K., Boone F., Eckart A., Neri R., Tacconi L.J., 2009, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): XII. The head-on collision in NGC1961, A&A, 503, 73, (arXiv:0906.2493)

560-: Di Matteo, P., Jog, C.J., Lehnert, M.D., Combes, F., Semelin, B., 2009, Generation of rotationally dominated galaxies by mergers of pressure-supported progenitors A&A, 501, L9 (arXiv:0906.0010)

559-: Revaz Y., Pfenniger D., Combes F., Bournaud F., 2009, Simulations of galactic disks including an additional dark baryonic component, A&A, 501, 171, (arXiv:0904.4638)

558-: Chilingarian I., Novikova A., Cayatte V., Combes F., Di Matteo P., Zasov A., 2009, NGC 6340: an old S0 galaxy with a young polar disc. Clues from morphology, internal kinematics and stellar populations, A&A, 504, 389, (arXiv:0904.4606)

557-: Jachym P., Koppen J., Palous J., Combes F.: 2009, Ram pressure stripping of tilted galaxies, A&A, 500, 693, (arXiv:0904.3886)

556-: Vanzi L., Combes, F. Rubio M., Kunth D.: 2009, The molecular gas content of blue dwarf galaxies. A collapsing detached molecular system in He 2-10? , A&A, 496, 677

555-: Ocana-Flaquer, B., Leon, S., Lim, J., Dinh-V-Trung, Combes, F.: 2009, Molecular gas in nearby powerful radio galaxies, in "The Starburst-AGN Connection Conference", Shanghai, P.R.China. (arXiv:0903.4417)

554-: Di Matteo P., Pipino A., Lehnert M.D., Combes, F. Semelin B.: 2009, On the survival of metallicity gradients to major dry-mergers, A&A, 499, 427 (arXiv:0903.2845)

553-: Shaya E., Olling R., Ricotti M., Vogel S., Majewski S., Patterson R., Allen R., van der Marel R., Brown W., Bullock J., Burkert A., Combes F., Gnedin O., Grillmair C., Kulkarni S., Guhathakurta P., Helmi A., Johnston K., Kroupa P., Lake G., Moore B., Tully B.: 2009, Properties of Dark Matter Revealed by Astrometric Measurements of the Milky Way and Local Galaxies, White Paper for the Decadal Survey in Astrophysics (arXiv:0902.2835)

552-: Tiret O., Combes, F.: 2009, MOND and the dark baryons, A&A, 496, 659 (arXiv:0901.4935)

551-: Combes, F.: 2009, Secular evolution and the assembly of bulges, invited review in "Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future Challenges", S. Jogee, L. Hao, G. Blanc, I. Marinova, eds, (arXiv:0901.0178)

550-: Jog C.J., Combes, F.: 2009, Lopsided spiral galaxies, Review paper in Physics Reports, 471, 75 (arXiv:0811.1101)

549-: Garcia-Burillo S., Fernandez-Garcia S., Combes F., Hunt L.K., Haan S., Schinnerer E., Boone F., Krips M., Marquez I.: 2009, Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA). XI. A complete gravity torque map of NGC4579: new clues on bar evolution, A&A, 496, 85 (arXiv:0810.4892)

548-: Crocker A.F., Jeong H., Komugi S., Combes F., Bureau M., Young L.M., Yi S.: 2009, Molecular gas and star formation in the red-sequence counter-rotating disc galaxy NGC 4550, MNRAS, 393, 1255 (astro-ph/0812.0178)

547-:Haan S., Schinnerer E., Emsellem E., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Mundell C.G., Rix H-W.: 2009, Dynamical Evolution of AGN Host Galaxies - Gas In/Out-Flow Rates in 7 NUGA Galaxies, ApJ 692, 1623 (astro-ph/0811.1988)

546-:Baek, S., Di Matteo, P., Semelin, B., Combes, F., Revaz Y.: 2009, The simulated 21 cm signal during the Epoch of Reionization: full modelization of the Ly-alpha pumping, A&A, 495, 389 (arXiv:0808.0925)

545-: Boulanger, F., Maillard, J-P., Appleton, P., Falgarone, E., Lagache, G., Schulz, B., Wakker, B.P., Bressan, A., Cernicharo, J., Drissen, L., Helou, G., Henning, T., Lim, T.L., Valentijn, E.A. and the H2EX collaboration, 2009, The Molecular Hydrogen Explorer H2EX, (arXiv:0805.3109), Experimental Astronomy, vol. 23, p. 277 - 302 (2009)

544-:Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Usero A., Fuente A.: 2008, Interferometer observations of molecular gas in radio galaxies, Astronomische Nachrichten (astro-ph/0811.2658)

543-:Casasola V., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Hunt L.K., Krips M., Schinnerer E., Baker A.J., Boone F., Eckart A., Leon S., Neri N., Tacconi L.J. : 2008, New views on bar pattern speeds from the NUGA survey, to appear in "Tumbling, Twisting, and Winding Galaxies: Pattern Speeds along the Hubble Sequence", E. M. Corsini and V. P. Debattista (eds.), Memorie della Societa` Astronomica Italiana (astro-ph/0811.1971)

542-:Di Matteo P., Combes, F., Chilingarian I., Melchior A-L., Semelin B.: 2008, Evolution of galaxies in pairs: learning from simulations, Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.9, page 952-955

541-: Di Matteo, P., Chilingarian, I., Melchior, A.-L., Combes, F., Semelin, B.: 2008, The GalMer database: modeling colors and spectra, SF2A-2008: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics Eds.: C. Charbonnel, F. Combes and R. Samadi. Available online at http://proc.sf2a.asso.fr, p.369

540-:Combes F.: 2008, Pattern speed evolution and bar reformation, Proceedings of "Pattern Speeds along the Hubble Sequence", Padova, Italy, August 2008, ed. E. Corsini and V. Debattista, pub in "Memorie della Societa` Astronomica Italiana", (arXiv:0811.0153)

539-: Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Usero A., Gracia-Carpio J.: 2008, High-resolution molecular line observations of active galaxies Proceedings of "The Universe under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution", Journal of Physics:Conference Series (arXiv:0810.2987)

538-:Di Matteo P., Bournaud F., Martig M., Combes F., Melchior A-L., Semelin B.: 2008, On the frequency, intensity and duration of starburst episodes triggered by galaxy interactions and mergers A&A, 492, 31 (arXiv:0809.2592)

537-:Casasola V., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Hunt L.K., Leon S., Baker A.J.: 2008, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA). X. The Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3147, A&A, 490, 61 (arXiv:0808.1186)

536-: Salome, P., Combes, F.,: 2008 Search for cold gas along radio lobes in the cooling core galaxies MS0735.6+7421 and M87, A&A, 489, 101 (arXiv:0806.4545)

535-: Rodriguez-Fernandez, N., Combes, F.,: 2008 Gas flow models in the Milky Way embedded bars, A&A, 489, 115 (arXiv:0806.4252)

534-: Salomé, P., Combes, F., Revaz, Y., Edge, A.C. Hatch, N.A. Fabian, A.C. Johnstone, R.M.: 2008 Cold gas in the Perseus cluster core: Excitation of molecular gas in filaments, A&A, 484, 317 (arXiv:0804.2113)

533-: Salome, P., Revaz, Y., Combes, F., Pety, J., Downes, D., Edge, A.C., Fabian, A.C.: 2008, Observations of CO in the eastern filaments of NGC 1275, A&A, 483, 793 (arXiv:0804.0694)

532-: Ocana-Flaquer, B., Leon, S., Lim, J., Combes, F., Dinh-V-Trung, 2008, Molecular gas in nearby elliptical radio galaxies, in "The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window" February 1-3, 2008 Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico (arXiv:0803.4443)

531-:Tiret O., Combes F.,: 2008, Evolution of spiral galaxies in modified gravity: II- Gas dynamics A&A, 483, 719 (arXiv:0803.2631)

530-: Melchior A-L., Combes F.,: 2008, Dust content of core-collapse supernova hosts, A&A, 484, 189 (arXiv:0803.1934)

529-:Crocker A.F., Bureau M., Young L.M., Combes F.,: 2008, The molecular polar disc in NGC 2768, MNRAS, 386, 1811 (arXiv:0803.0426)

528-:Hunt, L.K., Combes F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Schinnerer, E., Krips, M., Baker, A.J., Boone, F., Eckart, A., Leon, S., Neri, R., Tacconi L.J.: 2008, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): IX. The decoupled bars and gas inflow in NGC 2782 A&A, 482, 133 (arXiv:0802.2775)

527-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes F., Gracia-Carpio, J., Usero, A., Guelin, M.: 2008, Probing the feeding and feedback of activity near and far, Ap&SS 313, 261

526-: Guelin, M., Brouillet, N., Cernicharo, J., Combes F., Wooten, A.: 2008 Unveiling the chemistry of hot protostellar cores with ALMA, Ap&SS 313, 45

525-: Bureau M., Bacon R., Cappellari M., Combes F., Davies R.L., de Zeeuw P.T., Emsellem E. et al.: 2008, Star Formation in Nearby Early-Type Galaxies: Mapping in UV, Optical, and CO in Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies, Ap&SS, 312

524-: Revaz Y., Pfenniger D., Combes F., Bournaud F.: 2008, Simulations of galactic disks including a dark baryonic component, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks" (J. G. Funes, and E. M. Corsini eds) (arXiv:0801.1180)

523-: Combes F.: 2008, Secular evolution of disk galaxies, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks" (J. G. Funes, and E. M. Corsini eds) (arXiv:0801.0343)

522-: Lindt-Krieg E., Eckart A., Neri R., Krips M., Pott J.-U., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., 2008, Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): VIII The Seyfert 2 NGC6574, A&A, 479, 377 (arXiv:0712.3133)

521-: Tiret O., Combes F.: 2008, Interacting Galaxies with MOND, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks" (J. G. Funes, and E. M. Corsini eds) (arXiv:0712.1459)

520-: Verley S., Combes F., Verdes-Montenegro L., Bergond G., Leon S.: 2008, Dynamical Influence of Bars on the Star Formation in Isolated Galaxies, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks" (J. G. Funes, and E. M. Corsini eds) (arXiv:0712.0536)

519-: Krips M., Neri R., Garcia-Burillo S., Martin S., Combes F., Gracia-Carpio J., Eckart A. 2008, A multi-transition HCN and HCO+ study of 12 nearby active galaxies: AGN versus SB environments, ApJ, 677, 262 (arXiv:0712.0319)

518-: Casasola V., Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Hunt L.K., Leon S., Baker A.: 2008 The NUGA project: The Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC3147, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks" (J. G. Funes, and E. M. Corsini eds) (arXiv:0712.0294)

517-: Revaz Y., Combes F., Salome P.: 2008, Formation of cold filaments in cooling flow clusters, A&A Letters, 477, L33 (arXiv:0711.4051)

516-: Di Matteo, P., Combes F., Melchior, A.-L., Semelin B.: 2008, Old stellar counter-rotating components in elliptical-spiral mergers: exploring the GalMer database, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks" (J. G. Funes, and E. M. Corsini eds) (arXiv:0711.3693)

515-: Melchior A.-L., Combes F.: 2008, CO investigation of z=0.4-1.5 galaxies, A&A 477, 775 (arXiv:0711.1093)

514-: Haan, S., Schinnerer, E., Mundell, C.G., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes F.: 2008, Atomic Hydrogen Properties of AGN Host Galaxies: HI in 16 NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) Sources, AJ, 135, 232 (astro-ph/0710.2000)

513-: Di Matteo, P., Combes F., Melchior, A.-L., Semelin B.: 2008, Old stellar counter-rotating components in early-type galaxies from elliptical-spiral mergers, A&A, 477, 437 (astro-ph/0710.1293)

512-: Young L., Bureau M., Crocker A., Combes F.: 2008, Disk Growth in Bulge-Dominated Galaxies: Molecular Gas and Morphological Evolution, To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 245, "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges," M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, and B. Barbuy, eds (astro-ph/0709.3987)

511-: Angus, G., Famaey, B., Tiret, O., Combes F., Zhao H.S.: 2008, The velocity distribution of SDSS satellites in MOND, MNRAS Letters, 383, L1 (astro-ph/0709.1966)

510-: Boone F., Schaerer D., Pello R., Combes F., Egami E.: 2007, Millimeter observations of HCM6A, a gravitationally lensed Lyman alpha emitting galaxy at z=6.56, A&A, 475, 513 (astro-ph/0709.3721)

509-: Tiret O., Combes F., Angus G.W., Famaey B., Zhao H.S.: 2007, Velocity dispersion around ellipticals in MOND, A&A Letters 476, L1 (arXiv:0710.4070)

508-: Combes F.: 2007, The coupling of dynamics and molecular chemistry in galaxies, in Proceedings of "Molecules in Space and Laboratory", eds J-L. Lemaire and F. Combes, (astro-ph/0709.3694)

507-: Bournaud F., Jog C.J., Combes F.: 2007, Multiple minor mergers: formation of elliptical galaxies and constraints for the growth of spiral disks, A&A, 476, 1179 (astro-ph/0709.3439)

506--: Tiret, O., Combes F.: 2007, Bar formation and galaxy interactions in MOND, Proceedings of "SF2A-2007: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise", (J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel eds), astro-ph/0709.3376

505-: Di Matteo, P., Combes F., Chilingarian, I., Melchior, A.-L., Semelin B.: 2007, Chemodynamical evolution of interacting galaxies: the GalMer view, To appear in the proceedings of "SF2A-2007: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise", (J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel eds) astro-ph/0709.2553

504-: Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Braine J., Schinnerer E., Walter F., Colina L., Gerin M.: 2007, Galaxy Evolution and Star Formation Efficiency in the Last Half of the Universe To appear in the proceedings of "SF2A-2007: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise", (J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel eds) astro-ph/0709.1172

503-: Combes F.: 2007, Gaseous Flows in Galaxies, in Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, Ed. M. Bureau et al., IAU Symp. 245, (astro-ph/0709.0091)

502-: Saha K., Combes F., Jog C.J.: 2007, Global lopsided instability in a purely stellar galactic disk, MNRAS, 382, 419 (astro-ph/0708.2873)

501-: Dessauges-Zavadsky M., Combes F., Pfenniger D.: 2007, Molecular gas in high-velocity clouds: revisited scenario A&A, 473, 863 (astro-ph/0708.1120)

500-: Casasola V., Combes F., Bettoni D., Galletta G.: 2007, Molecular clouds in the center of M81 A&A, 473, 771 (astro-ph/0707.4234)

499-: Verley S., Combes F., Verdes-Montenegro L., Bergond G., Leon S.: 2007, Star formation in isolated AMIGA galaxies: dynamical influence of bars, A&A, 474, 43 (astro-ph/0707.4127)

498-: Melchior A-L., Combes F.: 2007, Molecular content of a type-Ia SN host galaxy at z=0.6, MNRAS, 381, 1508 (astro-ph/0707.3505)

497-: Semelin B., Combes F., Baek S.: 2007, Lyman-alpha radiative transfer during the Epoch of Reionization: contribution to 21-cm signal fluctuations, A&A, 474, 365 (astro-ph/0707.2483)

496-: Combes F.: 2007, Infall and accretion, in "Pathways through an eclectic Universe, J. H. Knapen, T. J. Mahoney, and A. Vazdekis (Eds.), ASP Conf. Ser. (astro-ph/0707.1277)

495-: Casasola V.,Combes F., Galletta G., Bettoni D.: 2007, Molecular gas and star formation in M81, in "Pathways through an eclectic Universe", J. H. Knapen, T. J. Mahoney, and A. Vazdekis (Eds.), ASP Conf. Ser., (astro-ph/0706.3769)

494-: Wu X., Zhao HS., Famaey B., Gentile G., Tiret O., Combes F., Angus G.W., Robin A.: 2007, Loss of mass and stability of galaxies in MOND, ApJ Letters, 665, L101 (astro-ph/0706.3703)

493-: Jachym P., Palous J., Koppen J., Combes F.: 2007, Gas stripping in galaxy clusters: a new SPH simulation approach, A&A, 472, 5 (astro-ph/0706.3631)

492-: Verley, S., Leon, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Combes F., Sabater, J., Sulentic, J., Bergond, G., Espada, D., Garcia, E., Lisenfeld, U., Odewahn S.C.: 2007, The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. V. Quantification of the isolation, A&A, 472, 121 (astro-ph/0706.2555)

491-: Gentile, G., Famaey, B., Combes F., Kroupa, P., Zhao, H.S., Tiret O.: 2007, Tidal dwarf galaxies as a test of fundamental physics, A&A Letters, 472, L25 (astro-ph/0706.1976)

490-: Block D., Combes F., Puerari I., Freeman K.C., Stockton A., Canalizo G., Jarrett T.H., Groess R., Worthey G., Gehrz R.D., Woodward C.E., Polomski E.F., Fazio G.G.: 2007, Keck spectroscopy and Spitzer Space Telescope analysis of the outer disk of the Triangulum Spiral Galaxy M33, A&A, 471, 467 (astro-ph/0706.0270)

489-: Boone, F., Baker, A.J., Schinnerer, E., Combes F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Neri, R., Hunt, L.K., Leon, S., Krips, M., Tacconi, L.J., Eckart A.: 2007, Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) VII. NGC4569, a large scale bar funnelling gas into the nuclear region, A&A, 471, 113 (astro-ph/0705.3662)

488-: Verley S., Odewahn S.C., Verdes-Montenegro L., Leon S., Combes F., Sulentic J., Bergond G., Espada D., Garcia E., Lisenfeld U., Sabater J.: 2007, The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. IV. A catalogue of neighbours around isolated galaxies A&A, 470, 505 (astro-ph/0705.0479)

487-: Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Neri R., Fuente A., Usero A., Leon S., Lim J.: 2007, Fueling the central engine of radio galaxies. I. The molecular/dusty disk of 4C 31.04 A&A, 468, L71 (astro-ph/0704.3581)

486-: Muller S., Guelin M., Combes F., Wiklind T.: 2007, Distribution of the molecular absorption in front of the quasar B0218+357, A&A, 468, L53 (astro-ph/0704.0978)

485-: Combes F., Young L. M., Bureau M.: 2007, Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the SAURON Early-type Galaxies, MNRAS, 377, 1795 (astro-ph/0703557)

484-: Di Matteo P., Combes F., Melchior A-L., Semelin B.: 2007, Star formation efficiency in galaxy interactions and mergers: a statistical study, A&A, 468, 61 (astro-ph/0703212)

483-: Casasola V., Combes F., Bettoni D., Pohlen M., Galletta G., Tenaglia F.: 2007, Are truncated stellar disks linked to the molecular gas density?, in "Science with ALMA: a new era for Astrophysics", ApSS, Springer, (astro-ph/0702018)

482-: Combes F.: 2007, Molecular absorptions in high-z objects, in "Science with ALMA: a new era for Astrophysics", ApSS, 313, 321 (astro-ph/0701894)

481-: Krips M., Neri N., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Schinnerer E., Baker A.J., Eckart A., Boone F., Hunt L., Leon S., Tacconi L.J.: 2007, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): VI. Detection of a molecular gas disk/torus via HCN in the Seyfert2 galaxy NGC6951? A&A Letter, 468, L63 (astro-ph/0701403)

480-: Schaerer D., Egami E., Hempel A., Richard J., Le Borgne J-F., Kneib J-P., Wise M., Boone F., Combes F.: 2007, News from z~6-10 galaxy candidates found behind gravitational lensing clusters in "At the Edge of the Universe: latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys", Eds. Jose Afonso, Henry Ferguson and Ray Norris, ASP Conf. Series (astro-ph/0701195)

479-: Tiret O., Combes, F.: 2007, Evolution of spiral galaxies in modified gravity, Astron. Astrophys., 464, 517 (astro-ph/0701011)

478-: Krips M., Eckart A., Krichbaum T.P., Pott J-U., Leon S., Neri R., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Boone F., Baker A.J., Tacconi L.J., Schinnerer E., Hunt L.K.: 2007, NUclei of GAlaxies: V. Radio emission in 7 NUGA sources, Astron. Astrophys., 464, 553 (astro-ph/0612772)

477-: Ravikumar C.D., Puech M., Flores H., Proust D., Hammer F., Lehnert M., Rawat A., Amram P., Balkowski C., Burgarella D., Cassata P., Cesarsky C., Cimatti A., Combes F., Daddi E., Dannerbauer H., di Serego Alighieri S., Elbaz D., Guiderdoni B., Kembhavi A., Liang Y.C., Pozzetti L., Vergani D., Vernet J., Wozniak H., Zheng X.Z.: 2007, 531 new spectroscopic redshifts from the CDFS and a test on the cosmological relevance of the GOODS-South field, Astron. Astrophys., 465, 1099 (astro-ph/0612152)

476-: Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Usero, A., Gracia-Carpio J.: 2007, Probing the feeding and feedback of AGN through molecular line maps, New Astronomy Reviews Vol. 51 (astro-ph/0611800)

475-: Revaz Y., Combes F., Salome P.: 2007, Formation of cold molecular filaments in cooling flow clusters, in "Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies", (astro-ph/0610950)

474-: Melchior A-L., Combes F., Gould A.: 2007, The surface brightness of the Galaxy at the Solar Neighbourhood, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 462, 965 (astro-ph/0610884)

473-: Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Braine J., Schinnerer E., Walter F., Colina L., Gerin M.: 2006, High resolution observations of a starburst at z=0.223: resolved CO(1-0) structure, Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter, 460, L49 (astro-ph/0610855)

472-: Block D., Bournaud F., Combes F., Groess R., Barmby P., Ashby M.L.N., Fazio G.G., Pahre M.A., Willner S.P: 2006, A collision as the origin of two off-centre rings in the Andromeda galaxy, Nature, 443, pp 832-834

471-: Tiret, O., Combes, F.: 2006, Evolution of Spiral Galaxies in Modified Gravity, IAU, Symp. 235, 421

470-: Iodice, E., Arnaboldi, M., Saglia, R. P., Sparke, L. S., Gerhard, O., Gallagher, J. S., Combes, F., Bournaud, F., Capaccioli, M., Freeman, K. C.: 2006, New Kinematics for the Central Spheroid in Polar Disk Galaxy NGC4650A, IAU, Symp. 235, 204

469-: Haan, S., Schinnerer, E., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Mundell, C.: 2006, Gas Dynamics in AGN Galaxies: First Results of the HI-NUGA Survey, IAU, Symp. 235, 172

468-: Block, D. L., Puerari, I., Fazio, G. G., Stockton, A., Canalizo, G., Freeman, K. C., Jarrett, T. H., Combes, F., Groess, R., Worthey, G., Gehrz, R. D., Woodward, C. E., Polomski, E. F.: 2006, The Building of Galactic Disks: Insights from the Triangulum Spiral Galaxy Messier 33, IAU, Symp. 235, 8

467-: Schaerer D., Pello R., Richard J., Egami E., Hempel A., Le Borgne J-F., Kneib J-P., Wise M., Boone F., Combes F.: 2006, Searching for the first galaxies through gravitational lenses, The Messenger 125 (2006), 20-23 (astro-ph/0610138)

466-: Combes F.: 2006, Gas flows and bars in galaxies, in "Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies", Eds. K. Wada & F. Combes, Springer, (astro-ph/0608616)

465-: Combes F.: 2006, Secular evolution in galaxies, in IAU Symp 235, "Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time", Eds. F. Combes & Jan Palous, Cambridge Univ Press (astro-ph/0608612)

464-: Muller S., Guelin M., Dumke M., Lucas R., Combes F.: 2006, Probing isotopic ratios at z = 0.89: molecular line absorption in front of the quasar PKS 1830-211, A&A 458, 417 (astro-ph/0608105)

463-: Combes, F.: 2006, "Ripples in a Galactic Pond", Scientific American 293, 24

462-: Rodriguez-Fernandez N.J., Combes F., Martin-Pintado J., Wilson T., Apponi A.: 2006, Coupling the dynamics and the molecular chemistry in the Galactic center A&A 455, 963 (astro-ph/0603851)

461-: Rodriguez-Fernandez N.J., Braine J., Brouillet N., Combes F. : 2006, [CII] emission and star formation in the spiral arms of M31 A&A 453, 77 (astro-ph/0603423)

460-: Salome P., Combes F. , Edge A.C., Crawford C. , Erlund M. , Fabian A.C. , Hatch N.A. , Johnstone R.M. , Sanders J.S. , Wilman R.J: 2006, Cold molecular gas in the Perseus cluster core, A&A 454, 437 (astro-ph/0603350)

459- : Iodice E., Arnaboldi M., Saglia R.P., Sparke L.S., Gerhard O., Gallagher J.S., Combes F., Bournaud F., Capaccioli M., Freeman K.C.: 2006, Stellar kinematics for the central spheroid in the Polar Disk Galaxy NGC4650A ApJ 643, 200 (astro-ph/0601509)

458- Combes, F.: 2006, Hunt for cold H2 molecules, in Proceedings of "Hunt for Molecules", meeting in honor of Pierre Encrenaz (astro-ph/0601680)

457- Combes, F.: 2006, Starbursts and AGN Fueling through Secular Evolution invited talk to the 11th Latin American Regional IAU meeting, Pucon, Chile RMxAC 26, 131 (astro-ph/0602300)

456- Knapen J.H., Mazzuca L.M., Boeker T., Shlosman I., Colina L., Combes F., Axon D.J: 2006, Massive star formation in the central regions of spiral galaxies, A and A, 448, 489 (astro-ph/0511558)

455- Krips M., Eckart A., Neri R., Schoedel R., Leon S., Downes D., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F.: 2006 Continuum emission in NGC 1068 and NGC 3147: indications for a turnover in the core spectra A and A, 446, 113 (astro-ph/0509825)

454- Reshetnikov V., Bournaud F., Combes F., Faundez-Abans F., de Oliveira-Abans M.: 2006, AM 1934-563: A giant spiral polar-ring galaxy in a triplet A and A, 446, 447 (astro-ph/0509738)

453-: Wiklind T., Combes F.: 2005, APEX detection of water at z=0.89AAS meeting 207, #164.06

452- Kanekar N., Carilli C.L., Langston G.I., Rocha G., Combes F., Subrahmanyan R., Stocke J.T., Menten K.M., Briggs F.H., Wiklind T.: 2005 Constraints on changes in fundamental constants from a cosmologically distant OH absorber/emitter Physical Review Letters, 95 (2005), 1301 (astro-ph/0510760)

451- Boone, F., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Baker, A. J., Hunt, L., Léon, S., Schinnerer, E., Neri, R., Tacconi, L. J., Englmaier, P., Eckart, A.: 2005 The Molecular Gas in the Nuclear Region of NGC 4569 in "The Evolution of Starbursts", AIP, Vol 783, pp. 161-164

450- Salome, P., Combes, F.: 2005, CO(2-1) large scale mapping of the Perseus cluster core with HERA, SF2A-2005, to be published by EdP-Sciences, F. Casoli, T. Contini, J-M. Hameury & L. Pagani (eds), p. 647

449- Verley, S., Combes, F., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Leon, S., Odewahn, S., Bergond, G., Espada, D., Garcia, E., Lisenfeld, U., Sabater, J., Sulentic, J.: 2005, AMIGA: Very low environment galaxies in the local Universe, SF2A-2005, to be published by EdP-Sciences, F. Casoli, T. Contini, J-M. Hameury & L. Pagani (eds), p. 655

448- Bournaud F., Combes F., Semelin B.: 2005 The life-time of galactic bars: central mass concentrations and gravity torques MNRAS, 364, L18 (astro-ph/0509126)

447- Combes F.: 2005, Polar ring galaxies and warps, in the XXIst IAP Colloquium "Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures", Paris 4-9 July 2005, France, (Eds.) G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, B. Fort, EAS Publications Series (astro-ph/0508434)

446- Krips M., Eckart A., Neri R., Pott J.U., Leon S., Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Hunt L.K., Baker A.J., Tacconi L.J., Englmaier P., Schinnerer E., Boone F.: 2005, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) III. The warped LINER NGC3718 A and A, 442, 479 (astro-ph/0507403)

445- Combes F.: 2005, ALMA and Cosmology Cosmology workshop, SF2A-2005, to be published by EdP-Sciences, F. Casoli, T. Contini, J-M. Hameury & L. Pagani (eds) (astro-ph/0507385)

444- Combes F.: 2005, The Galaxy in the cosmological context, Introduction to the Galaxy workshop, SF2A-2005, to be published by EdP-Sciences, F. Casoli, T. Contini, J-M. Hameury & L. Pagani (eds) (astro-ph/0507280)

443- Vollmer B., Braine J., Combes F., Sofue Y.: 2005, New CO observations and simulations of the NGC 4438/NGC 4435 system A and A, 441, 473 (astro-ph/0507252)

442- Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Schinnerer E., Boone F., Hunt L.K.: 2005, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): IV. Gravitational Torques and AGN Feeding A and A, 441, 1011 (astro-ph/0507070)

441- Semelin B., Combes F.: 2005, New multi-zoom method for N-body simulations: application to galaxy growth by accretion A and A, 441, 55 (astro-ph/0506589)

440- Combes F.: 2005, Secular Evolution of Galaxies, review paper in "When UV meets IR: a History of Star Formation", Rencontres de Moriond, ed. D. Elbaz and H. Aussel (astro-ph/0506265)

439- Combes F.: 2005, Formation and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes, review paper for Astrophysics Update 2 (astro-ph/0505463)

438- Falgarone E., Boulanger F., Combes F., Verstraete L., Pineau Des Forets G., Hily-Blant P.: 2005, Glitters of Warm H2 in the Cold Interstellar Medium, EAS Publications Series, Volume 14, 2005, pp.57-66

437- Bournaud F., Jog C.J., Combes F.: 2005, Galaxy mergers with various mass ratios: properties of remnants A and A, 437, 69 (astro-ph/0503189)

436- Bournaud F., Combes F., Jog C.J., Puerari I.: 2005, Lopsided spiral galaxies: evidence for gas accretion A and A, 438, 507 (astro-ph/0503314)

435- Matthews L., Gao Y., Uson J.M., Combes F.: 2005, Detections of CO in Late-type, Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, AJ, 129, 1849 (astro-ph/0501359)

434- Cattaneo A., Combes F., Colombi S., Bertin E., Melchior A-L.: 2005, Spectral and morphological properties of quasar hosts in SPH simulations of AGN feeding by mergers, MNRAS, 359, 1237 (astro-ph/0504394)

433- Salomé P., Combes F.: 2005, Cold gas in the center of galaxy clusters, in The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA, Eds.: A. Wilson. ESA Conference, p. 70

432- Rodriguez-Fernandez, N. J., Combes F.: 2005, Dense gas dynamics in the Galactic center in The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA, Eds.: A. Wilson. ESA Conference, p. 68

431- Boone F., Combes F.: 2005, Sub/mm observations of optically selected high-z galaxies lensed by clusters in The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA, Eds.: A. Wilson. ESA Conference, p. 31

430- Reshetnikov V., Bournaud F., Combes F., Faundez-Abans M., de Oliveira-Abans M., van Driel W., Schneider S.E.: 2005, Galaxy transmutations: The double ringed galaxy ESO 474-G26 Astron. Astrophys. 431, 503

429- Combes F.: 2004, Efficiency of the dynamical mechanism to be published in "Starbursts - From 30 Doradus to Lyman break galaxies", ed. R. de Grijs and R. Gonzalez-Delgado (astro-ph/0411388)

428- Bacon R., Bauer S., Bower R., Cabrit S., Cappellari M., Carollo M. Combes F., Davies R.L., Delabre B., Dekker H. et al.: 2004 "The second generation VLT instrument MUSE: science drivers and instrument design", SPIE 5492, 1145

427- Combes F.: 2004, Dynamical triggering of starbursts to appear in "The Evolution of Starbursts", ed. S. Huettemeister et al., AIP Proceedings, Vol 783, pp 43-49 (astro-ph/0410410)

426- Combes F.: 2004, Secular evolution versus hierarchical merging: galaxy evolution along the Hubble sequence, in the field and rich environments, review paper to "Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: the Hubble Tuning Fork Strikes a New Note", Pilanesberg, ed. D. Block et al., Kluwer p. 57 (astro-ph/0406306)

425- Bournaud F., Duc P.-A., Amram P., Combes F., Gach J-L.: 2004, Kinematics of tidal tails in interacting galaxies: Tidal Dwarf Galaxies and projection effects, Astron. Astrophys., 425, 813 (astro-ph/0406169)

424- Block D.L., Freeman K.C., Jarrett T.H., Puerari I., Worthey G., Combes F., Groess R.: 2004, Very Luminous Carbon Stars in the Outer Disk of the Triangulum Spiral Galaxy, Astron. Astrophys., 425, L37 (astro-ph/0406485)

423- Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes F., Boone, F., Schinnerer, E., Baker, A. J., Hunt, L. K., Eckart, A., Tacconi, L. J., Neri, R., Leon, S., Englmaier, P.: 2004, Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): interstellar gas an torques in NGC 4579, 4826 and 6951 SF2A-2004 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

422- Bournaud, F., Combes F.: 2004, Evolution of galaxies along the Hubble Sequence: secular evolution, galaxy interactions, and gas accretion, SF2A-2004 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

421- Salomé, P., Combes F.: 2004, Molecular gas maps of the RXJ0821+07 cluster core, SF2A-2004 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

420- Salomé, P., Combes F.: 2004, Cold molecular gas in cooling flows SF2A-2004 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

419- Rodriguez-Fernandez, N. J., Combes F.: 2004, Molecular survey in the Galactic Center, SF2A-2004 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

418- El-Zant A., Hoffman Y., Primack J., Combes F., Shlosman I.: 2004 Flat-Cored Dark Matter in Cuspy Clusters of Galaxies, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 607, L75 (astro-ph/0309412)

417- Salomé P., Combes F.: 2004, Cold molecular gas in Abell 1795, in "The Riddle of Cooling Flows in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies", Eds T. Reiprich et al.

416- Bournaud F., Combes F., Jog C.J.: 2004, Unequal-mass galaxy merger remnants: spiral-like morphology but elliptical-like kinematics Astron. Astrophys. Let., 418, L27

415- Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes F., Schinnerer E., Boone F., Hunt L., Eckart A., Tacconi L., Leon S., Baker A., Englmaier P., Neri R.: 2004, Feeding AGN: new results from NUGA survey, in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei", IAU 222, eds Storchi-Bergmann et al

414- Krips M., Eckart A., Neri R., Pott J-U., Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S.: 2004, Active galaxies - parsec scale radio emission, and the surrounding ISM, in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei", IAU 222, eds Storchi-Bergmann et al

413- Combes F.: 2004, The role of bars, in "The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei", IAU 222, eds Storchi-Bergmann et al (astro-ph/0404210)

412- Salomé P., Combes F.: 2004, Detection of cold molecular gas in a cooling flow - Astron. Astrophys. Let., 415, L1

411- Melchior A.-L., Combes F., Pennypacker C.: 2004, Supernova rates and Host galaxies properties in the Local Universe, in Supernovae and dust, New Astronomy Rev., p. 35

410- Pennypacker C., Tilquin A., Melchior A.-L., Combes F., Pain R.: 2004, Preliminary Exploration of the Impact of Host Galaxy Dust on Cosmological Parameters, in Supernovae and dust, New Astronomy Rev., p. 17

409- Combes F., Salomé, P.: 2004, CO emission associated with a cooling flow in the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium (astro-ph/0310712)

408- Garcia-Burillo S.,Combes F., Eckart A., Tacconi L.J., Hunt L.K., Leon S., Baker A.J., Englmaier P., Boone F., Schinnerer E., Neri R.: 2004, NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): the IRAM Survey of Low Luminosity AGN, in the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium (astro-ph/0310797)

407- Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Boone F., Hunt L.K., Baker A.J., Eckart A., Englmaier P., Leon S., Neri R., Schinnerer E., Tacconi L.J.: 2004, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA): II. The Ringed LINER NGC7217 Astron. Astrophys. 414, 857

406- Salomé P., Combes F.: 2003, Cold molecular gas in cooling flow clusters of galaxies Astron. Astrophys. 412, p. 657 (astro-ph/0309304)

405- Wozniak, H., Combes F., Emsellem, E., Friedli, D.: 2003, Numerical simulations of central stellar velocity dispersion drops in disc galaxies Astron. Astrophys. 409, 469

404- Block, D. L., Bournaud, F.C., Combes F., Puerari, I., Buta, R. J.: 2003, Spiral Galaxies in Our Low-Z Universe are Open Systems, in IAU Symp. 217, Recycling intergalactic and interstellar matter, ASP Conf Series

403- Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes F., Hunt, L.K., Boone, F. Baker, A.J., Tacconi, L.J., Eckart, A., Neri, R., Leon, S., Schinnerer, E., Englmaier, P.: 2003, Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) I.The counter-rotating LINER NGC4826, Astron. Astrophys. 407, 485

402- Combes F.: 2003, Galaxy formation and baryonic dark matter, in IAU Symp. 220, Dark matter in galaxies, ASP Conf Series, p. (astro-ph/0309755)

401- Combes F.: 2003, Efficiency of outflow mechanisms, in IAU Symp. 217, Recycling intergalactic and interstellar matter, ASP Conf Series, p. (astro-ph/0308293)

400- Verdes-Montenegro L., Sulentic J., Espada D., Leon S. Lisenfeld U., Huchtmeier W., Odewahn S., Verley S., Yun M. Combes F.: 2003, A reference sample: ISM for the most isolated galaxies, in IAU Symp. 217, Recycling intergalactic and interstellar matter, ASP Conf Series, p.

399- Arnaboldi M., Iodice E., Bournaud F., Combes F., Sparke L., van Driel W., Cappacioli M.: 2003, Polar-Ring galaxies and the Tully-Fischer relation, in IAU Symp. 220, Dark matter in galaxies, ASP Conf Series, p. (astro-ph/0310139)

398- Le Floc'h E., Duc P., Mirabel F., Sanders D., Combes F., Kneib J-P., Bosch G., Courvoisier T., Minniti D., Greiner J.: 2003, Are the cosmic GRBs reliable tracers of star formation? in Symp. 216, Maps of the Cosmos, ASP Conf Series, p.

397- Combes F.: 2003, Properties of Supernovae Host galaxies, in Supernovae and dust, New Astronomy Rev., p. 25

396- Combes F., Melchior A-L.: 2003, A library of galaxy mergers, SF2A-2003 Bordeaux conference, EdP-Sciences, (astro-ph/0310734)

395- Combes F.: 2003, Molecular gas and AGN fueling, SF2A-2003 Bordeaux conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

394- Melchior A.-L., Combes F., Pennypacker C., Wood-Vasey M. : 2003, Host galaxies of core-collapse supernovae, SF2A-2003 Bordeaux conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

393- Salome P., Combes F.: 2003, Mapping the cold molecular gas in the cooling flow cluster Abell 1795, SF2A-2003 Bordeaux conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

392- Combes F.: 2003, Supermassive black holes (SMBH) and formation of galaxies, SF2A-2003 Bordeaux conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

391- Combes F.: 2003, "Molecules in Galaxies at all redshifts", SAAS-Fee Course, The Cold Universe, ed. D. Pfenniger, Springer

390- Reshetnikov V.P., Dettmar R.J., Combes F.: 2003, "On the global structure of distant galactic disks" A and A 399, 879 (astro-ph/0212404)

389- Bournaud F., Combes F.: 2003, "Formation of Polar Ring Galaxies", A and A, 401, 817 (astro-ph/0301391)

388- Iodice E., Arnaboldi M., Bournaud F., Combes F., Sparke L., van Driel W., Capaccioli M.: 2003, "Polar Ring Galaxies and the Tully-Fisher relation: implications for the dark halo shape", ApJ 585, 730 (astro-ph/0211281)

387- Block D.L., Bournaud F., Combes F., Puerari I. and Buta R., 2002, "Gravitational torques in spiral galaxies: Gas accretion as a driving mechanism of galactic evolution" A and A, 394, L35

386- Combes F., 2002, "Formation and Evolution of Galactic Black Holes" in "7th cosmology colloquium, High Energy Astrophysics, for and from Space", Paris, 11-15 Juin 2002, N. Sanchez and H. de Vega, Editors (astro-ph/0208113)

385- Lim J., Leon S., Combes F., Dinh-v-Trung I. "Molecular Gas Reservoir in low-z Powerful Radio Galaxies" in "Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy" (Meudon, July 23-27, 2002), Eds.: S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman, ASP Conference Series, p. 529

384- Leon S., Lim J., Combes F., Dinh-v-Trung I. "Molecular gas in nearby powerful radio galaxies" in "Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy" (Meudon, July 23-27, 2002), Eds.: S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman, ASP Conference Series, p. 525

383- Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Eckart A., Tacconi L., Hunt L., Leon S., Baker A., Englmaier P., Boone F., Schinnerer E., Neri R. "Nuclei of Galaxies: The PdBure survey of nearby AGN hosts (NUGA)" in "Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy" (Meudon, July 23-27, 2002), Eds.: S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman, ASP Conference Series, p. 423

382- Combes F., 2002, "AGN Fueling: The Observational Point of View" in "Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy" (Meudon, July 23-27, 2002), Eds.: S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman, ASP Conference Series, p. 411

381- Combes F., 2002,"Properties of Dark Matter Haloes" NewA Reviews, review given at MOND workshop, Paris, October 2001 (astro-ph/0206126), NewAR 46, 755

380- Bournaud F., Combes F. 2002, "Gas accretion on spiral galaxies: bar formation and renewal" A and A 392, 83

379- Bournaud F., Combes F. 2002, Formation and properties of polar ring galaxies, SF2A-2002 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

378- Combes F., Leon S. 2002, "Molecular gas in the double-barred Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 5728" SF2A-2002 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

377- Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Boone F., Hunt L. K., Leon S., Eckart A., Baker A., Tacconi L., Englmaier P., Schinnerer E., Neri R. 2002, "Molecular gas in the 3-ringed Seyfert/Liner galaxy NGC 7217" SF2A-2002 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

376- Horellou C., Black J. H., van Gorkom J. H., Combes F., van der Hulst J. M., Charmandaris V. 2002, "Gas in and around the Merger Galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A)" SF2A-2002 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

375- Le Floc'h E., Mirabel, I. F., Duc P.-A., Sanders D., Combes F., et al. 2002, "Gamma-ray Burst Hosts galaxies : a new cosmic window on galaxy evolution" SF2A-2002 Paris conference, EdP-Sciences, p.

374- Semelin B., Combes F., 2002 "Formation and evolution of galactic disks with a multiphase numerical model" A and A, 388, 826

373- Alton P.B., Bianchi S., Richer J., Pierce-Price D., Combes F., 2002 "Mapping the submillimeter spiral wave in NGC 6946 A and A, 388, 446

372- Semelin B., Combes F., 2002 "Dynamical friction on cold fractal gas clouds,applications to disc formation" A and A 387, 98

371- Combes F., Melchior A.L.: 2002, "Chemodynamical evolution of interacting galaxies" in "The Evolution of Galaxies. II. Basic Building Blocks", ed. M. Sauvage et al., Kluwer (astro-ph/0111349) Ap&SS 281, 383

370- Reshetnikov V., Battaner E., Combes F., Jimenez-Vicente J. 2002, "Statistics of galaxy warps in the HDF North and South", A and A 382, 513

369- Leon S., Lim J., Combes F., D. Van-Trung D.: 2002, "Molecular gas in nearby powerful radio galaxies", in "QSO Hosts and Their Environments", ed. I. Marquez (astro-ph/0107498)

368- Bacon R., Adam G., Cabrit S., Combes F., Davies R.L., Emsellem E., Ferruit P., Franx M., Gilmore G., Guiderdoni B., Lefevre O., Morris S., Pecontal E., Prieto E., Sharples R., van der Werf P., de Zeeuw T.: 2002 "A Mega Integral Field Spectrograph for the VLT", ESO workshop on "Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation" (astro-ph/0109060)

367- Appleton P.N., Charmandaris V., Gao Y., Combes F., Ghigo F., Horellou C., Mirabel I.F.: 2002, "Mid-IR and CO Observations of the IR/X-Ray Luminous Seyfert I Galaxy NGC985: The Making or Breaking of a ULIRG?" ApJ, 566, 682

366- van Driel W., Arnaboldi M., Combes F., Sparke L.: (2002) "A neutral hydrogen survey of polar ring galaxies-Paper IV, Parkes Observations", A and A, 386, 140

365- Combes F., Melchior A.-L., Gould A.: 2001, "New estimate of the Local Interstellar Radiation Field", BAAS 198, 9601

364- Meylan, G., Leon, S., Combes F.: 2001, Tidal Tails around Galactic Globular Clusters: Observations and Simulations in Dynamics of Star Clusters and the Milky Way, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 228. Edited by S. Deiters, B. Fuchs, R. Spurzem, A. Just, and R. Wielen. p. 53

363- Garcia-Burillo, S., Sempere, M. J., Combes F., Hunt, L. K., Neri, R.: 2001, Anatomy of the counterrotating molecular disk in the spiral NGC 3593, in Highlights of Spanish astrophysics II, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.374

362- Semelin, B., de Vega, H. J., Sanchez, N., Combes F.: 2001, Renormalization Group Flow and Fragmentation in the Self-Gravitating Thermal Gas, in Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: the Cosmic Microwave Background. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.449

361- Appleton P., Charmandaris V., Gao Y., Combes F., Ghigo F., Horellou C., Mirabel I. F., 2001, "The State of Gas in Collisional Galaxies containing AGN", BAAS 199.6806

360- Murphy M.T., Webb J.K., Flambaum V.V., Drinkwater M.J., Combes F. , Wiklind T.: 2001, "Improved constraints on possible variation of physical constants from H I 21cm and molecular QSO absorption lines", MNRAS, 327, 1244

359- Combes F.: 2001, "Global versus Nuclear Starbursts", in "The Central kpc of Starbursts and AGN" eds. J. H. Knapen, J. E. Beckman, I. Shlosman, and T. J. Mahoney, PASP, 249, p. 475

358- Combes F.: 2001, "Galaxy Evolution with ALMA", SF2A 2001, EdP Sciences, p. 237

357- van Gorkom J., Horellou C., Black J. H., Combes F., van der Hulst J. M., Charmandaris V.: 2001, "Atomic and molecular gas in the merger galaxy NGC1316 (Fornax A) and its environment", BAAS 198, 3608

356- Combes F.: 2001, "Detecting Molecules in High-z Mergers with ALMA" BAAS, 198, 3418

355- Melchior A-L., Combes F., Guiderdoni B., Hatton S.: 2001 "Mergers and starbursts in high-z galaxies", SF2A, Lyon Conference, EdP, p. 243

354- Melchior A.-L., Combes F., Gould A.: 2001 "New estimate of the Local Interstellar Radiation Field", SF2A, Lyon Conference, EdP, p. 63

353- Jungwiert B., Combes F., Palous J.: 2001, "Continuous stellar mass-loss in N-body models of galaxies", A and A 376, 85

352- Emsellem E., Greusard D., Friedli D., Combes F.: 2001, "Dynamical Evidence for the existence of nuclear bars: OASIS observations and N-body models", in ASP Conference Series, "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", J.G. Funes S.J. and E.M. Corsini, eds p. 235

351- Garcia-Burillo S., Sempere M., Combes F., Hunt L.: 2001, "Counter-rotating molecular gas disks: observations and numerical simulations", in ASP Conference Series, "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", J.G. Funes S.J. and E.M. Corsini, eds p. 443

350- Horellou C., Black J. H., van Gorkom J. H., Combes F., van der Hulst J. M., Charmandaris V.: 2001, "Atomic and molecular gas in the merger galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A) and its environment", A and A 376, 837

349- Buta R., Ryder S.D., Madsen G.J., Wesson K., Crocker D.A., Combes F.: 2001, "Dynamics of Ringed Barred Spiral Galaxies: I. Surface Photometry and Kinematics of NGC 1433 and NGC 6300" Astronomical J. 121, 225

348- Melchior A-L., Combes F., Guiderdoni B., Hatton S.: 2001 "Simulating galaxy surveys with FIRST (PACS & SPIRE)" Proc. of `The Promise of FIRST' symposium, 12--15 December 2000, Toledo, Spain (G.L.Pilbratt, J.Cernicharo, A.M. Heras, T. Prusti, & R. Harris eds., ESA SP-460, 2001) (astro-ph/0102086)

347- Emsellem E., Greusard D., Combes F., Friedli D., Leon S., Pecontal E., Wozniak H.: 2001, "Dynamics of embedded bars and the connection with AGN. I. ISAAC/VLT stellar kinematics" A and A, 368, 52

346- Alton P.B., Lequeux J., Bianchi S., Churches D., Davies J., Combes F.: 2001, "Deep Submillimeter images of NGC 7331, dust at the periphery of spiral disks", A and A, 366, 451

345- Bacon R., Emsellem E., Combes F., Copin Y., Monnet G. and Martin P.: 2001, "The M 31 double nucleus probed with OASIS and HST. A natural m=1 mode?", Astron. and Astrophys., 371, 409 (astro-ph/0010567)

344- Xanthopoulos E., Combes F., Wiklind T.: 2001, "IRAM Observations of JVAS/CLASS gravitational lenses", MNRAS, 325, 273

343- Combes F., Terlevich R.: 2001, "Structure, Dynamics and Environment of Galaxies", Discussion of Session 4, Granada Proceedings, in "The Evolution of Galaxies: I- Observational Clues", ed. J.M. Vilchez, G. Stasinska and E. Perez, A and SS p.

342- Combes F.: 2001, "Fueling of AGN", Series of lectures given at "the Starburst-AGN Connection", Guillermo Haro Advanced Lectures, INAOE in June 2000 (astro-ph/0010570)

341- Combes F.: 2001, "Dynamical Evolution: Spirals and Bars", in ASP Conference Series, "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", J.G. Funes S.J. and E.M. Corsini, eds (astro-ph/0008341) p. 213

340- Combes F.: 2001 "High redshift CO line emission: perspectives", in "Deep Millimeter Surveys: Implications for Galaxy Formation and Evolution", ed. J. Lowenthal and D. Hughes, World Scientific Publishers (astro-ph/0008456)

339- Combes F.: 2001, "Molecular Gas in Galaxies", in "The Evolution of Galaxies: I- Observational Clues", ed. J.M. Vilchez, G. Stasinska and E. Perez, A and SS (Granada Proceedings) (astro-ph/0007318)

338- Greusard D., Emsellem E., Combes F., Friedli D., Pfenniger D., Wozniak H.: 2001, "Sub-kpc Stellar Kinematics of AGN as revealed by VLT/ISAAC spectroscopy", in "The Evolution of Galaxies: I- Observational Clues", Astrophysics and Space Science, (Granada Proceedings)

337- Combes F., Mamon G., Charmandaris V.: 2000, "Dynamics of Galaxies: from the early universe to the present" PASP, 112, 423

336- Wiklind T., Combes F.: 2000 "Time Delay of PKS1830-211 Using Molecular Absorption Lines" in Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals", Boston University July 1999, eds. T.G. Brainerd and C.S. Kochanek (astro-ph/9909314)

335- Lim J., Leon S., Combes F., Trung D.V.: 2000, "Molecular gas in the powerful radio galaxies 3C31 and 3C264: major or minor mergers?" Astrophys. J. 545, L93

334- Garcia-Burillo S., Sempere M., Combes F., Hunt L.K., Neri R.: 2000, "Anatomy of the counter-rotating molecular disk in the spiral NGC3593", A and A, 363, 869

333- Combes F., Charmandaris V.: 2000, Search for molecular gas in HVC by HCO+ absorption" A and A, 357, 75

332- Charmandaris V., Combes F., van der Hulst J., 2000, "Molecular Shells in Cen-A", A and A, 356, L1

331- Meylan G., Leon S., Combes F.: 2000 "Tidal Tails Around 20 Galactic Globular Clusters" From Extrasolar Planets to Cosmology: The VLT Opening Symposium, Proceedings of the ESO Symposium held at Antofagasta, Chile, 1-4 March 1999. Ed J Bergeron, A Renzini, L. Pasquini, R. Kudritski Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000. p. 369. (astro-ph/9912041)

330- Combes F., 2000, "H2 in Galaxies", in "H2 in Space", 28 Sep- Oct 1st, 1999, Paris, Cambridge, Univ. Press, ed. F. Combes and G. Pineau des Forets (astro-ph/9910296)

329- Combes F., 2000, "Gas and Dust in Protogalaxies" in "Toward a New Millenium in Galaxy Morphology", Johannesburg, South Africa, 13-18 Sep. 1999, ed. D. Block (astro-ph/9909016), p. 405 (Kluwer)

328- Garcia-Barreto, J. A., Combes F., Koribalski, B., Franco, J.: 2000, The H I Spatial Distribution in the Barred Galaxy NGC3783, in Mapping the Hidden Universe: The Universe behind the Milky Way - The Universe in HI. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 218, edited by Rene'e C. Kraan-Korteweg, Patricia A. Henning, and Heinz Andernach, p.291

327- de Vega, H. J., Sanchez, N., Combes F., 2000, Fractal Structures and Scaling Laws in the Universe. Statistical Mechanics of the Self-gravitating Gas, in International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, 20th Anniversary, 11th course: New Vistas in Astrophysics, held in Erice, Italy, 15-23 July, 1998. Edited by Maurice M. Shapiro, Rein Silberberg, Todor S. Stanev, and John P. Wefel. Published by World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, p.123

326- Charmandaris, V., Combes F., 2000, Minor Mergers and the Formation of Shell Galaxies in Small Galaxy Groups: IAU Colloquium 174, ASP Conference Series, Volume 209. Edited by Mauri J. Valtonen and Chris Flynn. P. 273.

325- Horellou C., Combes F. 2000 "Modelling Gas and Star Formation in Cartwheel-like Systems" in "Dynamics of Galaxies: From early-time to the present", 15th IAP colloquium, 9-13 July 1999, ASP Conf Series 197, 351

324- Iodice E., Arnaboldi M., Freeman K., Sparke L., Combes F., Capaccioli M. 2000, "Photometric Properties Of The Polar Ring Galaxy NGC4650A in the NIR" in "Dynamics of Galaxies: From early-time to the present", 15th IAP colloquium, 9-13 July 1999, ASP Conf Series 197, 133

323- Jungwiert B, Palous J., Combes F. 2000, "Galactic models with star formation and gas recycling" in "Dynamics of Galaxies: From early-time to the present", 15th IAP colloquium, 9-13 July 1999, ASP Conf Series 197, 59

322- Leon S., Combes F., Friedli D. 2000, "Single CO peak in the double bar galaxy NGC 5850" in "Dynamics of Galaxies: From early-time to the present", 15th IAP colloquium, 9-13 July 1999, ASP Conf Series 197, 61

321- Buta R., Combes F. 2000, "Numerical Simulations of Ringed Disk Galaxies" in "Dynamics of Galaxies: From early-time to the present", 15th IAP colloquium, 9-13 July 1999, ASP Conf Series, 197, 11

320- Combes F., Charmandaris V., 2000, "Formation of gaseous shells in a merger" in "Dynamics of Galaxies: From early-time to the present", 15th IAP colloquium, 9-13 July 1999, ASP Conf Series 197, 339

319- Combes F., 2000, "Bar-driven galaxy evolution, and time-scales to feed AGN in "Dynamics of Galaxies: From early-time to the present", 15th IAP colloquium, 9-13 July 1999, ASP Conf Series 197, 15

318- Combes F., 2000, "Dynamics of the extended gas in compact groups" in "Small Galaxy Groups", 14-18 June 1999, Turku, Finland, ed. Mauri Valtonen, Chris Flynn, ASP Series (astro-ph/9908110)

317- Combes F., 2000, "Bulge Formation", Rencontres de Moriond, 13-20 March 1999, ``Building Galaxies: from the Primordial Universe to the Present'', ed F. Hammer, T. X. Thuan, V. Cayatte, B. Guiderdoni and J. Tran Thanh Van (Ed. Frontieres), p. 413 (astro-ph/9904031)

316- Combes F., 2000, "Spiral Galaxies and Tracers of Mass Accretion", Rencontres de Moriond, 13-20 March 1999, ``Building Galaxies: from the Primordial Universe to the Present'', ed F. Hammer, T. X. Thuan, V. Cayatte, B. Guiderdoni and J. Tran Thanh Van (Ed. Frontieres) p. 99 (astro-ph/9904133)

315- Semelin B., Combes F.: 2000, "N-body simulations of self-gravitating gas", A and A, 360, 1096

314- Leon S., Meylan G., Combes F.: 2000, "Tidal Tails around 20 Galactic Globular Clusters", A and A, 359, 907

313- van Driel W., Arnaboldi M., Combes F., Sparke L.: (2000) "A neutral hydrogen survey of polar ring galaxies-Paper III, Nancay Observations", A and A S, 141, 385

312- Combes F., Leon S., Meylan G.: 1999, "N-body simulations of Globular Cluster tides", A and A, 352, 149

311- Garcia-Barreto, J.A., Combes F., Koribalski B., Franco J.: 1999, "HI Spatial Distribution in the Galaxy NGC 3783", A and A 348, 685

310- Leon S., Combes F., Menon T.K, 1999, Molecular Gas in Hickson Compact Groups, in Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 186, Edited by J. E. Barnes, and D. B. Sanders, p.136

309- Encrenaz, T., Capitaine, N., Guinot, B., de Lapparent-Gurriet, V., Combes F., Wiklind, T., Breysacher, J., Lucas, R., Bonnet, R.-M., Beaulieu, J.-P., 1999, Le Point sur l'Astronomie, in Elsevier Science, p. 1

308- van Driel, W., Arnaboldi, M., Combes F., Sparke, L. S., 1999, An HI Line Survey of Polar Ring Galaxies, in Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 186, Edited by J. E. Barnes, and D. B. Sanders, p.136

307- Kenney, J. D. P., Friedli, D., Benedict, G. F., Leon, S., Combes F., 1999, Young Stellar Spiral Arms Emerging from the Circumnuclear Star Forming Ring in NGC 4314 in Galaxy Dynamics, proceedings of a conference held at Rutgers University, 8-12 Aug 1998. ASP Conference Series vol. 182 edited by David R. Merritt, Monica Valluri, and J. A. Sellwood

306- Reshetnikov V., Combes F.: 1999, "Spiral Galaxies with large optical warps", A and A Sup, 138, 101

305- Combes F., Maoli R., Omont A.: 1999, "CO lines in high redshift galaxies: perspectives with the future mm instruments" A and A, 345, 369

304- Combes F. (1999) "Astrophysical Fractals: Interstellar Medium and Galaxies", in"The Chaotic Universe", Roma colloquium, 1-5 Feb 99, World Scientific Advanced Series in Astrophysics and Cosmology ed. V. Gurzadyan, Li-Zhi Fang and Remo Ruffini

303- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1999) "Limits on the Variation of Physical Constants Derived from Molecular Absorption Lines" in " Cosmological Parameters and the Evolution of the Universe". Edited by Katsuhiko Sato. Publisher: Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1999. IAU 183, p. 167

302- Combes F. (1999) "CMB and molecules at high redshift", in " 3K Cosmology" Conference, Roma, October 1998, ed F. Melchiorri, p.

301- Combes F. (1999) "Evolution of Galaxies on Cosmological Timescales", Tenerife Dec 98 Conference, PASP Series, ed Terry Mahoney and John E. Beckman, Vol 187.

300- Combes F. (1999) "Time-scale for accretion of matter" Proceedings of "Galaxy Evolution: Connecting the distant Universe with the local fossil record", Rencontres de Meudon, 21-25 sep 98, ed. M. Spite, Kluwer

299- Combes F. (1999) "Dust and Molecules at High Redshift" Proceedings of ESO conf. 'Chemical Evolution from Zero to high redshift', 14-16 october 1998, ed. J. Walsh and M. Rosa, Springer

298- Semelin B., de Vega H.J., S'anchez N., Combes F. (1999) "Renormalization Group Flow and Fragmentation in the Self-Gravitating Thermal Gas", Phys Rev D. Phys Rev D. 59, 1050

297- Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Neri R. (1999) "Interferometer 12CO observations of the box-shaped bulge spiral NGC 4013" A and A, 343, 740

296- Combes F., Wiklind, T.: 1998, Molecular lines in absorption at high redshift, The Messenger, 91, 29-34

295- Leon S., Combes F., Friedli D. (1998) "Single CO Peak in NGC 5850" in "Galaxy Dynamics", Rutgers, 8-12 Aug 1998, to appear in ASP Conf Series, ed. D. R. Merritt, M. Valuri, J.A. Sellwood

294- Combes F., Wiklind T. (1998) "Molecules et formation d'etoiles au debut de l'Univers", dans l'Astronomie, Vol 112, p. 206

293- Horellou C., Charmandaris V., Combes F., Appleton P.N., Casoli F., Mirabel I.F.: 1998, "Molecular gas in the Cartwheel Galaxy", A and A 340, L51

292- de Vega H., Sanchez N., Combes F.: 1998, "Fractal Structures and Scaling Laws in the Universe: Statistical Mechanics of the Self-Gravitating Gas `Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals': `Superstrings, M, F, S...theory', M. S El Naschie and C. Castro, Editors.

291- Combes F.: 1998, "The role of interactions and mergers", in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxies", Les Houches Lectures, ed. O. Le Fevre and S. Charlot, Springer Verlag (astro-ph/9804121)

290- Combes F., Charmandaris V.: 1998, "The gas dynamics of shell galaxies", in "Galaxy Dynamics", Rutgers, 8-12 Aug 1998, to appear in ASP Conf Series, ed. D. R. Merritt, M. Valuri, J.A. Sellwood

289- Combes F., Wiklind T.: 1998, "Search for LiH in the ISM towards B0218+357", A and A 334, L81

288- Reshetnikov V., Combes F.: 1998, "Statistics of optical warps in spiral disks", A and A, 337, 9

287- Lequeux J., Combes F., Dantel-Fort M., Cuillandre J-C., Fort B., Mellier Y. (1998) "NGC 5907 revisited: a stellar halo formed by cannibalism?" A and A, 334, L9

286- Combes F.: (1998) "Fractal Structures Driven by Self-Gravity: Molecular Clouds and the Universe", in "At the boundaries of chaotic dynamics of gravitational systems", Arc2000, 8-14 Mars 1998, Celestial Mechanics, 72, p. 91

285- Combes F., Pfenniger D.: (1998) "Clumpuscules formation at high redshift", in "Molecular hydrogen in the early universe", Proceedings of Firenze meeting December 4-6, 1997, ed. E. Corbelli, D. Galli, F. Palla

284- Garcia-Burillo S., Sempere M., Combes F., Neri R.: (1998) " Molecular gas in the barred spiral M100: II. CO(1-0) interferometer observations and numerical simulations" A and A, 333, 864

283- de Vega H., Sanchez N., Combes F. (1998) "Fractal dimensions and scaling laws in the interstellar medium and galaxy distributions: a new field theory approach", in Proceedings of the 6th Erice Challonge School on Astrofundamental Physics, ed. N Sanchez and A. Zichichi, Kluwer

282- Combes F. (1998) "Mixing and Transfer of Elements by Interactions and Mergers", in "Abundance Profiles: Diagnostic Tools for Galaxy History", ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 147, eds. D. Friedli, M. Edmunds, C. Robert, & L. Drissen (San Francisco: ASP) p. 300

281- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1998) "Redshifted Molecular Absorption Line Systems", in "Highly redshifted radio lines", Green-Bank meeting, October 1997, ed. C. Carilli

280- Combes F., Wiklind T., (1998) "Molecular lines in absorption: recent results", in "Highly redshifted radio lines", Green-Bank meeting, October 1997, ed. C. Carilli

279- Lequeux J., Combes F., Dantel-Fort M., Cuillandre J.-C., Fort B., Mellier Y. (1998) "Le halo lumineux de NGC 5907 forme par cannibalisme ?" Bull. CFH, 38, p. 30

278- Combes F., (1998) "Extended gas in interacting systems", in "Galaxy Interactions at low and high redshift" IAU Symposium 186, Kyoto, Japon, ed. D. Sanders, p. 89

277- Combes F., (1998) "Summary Talk" in "The Central Regions of The Galaxy and Galaxies", IAU Symposium 184, Kyoto, Japon, ed. Y. Sofue

276- Wiklind T., Combes F., Henkel C., Wyrowski F. (1998) "Molecular gas in the center of the elliptical galaxy NGC759" in "The Central Regions of The Galaxy and Galaxies", IAU Symposium 184, Kyoto, Japon, ed. Y. Sofue

275- Combes F., (1998) "Non-axisymmetric Dynamics in Galaxy Centers", in "The Central Regions of The Galaxy and Galaxies", IAU Symposium 184, Kyoto, Japon, ed. Y. Sofue

274- Combes F., Wiklind T. (1998) "Molecules at high z", in "Structure and Evolution of the IGM from QSO Absorption line systems", ed. P. Petitjean, 13th IAP colloquium, p. 317

273- Wilson C., Combes F.: (1998) "A sensitive search for CO emission from Faint Blue Galaxies at z=0.5", A and A, 330, 63

272- Jungwiert B., Combes F., Palous J. (1998) "The role of stellar mass-loss in dynamics of spiral galaxies", in "Dynamical Studies of Star Clusters and Galaxies", Parallel Meeting P5 of JENAM 1998, held in Prague, Czech Rep., Sep. 9-12, 1998, Convenors and Editors of P5: P. Kroupa, J. Palous, and R. Spurzem, published by ESA Publ. Division, c/o ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

271- de Vega H., Sanchez N., Combes F. (1998), "The fractal structure of the Universe: a new field theory approach", ApJ 500, L8

270- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1998), "The complex molecular asborption line system at z=0.886 towards PKS1830-211", ApJ 500, 129

269- Combes F. (1998) "Starburst triggering and Environmental effects", Les Houches Lectures, ed. B. Guiderdoni and A. Khembavi, Springer, p. 175

268- Combes F., (1998) " Internal Galaxy Dynamics as Probed by IR Observations", in "Extragalactic Astronomy in the Infrared" Rencontres de Moriond, ed. G. Mamon, T-X. Thuan and T. T. Van, Editions Frontieres, p. 261

267- Leon S., Combes F., Menon K. (1998) "Molecular gas in compact groups", A and A 330, 37

266- Brouillet N., Baudry A., Combes F., Kaufmann M., Bash F. (1998) "Identification of molecular complexes in M81" A and A 333, 92

265- Leon, S., Combes F., Leeuwin, F., 1997, Disk-shocking on globular clusters (NGC 5139), in The Combination of Theory, Observations, and Simulation for the Dynamics of Stars and Star Clusters in the Galaxy, 23rd meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 15, Kyoto, Japan.

264- Wiklind, T., Combes F., 1997, Small Scale Structure in the Molecular ISM in Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift, in American Astronomical Society, 191st AAS Meeting, 78.12; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 29, p.1335

263- Combes F., Wiklind T. (1997) "Cold molecular gas and History of the Universe", Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 325, 297

262- Combes F., Wiklind T., Nakai N. (1997) "The oxygen abundance in interstellar clouds", A and A 327, L17

261- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1997) "Molecular absorption lines as a probe of dense gas at high redshift: PKS1413 ", A and A 328, 48

260- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1997) "Molecular absorption lines at high redshift", Cordoba Proceedings, Argentina, Conference October 1996, p.

259- Reshetnikov V., Combes F. (1997) "Tidal thickening of galaxy disks" in ESO workshop on "Galaxy scaling laws", November 1996, ed. R. Bender et al

258- van Driel W., Combes F. (1997) "Dark matter in the PRG NGC 660", in "Dark and visible Matter", Sesto Pusteria Proceedings, July 1996, p.

257- Jungwiert B., Combes F., Axon D. (1997) "Near-IR photometry of disk galaxies: search for nuclear isophotal twist and double bars", A and A Sup. 125, 479

256- Leon S., Combes F., Menon K. (1997) "Molecular gas in compact groups", Proceedings of Mexico conference, July 1996, p.

255- Combes F., Becquaert J-F.: (1997) "Vertical equilibrium of molecular gas in galaxies", A and A 326, 554

254- Wiklind T., Combes F.: (1997) " Probing the Interstellar Medium at High Redshift, Using Molecular Absorption lines", in Proceedings of IAGUSP Workshop on Young Galaxies and QSO Absorbers, Santos, Brazil, p.

253- Combes F., Pfenniger D.: (1997) "Perspectives for detecting cold H2 in outer galactic disks", A and A 327, 453

252- Reshetnikov V., Combes F. (1997) "Tidally-triggered disk-thickening: II- Results and Interpretations", A and A 324, 80

251- Emsellem E., Combes F. (1997) " N-body simulations of the nucleus of the Andromeda galaxy", A and A 323, 674

250- Combes F., Nguyen-Q-Rieu, Dinh-V-Trung (1997) " Search for water maser emission in starburst galaxies", A and A, 323, 357

249- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1997) "Molecular absorption and its time variations in CenA", A and A 324, 51

248- Becquaert J-F., Combes F. (1997) "Flaring of HI planes and the 3D-shape of dark matter" A and A 325, 41

247- Combes F., Wiklind T. (1997) "Detection of ortho-water at z=0.685 in B0218+357", ApJ 486, L79

246- Wiklind T., Combes F., Henkel C., Wyrowski F. (1997) "Molecular gas in the elliptical galaxy NGC759: interferometric CO observations" A and A 323, 727

245- Arnaboldi M., Oosterloo T., Combes F., Freeman K.C., Koribalski B. (1997) "New HI observations of the prototype Polar Ring galaxy NGC 4650A", AJ 113, 585

244- Leeuwin F., Combes F. (1997) "N-body simulations with perturbation-particles: II- Friction at distance" MNRAS, 284, 45

243- Buta R., Combes F. (1996) "Galactic Rings", Fundamental of Cosmic Physics, review article 17, 95-282, http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Rings/frames.html

242- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1996) "Molecular lines in Absorption and Emission from Distant Galaxies and Quasars" in "Science with large millimeter arrays", Munich Dec. 1995, ed. Peter Shaver, Kluwer, p. 86

241- Combes F. (1996) "Dynamical studies of spiral galaxies", in "Science with large millimeter arrays", Munich Dec. 1995, ed. Peter Shaver, Kluwer, p. 117

240- Combes F. (1996) "Rings, lenses, nuclear bars: the fundamental role of gas" in "Barred Galaxies and Circumnuclear Activity", Nobel Symposium 98 ed. Aage Sandqvist and Per Olof Lindblad, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol 474, Springer-Verlag, p. 101

239- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1996) "A new molecular absorption line system" in "Cold gas at high redshift", Hoogeveen colloquium, ed. Bremer M. Rottgering H., van der Werf P., Carilli C.L. (Dordrecht:Kluwer), p. 227

238- Becquaert J-F., Combes F., Viallefond F. (1996) " Galactic Warps", in "Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems" Petrozavodsk conference, August 1995, ed. A. Mullari, V. Orlov p.

237- de Vega H., Sanchez N., Combes F.: (1996) "Self-gravity as an explanation of the fractal structure of the interstellar medium" Nature 383, 56

236- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1996) "Molecular absorption in the AGN 1504+377", A and A 315, 86

235- Mulder P.S., Combes F. (1996) "Dynamical modeling of two nearby disc galaxies", A and A 313, 723

234- Junqueira S., Combes F. (1996) "M=1 and 2 gravitational instabilities in Gaseous Disks: I. Diffuse gas", A and A 312, 703

233- Junqueira S., Combes F. (1996) "Asymmetries m=1 in spiral galaxies" in "Observational Cosmology: from Galaxies to Galaxy Systems", Sesto Pusteria Proceedings, July 1995, p.

232- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1996) " Molecular absorption in the gravitational lens PKS1830-211 at z=0.88582", Nature 379, 139

231- Van Driel W., Mulder P., Combes F. (1996) "Modelling the Structure of the Ringed spiral NGC 4736" in "Barred Galaxies", Tuscaloosa meeting, IAU 157, ed. R. Buta, p. 253

230- Henkel C., Wiklind T., Wyrowski F., Combes F. (1996) "Molecular gas in early-type galaxies" in "Science with large millimeter arrays", Munich Dec. 1995, ed. Peter Shaver, Kluwer, p. 144

229- Pfenniger D., Martinet L., Combes F. (1996) "Secular evolution of galaxy morphologies", in "New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South-Africa", Johannesburg, Jan 96, ed. David Block, Kluwer p. 291

228- von Linden S., Lesch H., Combes F. (1996) "On the angular-momentum transport in spiral and barred galaxies", in "New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New Southafrica", Johannesburg, Jan 96, ed. David Block, Kluwer p. 570

227- Combes F., Pfenniger D. (1996) "Very cold gas and dark matter", in "New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New Southafrica", Johannesburg, Jan 96, ed. David Block, Kluwer p. 452

226- van Driel W., Mulder P., Combes F. (1996) "Modelling the merger NGC 3310", in ESO-IR conference, Munich, June 1995, p.

225- de Vega H., Sanchez N., Combes F.: (1996) "Fractal dimensions and scaling laws in the interstellar medium: a new field theory approach", Phys. Rev. D54, 6008

224- Combes F., Rieu N-Q., Wlodarczak G. (1996) " Search for interstellar glycine", A and A 308, 618

223- Leon S., Combes F. (1996) "Search for CO emission in Globular Clusters", A and A 309, 123

222- Combes F. (1996) "Massive black holes in nuclei and galaxy dynamics: the puzzle of the M31 double nucleus", in "Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems" Petrozavodsk conference, August 1995, ed. A. Mullari, V. Orlov, p.

221- Combes F., Wiklind T. (1996) "Absorption measurements of molecular gas" in "Cold gas at high redshift", Hoogeveen colloquium, ed. Bremer M. Rottgering H., van der Werf P., Carilli C.L. (Dordrecht:Kluwer), p. 215

220- Reshetnikov V., Combes F. (1996) "Tidally-triggered disk-thickening: I- Observations", A and A Sup 116, 417

219- Wiklind, T., Combes F., 1996, Fishing for absorption lines with SEST - The redshift of the gravitational lens to PKS 1830-211, The Messenger, 84, 23-26

218- Horellou C., Casoli F., Combes F. (1996) "Atomic and Molecular Gas in Ring Galaxies", Proceedings of Tucson meeting, ed. S. Radford p.

217- Combes F. (1996) "Merger-induced star-formation", in 11th IAP conference, "the Interplay between Massive Star Formation, the ISM, and Galaxy Evolution", ed. D. Kunth et al, p. 287

216- Combes F. (1996) "Ring and Lens Formation" in "Barred Galaxies", Tuscaloosa meeting, IAU 157, ed. R. Buta, p. 286

215- Drinkwater M.J., Combes F., Wiklind T. (1996) "A search for molecular absorption in the tori of active galactic nuclei", A and A 312, 771

214- Combes F., Arnaboldi M. (1996) "The dark halo of polar-ring galaxy NGC 4650A: flattened along the polar ring?" A and A 305, 763

213- Drinkwater M.J., Webster R.L., Francis P.J., Peterson B.A., Wiklind T., Combes F., (1996) " Dust-reddened Quasars", in "Millimeter-wave Astronomy", ATNF Sydney workshop, Proc ASA, p.

212- Combes F., Wiklind T. (1995) "Direct seach for O2 in a single molecular cloud", A and A 303, L61

211- Lima-Neto G., Combes F. (1995) "Isophote shapes of merger remnants" A and A 294, 657

210- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1995) " Molecular absorption in the millimeter range" in "QSO absorption lines ESO workshop", 21-24 Nov 94, ed. G. Meylan p.175

209- Pfenniger D., Combes F.: (1995) "Cold molecular gas as dark matter candidate in galaxies and clusters", Proceedings Maryland colloquium, October 1994, American Institute of Physics Press, p.

208- Linden von S., Lesch H., Combes F. (1995) "On the angular momentum transport in spiral and barred galaxies", in "Dynamics of the Galaxy", Granada conference

207- Leon S., Combes F., Leeuwin F.: (1995), "Disk-shocking on globular clusters simulated by the perturbation particle method", in "Dynamics of the Galaxy", Granada conference

206- Combes F., Pfenniger D.: (1995) "Cold molecular gas as dark matter" in "Advances in Astrofundamental Physics", World Scientific Publishers, ed. N. Sanchez and A. Zichichi, p. 46

205- Combes F.: (1995) "Comparison with external galaxies dynamics", IAU Symposium 169, August 1994, "Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way", ed. L. Blitz, p. 133

204- Combes F.: (1995) "Observations of gas in interacting galaxies", in Highlights of IAU, ed. I. Appenzeller, vol 10, p.521-526

203- Combes F., Pfenniger D.: (1995) "Cold gas as dark matter in galaxies and clusters", in "Journee Cosmology", World Scientific Publishers, ed. H. de Vega and N. Sanchez, p. 300

202- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1995) " CO, HCO+ and HCN absorption in the gravitational lens candidate B0218+357 at z=0.685", A and A 299, 382

201- Combes F., Rampazzo R., Prugniel P., Bonfanti P.P., Sulentic J.W. (1995) "Simulations of E+E pairs of galaxies", A and A 297, 37

200- Pfenniger D., Combes F. (1995) "Fractal Cold Gas as Dark Matter in Galaxies and clusters" Proceedings of Meribel meeting, ed. F. Durret, A. Mazure, J. Tran Thanh Van, Editions Frontieres, p.35

199- Sempere M., Combes F., Casoli F. (1995) "Dynamics of molecular gas in the spiral barred galaxy NGC 7479: CO observations and numerical simulation" A and A 299, 371

198- Gerin, M., Casoli, F., Encrenaz, P. J., Combes F., 1995, About the Presence of Water in IRAS 10214+4724, in The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds, Proceedings of the 2nd Cologne-Zermatt Symposium, Held at Zermatt, Switzerland, 21 - 24 September 1993. Edited by G. Winnewisser and G. C. Pelz. Lecture Notes in Physics, volume 459, p. 243

197- Buta R.J., van Driel W., Braine J., Combes F., Wakamatsu K., Sofue Y., Tomita A. (1995) "NGC7217: A bulge-dominated, early-type resonance ring spiral galaxy", ApJ 450, 593

196- Pfenniger D., Combes F. (1995) "Cold Fractal Gas as Galactic Dark Matter" Proceedings of Santa Monica Conference, in "Sources of Dark Matter in the Universe", ed. D.B. Cline, World Scientific, Singapore, p. 156-162

195- Combes F. (1995) "How Galaxies Accrete Mass and Evolve: Spiral Waves and Bars, Warps and Polar Rings", in "The Formation of Galaxies", ed. C. Munoz-Tunon, V Canary Islands Winter School, p. 317

194- Combes F., Pfenniger D. (1995) "News on dark matter in galaxies and clusters" Proceedings of Meribel meeting, ed. F. Durret, A. Mazure, J. Tran Thanh Van, Editions Frontieres, p.3

193- Sempere M., Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Knapen J.(1995) "Dynamics of molecular clouds in the grand design spiral galaxy NGC4321" A and A 296, 45

192- Bonfanti P.P., Rampazzo R., Combes F., Prugniel P., Sulentic J.W. (1995) "Stellar kinematics in E+E pairs of galaxies: NGC 741/742, K99 and K175", A and A 297, 28

191- van Driel W., Combes F., Casoli F., Gerin M., Nakai N., Miyaji T., Hamabe M., Sofue Y., Ichikawa T., Yoshida S., Kobayashi Y., Arimoto N., Geng F., Kodama T., Minezaki T., Goudfrooij P., Mulder P.S., Wakamatsu K., and Yanagisawa K., (1995) Polar ring spiral galaxy NGC 660, AJ, 109, 942

190- Horellou C., Casoli F., Combes F., Dupraz C. (1995) "The CO emission of ring galaxies", A and A 298, 743

189- Pfenniger D., Combes F. (1995) "Is galactic dark matter cold molecular gas?", Villards meeting, Jan. 1994, Proceedings, p.

188- Wiklind T., Combes F., Henkel C. (1995) "CO in elliptical galaxies", A and A 297, 643

187- von Linden S., Lesch H., Combes F. (1994) "Angular momentum transport in disk galaxies", in "Theory of accretion disks-2", ed. W.J. Duschl et al, Kluwer Academic Publishers p. 271

186- Reshetnikov V., Combes F. (1994) "Star formation in polar rings" in "Violent Star Formation from 30 Doradus to QSOs", ed. Tenorio-Tagle, Cambridge University Press, p. 258

185- Reshetnikov V., Combes F. (1994) "UGC5101: Ultraluminous IRAS galaxy with circumnuclear star formation" in "Violent Star Formation from 30 Doradus to QSOs", ed. Tenorio-Tagle, Cambridge University Press, p.

184- Combes F., Elmegreen B.G. (1994) "Bars in early and late-type Galaxies", in "Physics of the gaseous and stellar disks of the Galaxy" ASP Conference Series, 66, p. 81

183- Combes F. (1994) " Nuclear Gas Flows in Barred Galaxies", in "Physics of the gaseous and stellar disks of the Galaxy" ASP Conference Series, 66, p. 87

182- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1994) "First detection of CO(0-1) absorption at cosmological distances (z=0.247)", A and A 286, L9

181- Reshetnikov V., Combes F. (1994) "Kinematics and dark haloes of polar ring galaxies", A and A 291, 57

180- Garcia-Burillo S., Sempere M., Combes F. (1994) "Gas response at the resonances in the grand design spiral NGC4321" A and A 287, 419

179- Arnaboldi M., Capaccioli M., Combes F. (1994) "CO(1-0) detection in a merging polar ring galaxy", in "The Physics of Active Galaxies", ASP Conference Series, The First Stromlo Symposium, ed. G.V. Bicknell, M.A. Dopita, and P.J. Quinn, p. 437

178- Combes F. (1994) "Observations and modelling of gas dynamics in external galaxies", in "Nuclei of normal galaxies: Lessons from the Galactic Center", Schloss Ringberg, ed. R. Genzel and A.I. Harris, p. 65

177- von Linden S., Lesch H., Combes F. (1994) "Large-scale dynamics of molecular clouds in the interstellar medium of disk galaxies", in "Mass-transfer induced activity in galaxies", ed. I. Shlosman, p. 189

176- Loiseau N., Combes F. (1994) "Molecular gas in nearby active galaxies" in "Mass-transfer induced activity in galaxies", Lexington Conference, ed. I. Shlosman, p. 228

175- Shaw M.A., Combes F., Axon D.J., Wright G.S. (1994) "Massive gas rings in the nuclei of barred spiral galaxies", in "Mass-transfer induced activity in galaxies", Lexington Conference, ed. I. Shlosman, p. 185

174- Boselli A., Gavazzi G., Combes F., Lequeux J., Casoli F. (1994) "The CO distribution in three peculiar galaxies of the A1367 cluster" A and A 285, 69

173- Combes F. (1994) "Gas inflow due to perpendicular orbits and double bars" in "Mass-transfer induced activity in galaxies", ed. I. Shlosman, p. 170

172- Lima-Neto G., Combes F. (1994) "The Structure of Mergers Remnants" in "N-body problems and gravitational dynamics", ed F. Combes and E. Athanassoula, p. 181-187

171- Horellou C., Combes F. (1994) "Dynamics of Ring Galaxies" in "N-body problems and gravitational dynamics", ed F. Combes and E. Athanassoula, p. 168-174

170- Combes F., de Vega H.J., Mikhailov A.V., Sanchez N. (1994) " Multi-string solutions by soliton methods in de Sitter spacetime", Phys. Rev. D50, 2754

169- Combes F. (1994) "Role of resonances in ring formation" in "N-body problems and gravitational dynamics", ed F. Combes and E. Athanassoula, p. 137-154

168- Pfenniger D., Combes F. (1994) "Is dark matter in spiral galaxies cold gas? II. Fractal models and star non-formation" A and A 285, 94-118

167- Pfenniger D., Combes F., Martinet L. (1994) "Is dark matter in spiral galaxies cold gas? I. Observational constraints and dynamical clues about galaxy evolution" A and A 285, 79-93

166- Gerin M., Combes F., Viallefond F. (1994) "Modelling the Spiral Structure of NGC 6946", in "N-body problems and gravitational dynamics", ed F. Combes and E. Athanassoula, p. 162-167

165- Leeuwin F., Combes F. (1994) "Sinking Satellite Simulation Using Perturbation Particles", in "N-body problems and gravitational dynamics", ed F. Combes and E. Athanassoula, p. 104-109

164- Wiklind T., Combes F. (1994) "Search of CO in damped Lyman Alpha absorption systems", A and A 288, L41

163- Casoli F., Gerin M., Encrenaz P.J., Combes F. (1994) "Further Support for the presence of water in IRAS 10214+4724", A and A 287, 716

162- Combes F., Prugniel P., Rampazzo R., Sulentic J. (1994) "CO in binary galaxies from an optically selected sample", A and A 281, 725

161- Casoli, F., Dupraz, C., Combes F., 1993, The case of missing C13O in mergers, In NASA. Ames Research Center, The Evolution of Galaxies and Their Environment p 231-232

160- Loiseau, N., Combes F. (1993), Molecular gas in five southern active galaxies. Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis., 26, 123

159- Buta, R., van Driel, W., Braine, J., Combes F., 1993, Identification of an Extensive Luminous Halo Around the Ringed Spiral Galaxy NGC 7217, in American Astronomical Society, 183rd AAS Meeting, 79.04; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 25, p.1416

158- Braine J., Combes F., van Driel W. (1993) " NGC 4414: a flocculent galaxy with a high gas surface density" A and A 280, 451

157- Garcia-Barreto, J. A., Dettmar, R.-J., Combes F., Gerin, M., Koribalski, B.: 1993, The nuclear ring of the barred spiral galaxy NGC1326, in Sub-arcsecond Radio Astronomy, Proceedings of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories' conference, held in Manchester, July 20-24, 1992. Edited by R.J. Davis and R. S. Booth, Cambridge University Press, p.323

156- Lima-Neto G., Combes F. (1993) "Dynamical structure of merger remnants" ESO/EIPC workshop, ed. I.J. Danziger, W.W. Zeilinger, Kjar K., p. 689

155- Encrenaz P.J., Combes F., Casoli F., Gerin M., Pagani L., Horellou C., Gac C. (1993) "Water at z=2.286", A and A 273, L19

154- Combes F., Elmegreen B.G. (1993) "Bars in late-type Galaxies", A and A 271, 391

153- van Driel W., Combes F., Nakai N., Yoshida S. (1993) "The polar ring starburst galaxy NGC 660" in "Astronomy with mm and submm interferometry" Hakone, IAU 140, p. (ed. M. Ishiguro)

152- Nguyen-Rieu, Viallefond F., Combes F., Jackson J.M., Lequeux J., Radford S., Truong-Bach (1993) "Interferometric observations of HCO+ and HCN in the nuclear region of IC342 and Maffei2", in "Astronomy with mm and submm interferometry" Hakone, IAU 140, p. (ed. M. Ishiguro)

151- Leeuwin F., Combes F., Binney J. (1993) "N-body simulations with perturbation-particles: I methods and tests", MNRAS 262, 1013

150- Combes F. (1993) "Large-scale star-formation. Dynamically triggered starbursts", in "Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics", ed. N. Sanchez World Scientific, p. 381

149- Combes F. (1993) "Dynamical links between merging, starbursts and AGN", in "First light in the Universe", ed B. Rocca-Volmerange, B. Guiderdoni, M. Dennefeld and J. Tran Thanh Van, p. 215

148- Combes F. (1993) "External Triggers of Star Formation" in "Star Forming Galaxies and their Interstellar Medium", ed. Franco, Ferrini, Tenorio-Tagle, Cambridge University Press p. 324

147- Shaw M.A., Combes F., Axon D.J., Wright G.S. (1993) "Near-IR isophote twists in the nuclear regions of barred spiral galaxies", A and A 273, 31

146- Combes F. (1993) "The molecular content", in "Physics of nearby galaxies: Nature or Nurture", Moriond meeting, ed. Chantal Balkowski, Editions Frontieres, p. 35

145- Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Gerin M. (1993) "Dynamics of Molecular Clouds in M51", A and A 274, 148

144- Braine J., Combes F. (1993) "A CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) survey of nearby galaxies III: Interactions trigger gas infall", A and A 269, 7

143- Braine J., Combes F., Casoli F., Dupraz C., Gerin M., Klein U., Wielebinski R., Brouillet N. (1993) "A CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) survey of Nearby Galaxies I: data and observations", A and A Sup 97, 887

142- Combes F., Prugniel P., Rampazzo R., Sulentic J. (1992) "CO in binary galaxies from an optically selected sample", in "Galaxy environment and large-scale structure of the Universe", ed. G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian, M. Mezzeti, SISSA colloquium 146/01/A

141- Combes F., Gerin M., Nakai N., Kawabe R., Shaw M.A. (1992) "Decreasing diameter of a molecular ring", A and A 259, L27

140- Combes F., Braine J., Casoli F., Gerin M., van Driel W. (1992) "Molecular clouds in a polar ring", A and A 259, L65

139- Braine J., Combes F. (1992) "A CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) survey of nearby galaxies II: Physical conditions in the nuclear gas", A and A 264, 433

138- Casoli F., Dupraz C., Combes F. (1992) "A molecular line survey of the merger NGC 3256", A and A 264, 49

137- Casoli F., Dupraz C., Combes F. (1992) "The case of missing 13CO emission in mergers", A and A 264, 55

136- Elmegreen D.M., Elmegreen B.G., Combes F., Bellin A.D. (1992) "The Influence of Environment on Outer Rings and Pseudo-rings in Galaxies" A and A 257, 17

135- Elmegreen B.G., Combes F. (1992) "Magnetic Diffusion in Clumpy Molecular Clouds", A and A 259, 232

134- Gerin M., Combes F., Wlodarczak G., Jacq T., Guelin M., Encrenaz P.J., Laurent C. (1992) "Interstellar Detection of Deuterated Methyl Cyanide", A and A 259, L35

133- Gerin M., Combes F., Wlodarczak G., Encrenaz P.J., Laurent C. (1992) "Interstellar Detection of Deuterated Methyl Acetylene", A and A 253, L29

132- Lima-Neto G., Combes F. (1992) "Merging in Groups of Galaxies" in "Evolution of Interstellar Matter and Dynamics of Galaxies", Prague, ed. Jan Palous, W.B. Burton, P.O. Lindblad, Cambridge University Press, p. 408

131- Combes F., Garcia-Burillo S., Gerin M. (1992) "Gas Cloud Dynamics in Spiral Galaxies", in "Evolution of Interstellar Matter and Dynamics of Galaxies", Prague meeting, ed. Jan Palous, p. 291

130- Wootten A., Wlodarczak G., Mangum J.G., Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Gerin M. (1992) "Search for acetic acid in interstellar clouds", A and A 257, 740

129- Prugniel P., Combes F. "Dynamical Friction between two Elliptical Galaxies" (1992), A and A 259, 25

128- Garcia-Barreto, J. A., Dettmar, R. J., Combes F. Gerin, M., Koribalski, B. The Nuclear Ring of the Barred Galaxy NGC 1326. 1991, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 23, p.1270

127- Gerin M., Combes F., Casoli F. (1991) "Rings with active stellar formation", Annales de Physique, vol 16, p. 33

126- Wootten A., Mangum J.G., Turner B.E., Bogey M., Boulanger F., Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Gerin M. (1991) "Detection of H3O+: a confirming line", ApJ 380, L79

125- Combes F. (1991) "Molecules in Disks" in "Dynamics of Disc Galaxies" Varberg Conference, ed. B. Sundelius, p. 219

124- Combes F. (1991) "Large-scale dynamics and star-formation", Annales de Physique, vol 16, p. 25

123- Casoli F., Boisse P., Combes F., Dupraz C. (1991) "Are HI deficient galaxies in Coma are deficient in H2?", A and A 249, 359

122- Combes F. "Distribution of CO in the Milky Way" (1991) Annual Review of A and A 29, 195

121- Garcia-Barreto J.A., Downes D., Combes F., Carrasco L., Gerin M., Cruz-Gonzalez I. (1991) "Circumnuclear star-formation in the barred galaxy NGC 1022", A and A 252, 19

120- Garcia-Barreto J.A., Dettmar R.J., Combes F., Gerin M., Koribalski B. "The nuclear ring of the barred galaxy NGC 1326" (1991) Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis., 22, 197

119- Brouillet N., Combes F., Baudry A. (1991) "The Interacting Triplet M81, M82, NGC 3077", IAU 146, ed F. Combes and F. Casoli, page 347

118- Combes F., Casoli F., Encrenaz P.J., Gerin M. Laurent C. (1991) "Search for Molecular Oxygen in Galactic and Extragalactic Sources" A and A 248, 607

117- Casoli F., Dupraz C., Combes F., Kazes I. (1991) "CO in mergers. III- NGC1614 and NGC 3256", A and A 251, 1

116- Haddad B., Clausset F., Combes F. (1991) "Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: a vectorised code", Journal of Comput. Phys., 97, p.103

115- Gerin M., Combes F., Casoli F. (1991) "Molecular gas in NGC4736: CO observations and numerical simulations", IAU 146, ed F. Combes and F. Casoli, page 268

114- Clausset F., Casoli F., Viallefond F., Combes F. (1991) "The distribution of the molecular gas in NGC6946", IAU 146, ed F. Combes and F. Casoli, page 88

113- Gerin M., Casoli F., Combes F., (1991), "Molecular gas in the RSAB galaxy NGC4736", A and A 251, 32

112- Casoli F., Combes F., Boisse P. (1991) "HI deficient galaxies in Coma are not CO deficient", IAU 146, ed F. Combes and F. Casoli, page 411

111- Combes F. (1991) "Formation of rings by bars and tides", IAU 146, ed F. Combes and F. Casoli, page 255

110- Kazes I., Proust D., Mirabel I.F., Combes F., Balkowski C., Martin M. (1991) "Violent motions in Starburst Galaxies: The OH megamaser in IRAS 10039-3338", IAU 146, ed F. Combes and F. Casoli, page 444

109- Garcia-Burillo S., Combes F., Gerin M. (1991) "Simulations of molecular clouds in M51", in "Dynamics of Galaxies and Molecular Clouds Distributions", IAU 146, ed F. Combes and F. Casoli, page 351

108- Combes F., (1991), "Are tides responsible for high velocity gas in M101" A and A 243, 109

107- Garcia-Barreto J.A., Downes D., Combes F., Gerin M., Magri C. Carrasco L., Cruz-Gonzalez I. (1991) "The inner ring of the barred galaxy NGC4314" A and A 244, 257

106- Combes F. (1991), "Interactions: weak" in Proceedings of Sant-Agatha Meeting, ed. Capaccioli and Longo, page 265

105- Kazes I., Proust D., Mirabel I.F., Combes F., Balkowski C., Martin M. (1990) "Violent motions in Starburst Galaxies: The OH megamaser in IRAS 10039-3338", A and A 237, L1

104- Gerin M., Bel N., Combes F., Viala Y. (1990) "Molecules towards the Galactic Center", Proceedings of Manchester meeting, April 1990

103- Combes F. (1990) "Tidal interactions and galaxy segregation in clusters", Moriond Astrophysical Meeting, March 1990, 'The early Universe and Cosmic Structures', ed. Alimi et al, p. 433

102- Prugniel P., Combes F. (1990) "Dynamical friction in pairs of elliptical galaxies", IAU colloquium 124, "Paired and Interacting Galaxies", ed Sulentic page 543

101- Casoli F., Clausset F., Viallefond F., Combes F., Boulanger F. (1990) "The molecular component in NGC6946" 2nd Wyoming Conference, "The ISM in external galaxies" Wyoming, p 371

100- Combes F., Debbash F., Friedli D., Pfenniger D., (1990), "Peanut and box shapes generated by stellar bars", A and A 233, 82

99- Casoli F., Dupraz C., Combes F. (1990) "CO observations of southern mergers" 2nd Wyoming Conference, "The ISM in external galaxies" Wyoming, p. 329

98- Garcia-Barreto J.A., Combes F., Magri C. (1990), "A nuclear CO ring in the S0 galaxy NGC4314", in "Le Monde des Galaxies", ed L. Bottinelli and H. Corwin, page 387

97- Casoli F., Clausset F., Viallefond F., Combes F., Boulanger F. (1990) "Molecular clouds in the spiral arms of NGC 6946" A and A 233, 357

96- Gerin M., Combes F., Athanassoula E., (1990), "Tidal interaction on bars", A and A 230, 37

95- Brouillet N., Baudry A., Combes F., Kaufmann M., Bash F. (1990) " Molecular distribution in M81 and tidal interaction in its group" A and A 242, 35

94- Dupraz C., Casoli F., Combes F., Kazes (1990) "CO in the NGC7252 merger", A and A 228, L5

93- Gerin M., Combes F., Athanassoula E. (1990) "Tidal actions from a companion on a barred galaxy" in Dynamics of Astrophysical disks, Manchester conference, ed. J.A. Sellwood, p. 219

92- Combes F., Dupraz C., Gerin M. (1990), "Gaz dynamics in a tidal interaction: formation of rings", in 'Dynamics and interactions of galaxies', Heidelberg Conference, edited R. Wielen, p. 205

91- Garcia-Barreto, J. A., Combes F., Magri, C.: 1989, On the Gas Content of the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 4314 Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 21, p.716

90- Bel N., Gerin M., Combes F., Viala Y.P. (1989) "Physical conditions in the 20km/s molecular cloud" in The Messenger, 57, 16

89- Haddad B., Vanderriest V., Combes F. (1989) "Tests observationnels des modeles numeriques d'activation des NAG par le VLT" in 'Quels programmes prioritaires pour le VLT en 1994-95?' Forum de reflexion, Obs Paris, France; Comptes Rendus ed D. Alloin Paris-Obs, p. 81

88- Gerin M., Combes F., Encrenaz P., Turner B., Wootten A., Bogey M., Demuynck C., Destombes J.L. (1989) "A search for HCOCN in molecular clouds" A and A 224, L24

87- Kazes, I., Mirabel, I. F., Combes F., 1989, New OH Megamasers IAU Circ., 4856, 2 (1989). Edited by Green, D. W. E. (IAUC Homepage) IRAS 02483+4302; IRAS 03261-1422; IRAS 15247-0945

86- Braine J., Dupraz C., Casoli F., Combes F., Gerin M. (1989) "CO observations of second quadrant IRAS sources" in Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds, Zermatt Colloquium, ed. G. Winnewisser and T. Armstrong, p. 127

85- Combes F. (1989) "Molecules in external galaxies" in The Messenger, 57, 21

84- Encrenaz T., Billebaud F., Lellouch E., Combes F., Gerin M., Maillard J.P. (1989) "Observation of CO on Mars in the infrared and millimeter range" in Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy" Eslab Symposium, Salamanca (Espagne), p.

83- Casoli F., Combes F., Augarde R., Figon P., Martin J-M.(1989), "CO and Ha in the merging system Mk 171", A and A 224, 31

82- Lellouch E., Gerin M., Combes F., Attreya S.K., Encrenaz T., (1989), "Observation of the J=1-0 CO lines in the Mars atmosphere: radiodetection of 13CO and monitoring of 12CO", Icarus 77, p. 414

81- Wootten A., Boulanger F., Zhou S., Combes F., Encrenaz P., Gerin M., Bogey M. (1988) "H3O+ revisited", Proceedings of Kona meeting, september 88, p. 107

80- Dupraz C., Casoli F., Combes F., Gerin M. (1988) "CO(1-0) in the newly-born elliptical galaxy NGC7252", Proceedings of Kona meeting, september 88, p. 249

79- Combes F., Dupraz C., Casoli F., Pagani L. (1988), "CO in NGC4438 and tidal stripping in the Virgo cluster", IAU Highlights in Astrophysics, vol 8

78- Combes F., Dupraz C., Casoli F., Pagani L. (1988), "CO emission in NGC4438: the case for a tidal H1 stripping?", A and A 203, L9

77- Weliachew L., Casoli F., Combes F., (1988), "Molecular bars in NGC6946 and Maffei2", in 'Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies' Proceedings Amherst, ed. R.L. Dickman, R.L. Snell, J.S. Young, p. 387

76- Combes F., (1988), "GMC formation in spiral arms triggered by bars or companions", in 'Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies' Proceedings Amherst, ed. R.L. Dickman, R.L. Snell, J.S. Young, p. 441

75- Casoli F., Combes F., (1988), "Molecular clouds in the main disk and warped plane of M31", in 'Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies' Proceedings Amherst, ed. R.L. Dickman, R.L. Snell, J.S. Young, p. 399

74- Baudry A., Brouillet N., Combes F., (1988), "High sensitivity search for CO emission in Messier 81", in 'Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies' Proceedings Amherst, ed. R.L. Dickman, R.L. Snell, J.S. Young, p. 403

73- Brouillet N., Baudry A., Combes F., (1988), "Molecular clouds in Messier 81", A and A 196, L17

72- Arnault P., Augarde R., Casoli F., Combes F., Figon P.,Kunth D., (1988), "Starburst in Arp299", in 'Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies' Proceedings Amherst, ed. R.L. Dickman, R.L. Snell, J.S. Young, p. 411

71- Arnault P., Casoli F., Combes F., Kunth D., (1988), "IRAM CO observations of Blue Compact Galaxies", in 'Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies' Proceedings Amherst, ed. R.L. Dickman, R.L. Snell, J.S. Young, p. 421

70- Casoli f., Combes F., Dupraz C., Gerin M., Encrenaz P., Salez M., (1988), "Cold CO in mergers: Arp220 and NGC2623", A and A 192, L17

69- Combes F., (1988), "Influence of Large-scale dynamics upon star formation in galaxies", in "Galactic and Extragalactic Star Formation", ed. R.E. Pudritz and M. Fich, Kluwer, p. 475-494

68- Lellouch E., Gerin M., Combes F., Encrenaz T., (1988), "Observations millimetriques de CO et 13CO dans l'atmosphere de Mars", A.T.P. Planetologie, ed. M.C. Festou, D. Chabod, Besancon, p. 275-278

67- Gerin M., Nakai N., Combes F., (1988), "A CO ring in the galaxy NGC1097", A and A 203, 44

66- Casoli F., Combes F., (1988), "Molecular clouds in the main disk and warped plane of M31", A and A 198, 43

65- Arnault P., Casoli F., Combes F., Kunth D., (1988), "CO Observations of Blue Compact Galaxies", A and A 205, 41

64- Combes F., (1988) Collisions between galaxies L'Astronomie (ISSN 0004-6302), vol. 102, Jan. 1988, p. 11-18.

63- Weliachew L., Casoli F., Combes F., (1988), "CO observations of bars in NGC6946 and Maffei2", A and A 199, 29

62- Combes F., Gerin M., Wootten H.A.,Wlodarczak G., Clausset F., Encrenaz P.J., (1987), "Acetone in interstellar space", A and A 180, L13

61- Combes F., (1987), "Collisions between galaxies: gravitation at play", in "Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution", Rencontres de Moriond, ed T.X. Thuan, T. Montmerle, J. Tran Thanh Van, P. 325

60- Combes F.,(1987), "Dynamical trigger of star formation in spiral galaxies", in "Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution", Rencontres de Moriond, ed T.X. Thuan, T. Montmerle, J. Tran Thanh Van, P. 313

59- Gerin, M., Wootten, A., Boulanger, F., Combes F., Encrenaz, P., Bogey, M., 1987, Detection of C3HD, in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 19, p.648

58- Dupraz C., Combes F., (1987), "Dynamical friction and shells around elliptical galaxies", A and A 185, L1

57- Gerin M., Wootten H.A., Combes F., Boulanger F., Peters W.L., Kuiper T.B.H., Encrenaz P.J., Bogey M., (1987), "Deuterated C3H2 as a clue to deuterium chemistry", A and A 173, L1

56- Boisse P., Casoli F., Combes F., (1987), "High resolution 12CO observations of the central parts of the interacting galaxy NGC3628", A and A 173, 229

55- Casoli F., Combes F., Stark A.A., (1987), "CO mapping of a giant complex in M31", A and A 173, 43

54- Federman S.R., Evans N.J., Wilson R.F., Falgarone E., Combes F., Sheufele B.M., (1987), "Interstellar clouds toward 3C154 and 3C353", ApJ 322, 960

53- Combes F., (1986), "Constraints on the molecular content of blue compact galaxies", in Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies, ed. Frontieres, ed. D. Kunth, p. 307

52- Casoli F., Dupraz C., Gerin M., Combes F., Boulanger F., (1986), "13CO and 12CO observations of cold IRAS unidentified point sources in the Galaxy", A and A 169, 281

51- Wootten A., Boulanger F., Bogey M., Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Gerin M., Ziurys L., (1986), "A search for interstellar H3O+", A and A 166, L15

50- Dupraz C., Combes F., Prieur J-L., (1986), "Shells around tumbling bars- Mass distribution around NGC3923", in "Structure and dynamics of elliptical galaxies", IAU Symp. 127, Princeton, ed. Tim de Zeeuw p. 469

49- Dupraz C., Combes F., (1986), "Dynamics of shells around elliptical galaxies", A and A 166, 53

48- Boulanger F., Casoli F., Combes F., Dupraz C., Gerin M., (1985), "Comparison of CO and IR emission of IRAS unidentified sources", in "Star Forming Regions", IAU 115, (Tokyo) ed. M Peimbert and Jun Jugaku p. 86

47- Clausset F., Combes F., (1985), "Hydrodynamical simulation of bipolar flows", in "Star Forming Regions", IAU 115, (Tokyo) ed. M Peimbert and Jun Jugaku p. 378

46- Combes F., Gerin M., (1985), "Molecular clouds in barred galaxies", IAU 115, (Tokyo) p. 632

45- Combes F., Boulanger F., Encrenaz P.J., Gerin M., Bogey M., Demuynck C., Destombes J.L., (1985), "Detection of interstellar CCD", Proceedings of ESO Symposium, Aspens, Sweden, June 85, p.

44- Boulanger F., Casoli F., Combes F., Dupraz C., Gerin M., (1985), "Comparison of CO and IR emission of IRAS unidentified sources", in "Light on dark matter; first international IRAS symposium", Leiden June 85, p.

43- Combes F., Paubert G., Encrenaz T., Lellouch E., Courtin R., (1985), "Observations of Jupiter and Saturn in the J=1-0 PH3 line", B.A.A.S.

42- Combes F., Boulanger F., Encrenaz P.J., Gerin M., Bogey M., Demuynck C., Destombes J.L., (1985), "Detection of interstellar CCD", A and A 147, L25

41- Combes F., Gerin M., (1985), "Molecular clouds spiral structure in response to a bar forcing: a particle simulation", A and A 150, 327

40- Dupraz C., Combes F., (1984), "Can shells help to distinguish between prolate and oblate elliptical galaxies?", E-IAU 8th, Toulouse, ed. J-L Nieto p.151

39- Casoli F., Combes F., Gerin M., (1984), "High velocity molecular flows in Sharpless 187", E-IAU 8th, Toulouse, ed. G. Serra p.136

38- Boulanger F., Bystedt J., Casoli F., Combes F., (1984), "High resolution CO observations in M31", E-IAU 8th, Toulouse, ed. J-L Nieto p.253

37- Boulanger F., Bystedt J., Casoli F., Combes F., (1984), "CO observations of M31 with 100pc resolution", A and A 140, L5

36- Lellouch E.,, Combes F., Encrenaz T.,(1984), "Microwave observations of Jupiter and Saturn", A and A 140, 216

35- Gerin M., Combes F., Encrenaz P., Linke R. Destombes J.L., Demuynck C., (1984), "Detection of 13CN in three galactic sources", A and A 136, L17

34- Lellouch E., Encrenaz T., Combes F., (1984), "Observability of HCN and PH3 on Saturn in the millimeter range", A and A 135, 371

33- Lellouch E., Encrenaz T., Combes F., Drossart P., (1984), "On the observability of HCN on Jupiter in the millimeter range", A and A 135, 365

32- Casoli F., Combes F., Gerin M., (1984),"13CO observations in the 2nd galactic quadrant; clouds statistics" A and A 133, 99

31- Evans N.J., Federman S.R., Combes F., Falgarone E., (1983), "Cold molecular material in the galaxy", IAU 100, ed. E. Athanassoula, p. 45

30- Casoli F., Combes F., Gerin M., (1983), "13CO observations towards the 2nd galactic quadrant with the Bordeaux telescope ", in Surveys of the southern galaxy, ed. Burton, p.181

29- Combes F., Gerin M., (1982), "The response of the ensemble of molecular clouds forcing in a galaxy disk", IAU 100, ed. E. Athanassoula, p. 225

28- Casoli F., Combes F., (1982), "Can Giant Molecular Clouds form in spiral arms?", A and A 110, 287

27- Combes F., (1981), "Giant molecular clouds in spiral arms", in "Extragalactic Molecules" (NRAO, Green Bank November 1981) ed. L. Blitz et M. Kutner, p.159

26- Casoli F., Combes F., (1981), "Cartographie dans le 2eme quadrant galactique de la molecule isotopique (13CO) de monoxyde de carbone", C.R. ACAD. SC. Paris E. 293 serie II p.761

25- Combes F., Sanders R.H., (1981), "Formation and properties of persisting stellar bars", A and A 96, 164

24- Boulanger F., Stark A.A., Combes F., (1981), "A complete CO map of a spiral arm region in M31", A and A 93, L1

23- Combes F., (1980), "Nuages moleculaires et structure spirale", colloque de Goutelas, Comptes-rendus.

22- Combes F., (1980), "Dynamique et structure des galaxies", PhD Thesis, Paris VII.

21- Combes F., Foy F., Gottesman S.T., Weliachew L., (1980), "Neutral hydrogen observations and simulations of the interacting galaxies", A and A 84, 85

20- Baudry A., Combes F., Perault M., Dickman R., (1980), "Observations of millimetric emission from interstellar HCO+, HCN, HNC, CCH", A and A 85, 244

19- Combes F., Falgarone E., Guibert J., Nguyen-Q-Rieu, (1980), "CO observations of interstellar clouds : isotopic ratios", A and A 90, 88

18- Encrenaz P.J., Stark A.A., Combes F., Linke R.A., Lucas R., Wilson R.W., (1980), "HCN absorption towards Cassiopeia A", A and A 88, L1

17- Encrenaz P.J., Stark A.A., Combes F., Wilson R.W., (1979), "Observations of carbon monoxide isotopes in external galaxies", A and A 78, L1

16- Combes F., (1978), "A model of tidal interactions within the NGC 4631 group of galaxies", A and A 65, 47

15- Combes F., (1978), "Interaction entre galaxies", Colloque de Goutelas (review article) p. 112-153

14- Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Lucas R., Weliachew L., (1978), "Carbon monoxide in M31", IAU Symp. 77 ed. E.M. Berkhuijsen and R. Wielebinski p. 137

13- Combes F., (1978), "Interactions within the NGC 4631 group of galaxies", IAU Symp. 77 ed. E.M. Berkhuijsen and R. Wielebinski p. 75

12- Combes F., Baudry A., (1978), "Molecular line observations toward CRL 2591 (UCA 27) 3rd Gregynog Astrophysics Workshop, Wales", in Giant Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy, ed. Solomon and Edmunds, p. 89.

11- Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Lucas R., Weliachew L., (1978), "Carbon monoxide in the Sc galaxy NGC 5236", A and A 67, L13

10- Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Lucas R., Weliachew L., (1978), "Upper limits to CO emission in five external galaxies", A and A 63, 303

9- Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., (1977), "Observations des raies dans le domaine radio", Journal de Physique n5 Supp, Tome 39, C1-131.

8- Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Lucas R., Weliachew L., (1977), "Observations du monoxyde de carbone dans M31", Journal de Physique n5 , C1-107.

7- Combes F., Encrenaz P.J., Lucas R., Weliachew L., (1977), "A first step towards the radial distribution of CO in the galaxy M31", A and A 61, L7

6- Combes F., Encrenaz P., Lucas R., Weliachew L., (1977), "Observations of the CO molecule in the spiral arms of external galaxies", A and A 55, 311

5- Combes F., Gottesman S.T., Weliachew L., (1977), "Aperture Synthesis study of neutral hydrogen in the galaxy NGC 253", A and A 59, 181

4- Combes F. (1975), "Conditions de la nucleosynthese dans un univers symetrique de matiere-antimatiere", These 3eme cycle

3- Combes F., Fassi-Fehri O., Leroy B. (1975) "Nucleosynthese dans un univers symetrique", Journal de Physique, n11 Supp. p.155

2- Combes F., Fassi-Fehri O., Leroy B., (1975) "Nucleosynthesis and matter-antimatter cosmologies" Nature 253, 25

1- Combes F., Fassi-Fehri O., Leroy B. (1975) "On the possibility of nucleosynthesis in any matter-antimatter symmetric cosmology", Astrophys. and Space Sciences 37, 151